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Everything posted by deadsox

  1. deadsox

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2017

    ???? Tell us more, oh master-of-celebrity-sex-weirdness? Debbie Does Doggies? You'll like this, Winalot! Debbie Does Dog food???????
  2. deadsox

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2017

    ???? Tell us more, oh master-of-celebrity-sex-weirdness? Debbie Does Doggies?
  3. deadsox

    The 3rd death of 2016

    I agree with wildwind. Bhumibol Adulyadej.
  4. deadsox

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2017

    actually I have great grammer in real life but not here because of my keyboard. Has your keyboard ever corrected before to beg, I guess not. You tapped into your keyboard the word grammar and it 'corrected' it to grammer? Bullshit! I had a great grandma too but she passed away.
  5. One tip Doc: Insults usually work better if they are terse. Going on too long is a killer.
  6. deadsox

    Kirk Douglas

    If he's immortal, then I guess he shouldn't be on the list at all.
  7. deadsox

    Bernie Madoff

    You mean he plays cards with himself?
  8. deadsox

    Deathrace 2016

    I see that Mark Farren has joined the choir invisible.
  9. deadsox

    Joey Feek

    Don't I have February 10th?
  10. You forgot Bush. Lol I literally forgot he existed... anyways I guess he has 2% then and Paul no chance. I think Bush might do better than expected. He does have name recognition, and he is part of a political dynasty which appeals to arch-conservatives. Even if he doesn't. If he does better that the other under 20%er, he might emerge as the sensible candidate. Then again, it seems that both parties would elect a sensible candidate only begrudgingly. In New Hampshire, we're getting absolutely bombarded by mailings that are not from any specific candidate but are attacks on many Republicans. I don't know for sure but I suspect that Bush (who has a lot of money behind him) is responsible. We are also bombarded by phone calls but I don't answer those. So, are you actually gonna turn out and vote when the time comes? Absolutely. I always vote even if I don't like the choices.
  11. You forgot Bush. Lol I literally forgot he existed... anyways I guess he has 2% then and Paul no chance. I think Bush might do better than expected. He does have name recognition, and he is part of a political dynasty which appeals to arch-conservatives. Even if he doesn't. If he does better that the other under 20%er, he might emerge as the sensible candidate. Then again, it seems that both parties would elect a sensible candidate only begrudgingly. In New Hampshire, we're getting absolutely bombarded by mailings that are not from any specific candidate but are attacks on many Republicans. I don't know for sure but I suspect that Bush (who has a lot of money behind him) is responsible. We are also bombarded by phone calls but I don't answer those.
  12. deadsox

    Room 101

    It is not about the rules. It is the principle of it! Two of the deaths which gained points have had their names coded so they don't turn up on search engines! What does this prove? It proves that even the organiser of the DDP knows things have gone too far, and that the rules need to be fixed to bring the game back to something which it used to be! Either that or he should uncode the names, and take the consequences of running a dead pool that accepts that sort of thing. I beg to differ. It is about the rules. If players are succeeding and it's against the spirit or principles of the game then the rules should be changed (as you say yourself). It makes more sense than complaining about the success of others which only comes off as whining.
  13. deadsox

    Room 101

    The rules for DDP are pretty specific. The deceased has to be mentioned in one of several national British sources. If someone's figured out how to get points with famous-for-being-old or sick folks, then they haven't violated any rules. Tip your hat and congratulate them.
  14. deadsox

    The 2nd death of 2016

  15. Although I have major concerns about both parties and all candidates, it may not be as bleak as this.
  16. deadsox

    Joey Feek

    Is it too late to put in for February 10?
  17. deadsox

    Bandwidth Limit Exceeded

    I didn't think I'd miss DL but I did. I went to the FB page a couple of times but with one exception, I don't know who there is who here.
  18. There is a middle ground between jingoism and apathy.
  19. Let's meet behind the stadium after school to settle this.
  20. deadsox

    Abe Vigoda

    One of my favorite parts of the Godfather is when Tessio realizes that he's being taken for a ride and says to Tom Hagen "Can you get me off the hook Tom, for old times sake?" and Tom (Robert Duvall) says "Can't do it Sally".
  21. deadsox

    The dead of 2016

    The are many threads where this was posted throughout yesterday and i'll leave it to Cat to point them out. However a simple glance at the home page might have given you a hint. Mark Twain is dead too. This time it's not exaggerated.
  22. deadsox

    The Godfather

    I voted for Robert Duvall.
  23. deadsox

    Ask A Deathlister

    Eh? Sorry phone touchpad broke. in quick if a candidates cv statement has company applied for in would it increase odds of interview Eh? Morbidkid, can you translate this for us please? Sorry I was a bit tired last night and using my phone which has a load of broken parts to the screen when typing. Basically I'm currently applying to some jobs that require CV only applications and a bit unsure about how far to go with tailoring the CV to the position applied for. I've always been taught to open my CV with a brief personal statement highlighting key skills relevant to the post applied for and I was wondering whether it is better to finish that section of the CV off with something along the lines of "I would relish an opportunity to work in retail and utilise these skills" or "I would relish working in [shop name] and utilise these skills". It's barely any extra effort as I'm already re-writing that section for every job applied for but was wondering if it came off as a bit gimmicky? Eh? Sorry phone touchpad broke. in quick if a candidates cv statement has company applied for in would it increase odds of interview Eh? Morbidkid, can you translate this for us please? Not sure how you work in the company name you are applying to in your CV. I always have a cover letter that has a physical address and contact person/Dept even if an online posting asking it to be sent to HR dotcom. Shows I took the time to learn something about them. Maybe it shows I'm a stalker lol. SC See above. Resumes (aka CV's) can be tailored to a particular position (better showcasing needed skills and experience) but you should include a cover letter with each application. To include a particular company you're applying to in the resume always looks a bit phony. In the cover letter you can point to things in your resume that apply specifically to the job and organization to which you are applying. Use the same words and terminology in the ad (if there was one) so you won't be screened out by automatic scanners. The user who said that most jobs aren't advertised is correct. Better than responding to ads is researching companies that are seeking your skills and try to find out who you can ask for an "informational interview".
  24. deadsox

    Biggest 'miss(es)' by the DL Committee 2016

    Could smoke only with assistance. Got to love that!
  25. deadsox

    Dead Pop Stars

    Nope, not a hoax. When I heard of Glenn Frey's passing, this is the song I thought of: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ufTf6fs2NCc

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