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Everything posted by deadsox

  1. deadsox

    The Dead Of 2010

    Political activist Granny D (Doris Haddock) died March 9th in New Hampshire. Her demise gives the Dead Sox their seventh straight Death League title in sudden death overtime (our sudden death OT is literal). http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100310/ap_on_...us_obit_haddock
  2. Happy Birthday Vaagy my friend.
  3. deadsox

    The Dead Of 2010

    Done that, thanks Twelvetrees, now can you tell me how I might stem the blood pouring from both wrists? As the Rollings Stones said, Let it Bleed.
  4. deadsox

    New Here And Just Saying Hello - 2010

    Three years and you haven't found the "I'm new here thread" designed for just such a purpose. Sighs. Welcome Death. Never thought I'd be saying that. Now if you don't mind be a good chap and stand in the line over there. Welcome Death. Don't mind Godot. I thought he had gone but apparently not.
  5. deadsox

    The Weather

    Bloody hell, do they build power lines of cardboard in Massachusetts etc. ? That's a measly force 10 storm. Strong wind alright, but hardly cause for more damage than a few blown-off roof tiles, downed road signs and broken tree branches. Perhaps a few broken window panes. Power lines are supposed to withstand that kind of wind. regards, Hein I've farted stronger than force 10. I believe it.
  6. deadsox

    The Weather

    Bloody hell, do they build power lines of cardboard in Massachusetts etc. ? That's a measly force 10 storm. Strong wind alright, but hardly cause for more damage than a few blown-off roof tiles, downed road signs and broken tree branches. Perhaps a few broken window panes. Power lines are supposed to withstand that kind of wind. regards, Hein We have things in the New World that you might not be familiar with on the Continent. They're called trees. I know you mentioned tree branches but we've got big ones (trees, that is). When a 60mph wind blows through, it knocks down trees that are not in the best condition. These masses of several tons of wood fall upon power lines. You really got power lines that will withstand that?
  7. deadsox

    The Weather

    We had a windstorm with up to 60 mph winds which has knocked out power for thousands in northeastern Massachusetts and southeastern New Hampshire. Our power's been out since Thursday night so I came to my daughter's house to check out Death League news. We have a generator for heat, fridge, freezer and a couple of lights. There was a huge fire at Hampton Beach that took out a whole block.
  8. deadsox

    Ask A Deathlister

    Coyote hunt? Scout for turkeys? Get ready for trout season? Get a good chess game going? Take a dip in the Atlantic? Read a book?
  9. deadsox

    Death Songs

    I will go with a Lakota death song/battle cry: Hoka Hey! Whether it means "It is a good day to die" or "Hold fast, there is more", it's the one for me.
  10. You could watch this. http://vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=2539741%3E
  11. Happy Birthday to my friend Yvonne.
  12. deadsox

    Linda Uttley

    Do any of you Brits have news about Linda Uttley?
  13. deadsox

    American Football Players

    New Orleans wins their first Super Bowl! Who Dat?
  14. deadsox

    The Second Death Of 2010

    Abdelbaset al Megrahi. Not because I really think so but because I need the hit and I'm afraid the bastard was faking all along.
  15. deadsox

    Ali Hassan Al-majid

    Chemical Ali was discussed at the DL 2010 selection meeting, but for reasons I don't now recall he wasn't picked. Maybe this latest death sentence will be ignored like the rest of them. I think it will really happen this time. He's had the trial for his offenses against the Kurds and it seems like al Maliki and the council have finally come to some sort of an agreement. I always thought that you didn't pick him because you're following the DDP rules (no executions). He's eligible in my league and he's on my team. I need him because I am one grave behind with less than a month and a half to go. His death moves the Dead Sox back into a first place tie with a little over a month to go in the Death League season. It's possible we'll have our second "sudden death" overtime in 14 years.
  16. deadsox

    Ali Hassan Al-majid

    Chemical Ali was discussed at the DL 2010 selection meeting, but for reasons I don't now recall he wasn't picked. Maybe this latest death sentence will be ignored like the rest of them. I think it will really happen this time. He's had the trial for his offenses against the Kurds and it seems like al Maliki and the council have finally come to some sort of an agreement. I always thought that you didn't pick him because you're following the DDP rules (no executions). He's eligible in my league and he's on my team. I need him because I am one grave behind with less than a month and a half to go.
  17. deadsox

    John Demjanjuk

    I do not believe that a sweepstakes would be in order. That should be reserved for candidates who are clearly at the end. Although Mr. Demjanjuk is a decent candidate, his ailment is one that can be lived with for a long time. You can also add the "on trial/imprisoned" factor that gives people a great reason to exaggerate illnesses. That being said, I love a competition, so I'll go for July 23, 2012. (Who will be keeping track of this anyway?)
  18. deadsox

    World's Oldest

    I'm not talking about whether Mr. Breuning should be included in the Death List. Actually I would be opposed (if anyone should ask my opinion). I'm more concerned with the perception that only famous people have achieved anything "important". Did an individual love someone? Did people love him/her? Did the person have children that were raised to responsible, loving adults? Did the person touch the lives of others in a positive way? These questions (and many more of the same ilk) are much more important (to me, anyway) in regard to whether or not a person has achieved anything "important". I'll get off the soapbox now.
  19. deadsox

    World's Oldest

    Who is he and what has he achieved in his life (except for growing old)? He's the oldest man alive, so I reckon the answer to your question should be: nothing. VAR is just a prick who decided to start posting stupid remarks out of utter boredom, I guess. Although Mr. Breuning's fame is based solely upon him achieving extreme old age, I think that to say that he has achieved nothing in his life is unfair. We shouldn't fall into the trap that only celebrities are real people who are worthy of notice. I understand that Tomb's remark is based upon whether or not he's appropriate to be included as a "celebrity" but to say out of hand that someone who's 113 has achieved "nothing" sounds wrong to me.
  20. deadsox

    Derby Dead Pool 2010

    Do what you think is appropriate Blackie, I'm in no matter what but I think that BS has a point that a deadline is a deadline. I held off until the last few days to get my team in but everyone should be in by the end of 2009, London time.
  21. deadsox

    Derby Dead Pool 2010

    No problem letting Blackie in Vaagy old buddy, as long as he buys me a beer and a summat.
  22. deadsox

    Derby Dead Pool 2010

    You should play Blackie. Only pathetic whiners are going to accuse you of cheating. Almost everyone is going to be grateful for your hard work. Excellent job getting everything in so soon, by the way.
  23. deadsox

    Derby Dead Pool 2010

    Wow, you and me both. She was my joker. 'twas a bad year She was mine too. I also had an already dead pick. Add Linda Uttley and I coulda bin a contenda, instead of a bum, which is what I am.

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