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Everything posted by deadsox

  1. deadsox

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2016

    I hate to be disagreeable Ug but Philip is 94 and Bush is 91. I don't call that "round 100". I'd call 98 or 99 around 100.
  2. deadsox

    Bhumibol Adulyadej

    Back in the early ninties when I worked for a certain Nationalised Coal mining organisation we had some Chinese interns with us for a few months and they would spend time with us in the labs. Of course working from British Coal and criticizing the government of the day went hand in hand but this poor Chinese lad used to sit listening to us very nervously watching the door all the time. He later said that he was shocked about how we talked about our Government all the time in critical terms, people who do that in China ( he hesistated looking for the right word) .....disappear. Made me think about the freedoms we have that we take for granted. We should never take hard won freedoms and rights for granted. That's why I support and defend the US Constitution.
  3. deadsox

    The Fights Between Phantom And Dr Zorders

    At least it's good to have this nonsense segregated to one thread so it doesn't spill into others. That way those who wish to read this train wreck can do so and those who have better things to do can ignore it.
  4. deadsox

    Bhumibol Adulyadej

    How would they know who's posting here? Big Brother is watching BB.
  5. deadsox

    Read Any Good Books Lately?

    I just finished "The Righteous Mind: Why Good People Are Divided by Politics and Religion" by Jonathan Haidt. It was excellent and goes a long way toward explaining how people (including myself) think.
  6. deadsox

    Kirk Douglas

    You thought he'd age better? He's 99 and vertical. I think that's aging well.
  7. deadsox

    Donald J Trump

    He'll eventually say something dumb enough to make him unelectable in a general election. I hope that's before the primaries are done because if he's the Republican nomine, it's going to mean a Hillary presidency. I'll probably take a Democratic ballot in the NH primary this year and vote for Bernie. If it's Hillary vs. Trump I'll have to look for a third party candidate. Right, despite having a qualification or two I'm a little dumb where some of the above is concerned. Why do so many people assume the Hillary nomination is a foregone conclusion and am I right in recalling that a few presidential nominees, like Carter, were late surge merchants who weren't highly regarded when the nominations opened and partly achieved their final success because front runners either fucked up or fell away in terms of support? I don't believe it's a foregone conclusion Mary (after all I say I'll probably vote for him) but it's unlikely that Bernie will win the nomination because he's plainly against the big money interests (his appeal as far as I'm concerned). Hillary has the feminist appeal (1st woman US President) and the Big Money. I hope he can beat Hillary but I doubt it.
  8. deadsox

    Donald J Trump

    He'll eventually say something dumb enough to make him unelectable in a general election. I hope that's before the primaries are done because if he's the Republican nomine, it's going to mean a Hillary presidency. I'll probably take a Democratic ballot in the NH primary this year and vote for Bernie. If it's Hillary vs. Trump I'll have to look for a third party candidate.
  9. deadsox

    Donald J Trump

    Trump would make a horrible president. He reminds me of the president in the movie "Idiotocracy". Lots of wrestling-like tag lines. That being said, I understand why he resonates with some Americans. Both parties have failed us on the illegal immigration issue and he's really the only one addressing it (although not well in my opinion).
  10. deadsox

    General Non School Massacre Thread

    By Dr Z ? How about that?
  11. Ah, that's what I love about The Deathlist, always such interesting and insightful discussions.
  12. deadsox

    General Non School Massacre Thread

    I don't believe it's Islam that's the problem but Islamists. I recently read a pretty good book on the subject by an American Halibut named Dr. Zuhdi Jasser.
  13. deadsox

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2016

    You just know him Joey Feek,Howard Marks,Kris Travis etc will all die Dec 20th ish to send teams scrambling Who the hell is Kris Travis....should I be paying more attention here? It's, um you know, one of those guys who runs around in brightly coloured tights and engages in sweaty grappling with other men in the hope of picking up chicks. You guys invented it. Spade Cooley needs him to die in the hope of being able to pick up chicks by telling them about his "DDP three-peat". I've been able to pick up chicks by merely mentioning I know Spade Cooley of DDP fame. SC I'd hate to see what those "chicks" look like Mr. Creepy.
  14. deadsox

    New Here And Just Saying Hello

    Evening Guest. Piss off you cunt - at least you finally registered you bastard. Goodness Caz, such venom for poor Mac!
  15. deadsox

    Political Frailty

    Quite a phrase "lovably corrupt". They do love him here in da bayou. He no sooner got out of federal prison than he was welcomed back with open arms and he wrote an autobiography that was an instant best seller, around these parts at least. SChttp://www.edwinedwardsbooks.com And comments therein.... When born on the bayou, you can get away with anything, unless you are David Vitter Don't kid yourself, he's about to become our next Governor (smfh) SC So by your use of "here in the bayou" and "our next governor" I guess your a Cajun?
  16. deadsox

    Political Frailty

    Quite a phrase "lovably corrupt".
  17. deadsox


    Hope he didn't stay on the stage too long....
  18. deadsox

    Happy Thanksgiving

    I was thinking the other day how lame and old a joke it is to pardon a turkey before Thanksgiving every year. It was probably half funny around 80 years ago when it was first done.
  19. deadsox

    Happy Thanksgiving

    Happy Thanksgiving to all those who celebrate it. Best wishes for a great day to all the rest as well.
  20. deadsox


    "The good news though is Brock is recuperating now and is already taking steps on his road to recovery." Doesn't seem the best choice of words. Yes and I guess he won't steal any more bases on us like in the 1967 World Series.
  21. deadsox

    The Crowdsourced Deathlist

    I suggest Kay Burley. Oh, and I heard that Peter Falk has Alzheimer's.........
  22. deadsox

    Not Really Famous, But What A Moniker!

    I saw this on FB and giggled for half an hour.

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