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Everything posted by deadsox

  1. deadsox

    A Joke

    Jesus fucking christ. Genuinely the first joke to make me wince since that abortion one. I just scratched my head.
  2. deadsox

    Denis Healey

    You really really need to change your avatar. It looks like a mug shot of a child molester. I was gonna make such a comment too but it would have been more subtle than that. Sometimes subtle can be more deadly. Then again other times you just go straight for the jugular........ (lol) How do you know he's not a real child molester? I would never want to assume that about anyone. I won't ask him to watch my grandchildren though.
  3. deadsox

    Denis Healey

    you like the person my mom and dad warned me about. Are you stalking me? I have absolutely no idea what this means; are you like, do you like, you are like ... Bad grammar always offends someone; good grammar never offends anyone. He seems to be saying that Mr. Bones likes another person and that person was someone that the Kid's parents warned him about. He also suspects that Mr. Bones is stalking him. Certainly it could be clearer.
  4. deadsox

    Denis Healey

    Have you took your profile pic in a public toilet? Also, why do you like a bus driver? Mr. Bones, please excuse all this and make another post. It's rough group but they give out some good death pooling information.
  5. deadsox

    Denis Healey

    You really really need to change your avatar. It looks like a mug shot of a child molester. That's mean Lordy. It's probably his real picture.
  6. deadsox

    The 12th Death Of 2015

    Bhumibol Adulyadej (I can't believe I know how to spell that). Short Live The King!
  7. deadsox

    Bhumibol Adulyadej

    ..... Well fuck. Who wants to fly with me to Thailand and assassinate the old bastard? Patience, patience Grasshopper. Remember Cardinal Francis George? The King will soon drop like a ripe piece of fruit. I hope you don't mean he will splat on the ground to be picked over by rats and starlings..... No, they seem to think a lot of him in Thailand. I'm sure they'll pick him up.
  8. deadsox

    Bhumibol Adulyadej

    ..... Well fuck. Who wants to fly with me to Thailand and assassinate the old bastard? Patience, patience Grasshopper. Remember Cardinal Francis George? The King will soon drop like a ripe piece of fruit.
  9. deadsox

    Political Frailty

    There are a bunch of articles about Helmut Kohl but they're all in German. I think it says that he's getting better but would someone look and tell us what's going on (I flunked German).
  10. deadsox


    Until this moment I hadn't realized that Dr. Zorders was actually Donald Trump.
  11. deadsox

    Deadpool Detective Work

    There was really someone named Pepe Poupee? How about the "What a Moniker" thread for her?
  12. deadsox

    Last Of The Mohicans

    Are Otway and Barrett Mohicans?
  13. deadsox

    Last Of The Mohicans

    It's hard to be sure if anyone is "the last" of any category. For example, James Fennimore Cooper told us that Uncas was the last of the Mohicans but then they started a casino in Connecticut. Go figure.
  14. deadsox

    Irate Visitors Rage Here, If You Must.

    In our Death League there are 5 teams with 15 celebrities every year. When accused by detractors of wishing for my team of celebs to die, I said "Don't think of me wishing for 15 people to die, think of me wishing for 60 people to live!"
  15. I'm not sure if you're thick or psychotic Lordy but I'll venture a guess on psychotic.
  16. deadsox

    The 100 Club

    I think Midway was the turning point but that doesn't diminish Mr. Payne's valor and accomplishments.
  17. deadsox

    May I Perchance Rant?

    "Non-lead" actors. Or the person playing 2nd villain who you think is quite good, while the camera spends all its time focusing on someone like Tom Cruise. I fucking hate Tom Cruise. He is a massive cunt. Nah, if you want to piss him off, he's a tiny cunt ..... Wouldn't that be a compliment?
  18. deadsox

    The Dead Of 2015

    sorry i don't speak assholian. Not to split hairs but it's not Assholian, it's Asswipish. They both come from the same Fecal-Intestinal linguistic group.
  19. deadsox

    1. Jimmy Carter

    I don't think you can die of Hemorrhoids.. Actually you can Blackie. If you get your head far enough up your ass they can strangle you.
  20. thats it, you are officially on my shadow list Well now that Blackie is officially in the DDP I guess we are all candidates. I don't like the obit chances though.
  21. deadsox

    1. Jimmy Carter

    Would you know if Bears shit in the woods???? Yes, but you misspeak Lordy. It's popes shitting in the woods and bears are catholic.
  22. deadsox

    1. Jimmy Carter

    He'll survive 2015 and be a "dead cert" for 2016.
  23. deadsox

    The Dead Of 2015

    And the bulk of our fun when we abuse them. Consider it progress, none of us has baited a bear since we started online. Speak for yourself. And I've seen the evidence :-) Cruelty to animals, you fuckers are sick; clearly lacking the moral fibre to share this space with the rest of us and obsess about the final hours of famous people. I don't think it was that kind of bear that deadsox was baiting. Just for the record, the kind of bear that I will bait is black bear. It's a legal and ethical way to hunt bear in New Hampshire and Maine among other places. As to hunting being "cruel", I submit that the great majority of people kill animals every day when they eat their sausages, hamburgers or chicken mcnuggets. If Mary is a vegetarian, I applaud his choice but we all get to decide for ourselves what we're going to eat and how we kill it (do it yourself or hire an executioner). Hunting has been a large part of who we are (for good or ill) for thousands of years. Many experts believe we evolved to our present form due to becoming hunters. Maybe some people due to modern technology feel that they've evolved past me and that's fine. I will continue to be a human being with all that implies.
  24. deadsox

    The Dead Of 2015

    And the bulk of our fun when we abuse them. Consider it progress, none of us has baited a bear since we started online. Speak for yourself.
  25. deadsox

    1. Jimmy Carter

    I'll take February 11, 2016, if I may.

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