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Everything posted by deadsox

  1. deadsox

    Random Post For No Reason

    I like pistachios.
  2. deadsox

    Crashing Companies

    Phantom this ties in with the recent KMart (Sears) posts. Sports Authority was a KMart creation and spinoff if you will. I recall when they opened, they seemed overpriced but DID have decent deals now and again. But like you, I've not stepped foot in one in at least a decade. Too much competition. SC For me it was that the customer service was terrible. The couple of times I did venture in there, there were just a few other customers and plenty of staff standing around talking to each other. If you went up to ask them about anything, you got the feeling you were interrupting their conversation. Sears in particular became very poor in customer service, particularly in any phone interaction and in service. They have made a decent attempt to improve over the last year or so but if customers have a bad experience they often won't go back.
  3. deadsox

    The 100 Club

    Marsha Hunt - what, the 70 year old who had Mick Jagger's baby? Don't know who that is but my Marsha is a 98 year old retired actress. That'll be THIS hot babe, then: Father (Jaggar) shagged her when he was about 20 then. I've kept it quiet but I am in fact their love child. The Hunt For Baby Hunt is over. Nice pic of mum. SirC What's Baby Hunt's first name? Mike maybe?
  4. deadsox

    William Shatner

    Is there a ham actor thread?
  5. deadsox

    A Joke

    It's remarkable how many different incarnations there are to the same joke. The US version is a bear on the roof.
  6. deadsox

    General Non School Massacre Thread

    Yes, but it's the thought that counts.
  7. deadsox

    Only Famous For Being Ill And Dying

    Reportedly dead. http://www.westseattleherald.com/2016/06/14/news/reports-say-tracy-dart-has-died-woman-who-faked So maybe her tombstone will be inscribed: "Now do you believe I was sick?"
  8. deadsox

    General Non School Massacre Thread

    I'm unaware that the NRA has ever based any opinions about gun ownership on religion. As an NRA member, I can tell you that I would be against it. Many Halibuts are responsible and upstanding US citizens, many having served honorably in the armed forces. Terrorists in Europe don't have "easy access" to firearms but I think there have been some "incidents" there as well, no? That's true.It has to be said though, Gun access is probably less problematical on mainland Europe than it is in the UK.The two most recent 'one man on a mission' incidents here have involved stabbings ( and running a poor sod over before hacking him to death)It cannot be too wrong to suggest that, had there been easier access to guns here, those three nut jobs would have killed many many people.You can cut it whichever way you wish but, bottom line, it was easier to shoot so many people dead than it was to stab them all to death.The right to bear arms has consequences that reach much further than peoples rights to own a gun. I can certainly understand that point of view Lordy. Europeans certainly have the right to put their faith in police to defend them and politicians to limit their power. I have no such faith. I hate you. But I still love you, Kid.
  9. deadsox

    General Non School Massacre Thread

    I'm unaware that the NRA has ever based any opinions about gun ownership on religion. As an NRA member, I can tell you that I would be against it. Many Halibuts are responsible and upstanding US citizens, many having served honorably in the armed forces. Terrorists in Europe don't have "easy access" to firearms but I think there have been some "incidents" there as well, no? That's true. It has to be said though, Gun access is probably less problematical on mainland Europe than it is in the UK. The two most recent 'one man on a mission' incidents here have involved stabbings ( and running a poor sod over before hacking him to death) It cannot be too wrong to suggest that, had there been easier access to guns here, those three nut jobs would have killed many many people. You can cut it whichever way you wish but, bottom line, it was easier to shoot so many people dead than it was to stab them all to death. The right to bear arms has consequences that reach much further than peoples rights to own a gun. I can certainly understand that point of view Lordy. Europeans certainly have the right to put their faith in police to defend them and politicians to limit their power. I have no such faith.
  10. deadsox

    General Non School Massacre Thread

    I'm unaware that the NRA has ever based any opinions about gun ownership on religion. As an NRA member, I can tell you that I would be against it. Many Halibuts are responsible and upstanding US citizens, many having served honorably in the armed forces. Terrorists in Europe don't have "easy access" to firearms but I think there have been some "incidents" there as well, no?
  11. deadsox

    General Non School Massacre Thread

    Born in US - parents are Afghani's. Can we wait for his mental health status and contacts to be released to see if he was radicalised or a lone nutter who picked his cause well? His father has said that the shootings were not religiously motivated, which makes me question how the hell he can say that so clearly. The sad thing is many Americans will go to church today and say a prayer for the victims, then preach next week about the sinfulness of homosexuality. What church do you attend? In mine we do no such thing. It's a pity that so many people have evolved to the point where they no longer stereotype blacks, Hispanics and other groups but see no problem whatsoever stereotyping Christians. I never said all, I said many. The relationship between hard line American Christians and homophobia are well documented. Oh OK, you were only talking about "hard line" Christians. I do know that a Halibut shoots down a large group of people and all you can think of is to somehow insinuate that Christians are the problem. (Pardon me, did I call him a Halibut? I must be some sort of Islamophobe!)
  12. deadsox

    General Non School Massacre Thread

    Born in US - parents are Afghani's. Can we wait for his mental health status and contacts to be released to see if he was radicalised or a lone nutter who picked his cause well? His father has said that the shootings were not religiously motivated, which makes me question how the hell he can say that so clearly. The sad thing is many Americans will go to church today and say a prayer for the victims, then preach next week about the sinfulness of homosexuality. What church do you attend? In mine we do no such thing. It's a pity that so many people have evolved to the point where they no longer stereotype blacks, Hispanics and other groups but see no problem whatsoever stereotyping Christians.
  13. deadsox

    General Non School Massacre Thread

    Trump is still a significant underdog.
  14. deadsox

    General Non School Massacre Thread

    That will make it a little more difficult for Obama to blame the NRA. He'll still try though.
  15. deadsox

    Muhammad Ali

    Twat's that you say? I have an ear infucktion and cunt hear you.
  16. deadsox

    Ice Hockey Players

    It would only be wrong if you were pretending to be a hockey fan.
  17. deadsox

    Billy Graham

    A 9 foot statue of a mental midget wouldn't make much sense.
  18. deadsox

    Hollywood Possibilities

    First thread I saw at the top of the new posts this morning was for Dan Aykroyd. Whats up there, I thought? Oh, indigestion, I guess. I should learn by now new threads no longer immediately equal dire health. Well, one of the 3-4 asshats we now have, RobertMugabe, came through as expected. Looking forward to the Brad Pitt thread when TMZ reports he was seen buying cough syrup. SC This creep chap clearly has little man syndrome. I have seen this before with white farmers. Like them, he needs putting in his place. You're just the man to do it Bobby Mugs. I do like the term "asshat" however.
  19. deadsox

    The dead of 2016

    I had heard of Kimbo Slice but thought it was probably some kind of soft drink.
  20. deadsox

    Dan Aykroyd

    You obviously didn't read Sir Creep's post: https://forums.deathlist.net/topic/1276-hollywood-possibilities/page-40#entry267831 Anyway, SC will not notice, he is probably too busy crying about some white ice hockey playing dying. Don't be concerned with what Mr. Creepy thinks. As long as you are now a poster, let me take this opportunity to ask you a few questions. How are you feeling? Is it true that you take regular trips to Indonesia for cancer treatment? What kind of cancer if true? Thanks in advance for your candid answers.
  21. deadsox

    Oldest People

    He was living in Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire in 2013 and I'm pretty certain if he had croaked it the local newspaper would have reported it. http://www.bucksherald.co.uk/search?query=Ghahreman+Pardis&sortByFlag=true&sortBy=date Thanks Cat. I'd appreciate a shout if he does. I like to keep my database up-to-date.
  22. deadsox

    Oldest People

    I don't think this topic is pointless at all. Many supercentenarians are mentioned in the press when they die and score in the DDP as well as many other pools (including my favorite, the Death League). I also disagree that supercentenarians shouldn't be on the DL unless they are "famous for some other reason". Why be so judgmental? Isn't it better to be famous for being really old than for being a mass murderer? Anyway....... the reason I was looking for this topic is to ask all the Brits if they know anything recent about Ghahreman Pardis. I was going through my database looking for a replacement for Muhammad Ali and came upon Ghahreman. He made the news a few years ago because he was reputed to be the world's oldest man but wasn't recognized by Guinness because of his lack of documentation. He was living in Britain back then. I can't find any news to tell me if he's still kicking. Is he?
  23. deadsox

    The 7Th Death Of 2016

    I've been picking Bhumibol Adulyadej for all of these so I decided to switch to Zsa Zsa.
  24. deadsox

    Old Folkies Home

    So he was a musician w Richard Thompson, which pulls this into Fairport Convention discussions we've had in a couple threads. Look for another FC hit this year. It's symbiotic. SC I wouldn't be too surprised if the Swarb were to go this year. I'm really going to have to stop doing this about people I like. But will you continue to do it about people you don't like?
  25. deadsox

    The dead of 2016

    It would be more appropriate if we had shootings.

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