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Everything posted by deadsox

  1. It's Good Friday and I haven't partaken in any sweets. Only a day and a half to go. To be completely honest, I don't love sweets so it hasn't been too difficult.
  2. deadsox

    Ideas and Possibilities for 2010

    If he's revived he isn't dead and wasn't dead by my reckoning.
  3. Happy Birthday CR and Welshman.
  4. deadsox

    Farrah Fawcett

    I'm interested in the word "asshat" as I don't find it in the dictionary. Is it a hat worn by a donkey? Is it a hat that someone wears on their own ass? (American spelling; the Brit version would be arsehat) Does it mean that someone wears an ass for a hat on their head? (using either a donkey or a pair of buttocks, this would seem a bit uncomfortable and an unlikely meaning). Maybe you could make a quite nice and normal looking hat from the skin of a donkey or someone's buttocks. Another possibility is that I'm getting this completely wrong. Maybe it's a word that comes to us from a different language and has a meaning I can't even guess at (asshat; from Arabic, pronounced az-at'; denoting a person with little understanding of Death League protocols). Or something else entirely? Any enlightenment you can share will be appreciated. I just love new words.
  5. deadsox

    Comedic Euthanasia?

    Comic Euthanasia? I thought this thread was going to be about using Monty Python's "killer joke" to kill someone (my dog has no nose....).
  6. deadsox

    Long Time Death, No Death Notice

    Did you mean to post that as a guest? I.am just so drunk at the moment! Vaagy, you are beautiful!
  7. deadsox

    Deathlist Dictionary.

    Obviously a male whose mother and father were not married.
  8. deadsox

    Bernie Madoff

    It's Scream, not screams. Respect yer elders bitch. Anyway, I wouldn't mind if Bernie received the death penalty. Does anyone share the same thought? Wouldn't it set an example? Even if Bernie is never executed, it would make people think. The greedy minds would change their minds. Once people start changing their minds, the world will change too. I think that sums it up. Settle down, Beavis. Anyway, I'd love it if Bernie were sent to a prison and get his ass brutally raped and killed by an inmate on death row with nothing to lose. I'm against the death penalty on general principle but even I can acknowledge that in some cases it would constitute justice. That being said, to suggest that someone who steals money should be executed is really silly. I'm not trying to minimize the seriousness of Bernie's crime, just suggesting that capital punishment for a Ponzi scheme is ridiculous. The comparative luxury of the facilities that deal with less violent offenders has more to do with the company they keep than any attempt by the authorities to make things better for "white collar" inmates.
  9. deadsox

    The Jane Goodie Sweepstake

    Not many; all. Hopefully the cancer that is "reality" TV will also go the same way. Sadly it won't go away while accountants run television. Quick, cheap and easy to make, 'reality TV' will be around for a while yet. It is not accountants that are the problem. Usually they are just pointing out the obvious, that a business that spends more money than it makes will go bankrupt. That's a bit like blaming your bank manager for the fact you have an overdraft. The problem is that the "creative" people are not doing their jobs properly. If they created quality content that people wanted to watch, then there wouldn't be a problem. As it is, people prefer watching reality TV than poor quality drama etc, and to the shame of the "creative" elite they take this easy copout and churn it out ad infinitum. Are you really trying to say budget isn't a consideration in television production? Bollocks it isn't. Quality of TV drama is dictated by budget, money buys good writers, actors and crews. 'Reality' is done for a fraction of the cost and most shamefully, rates its socks off. I think that the ultimate fault for the hideously poor TV fare is the poor taste of the audience. If they refused to watch the tripe that passes for entertainment the accountants would certainly approve more money. I also believe that there are plenty of sufficiently creative people out there who could produce some quality shows if anyone was interested in watching them.
  10. deadsox

    Where Will The Next School Massacre Be?

    Your questions are neither dumb nor annoying. I didn't know much of anything about this stuff until I took up hunting around ten years ago and I'm still not nearly as knowledgeable as the real experts. The typical long range calibers and loads that someone like me would use (.270, 30-06) could travel over two miles. That could extend further by using a high trajectory. There are some specialized shells that use small projectiles and lots of gunpowder (.220 e.g.) could probably go over 4 miles. God only knows what the military may have for sniper shells.
  11. deadsox

    A Joke

    A man calls the Emergency Medical Services and says "I think my wife may be dead". The operator asks why he thinks so. He says "Well the sex is the same but the dishes are piling up".
  12. deadsox

    Where Will The Next School Massacre Be?

    i wonder how close you have to be to a gunshot to hear it? 1 mile? less? also, if you fire a gun, how long does the bullet go for before it slows down, or gravity takes it to the ground? also if you fire a bullet directly up in the air, how high would it go? and then if it landed back on your head, would it kill you? i'll let you think about that before someone clever comes up with all the answers. damn i've missed this site. x. There are no set answers to your questions, RM. For question number one, different guns, calibers and loads make different amounts of noise. Also different terrain and atmospheric conditions would play a large part in the acoustics of any auditory situation. For question number two, different shells travel very variable distances. For example, a 30-30 shell has much less gunpowder than a 30-06, so although they are the same caliber, a 30-06 travels a much greater distance, probably well over a mile in most conditions. A bullet fired straight into the sky would speed up according to the laws of physics governing the rate of acceleration from its highest point to the ground and could conceivably kill a person if struck, depending on how high it got, how fast it was able to accelerate, the mass of the projectile, where it struck the unfortunate individual (talk about bad luck!) and how tough that individual is/was. By the way, we don't get issued guns in the third grade. It's in the fifth.
  13. Happy Birthdays Pooka and Real Madron.
  14. deadsox

    Fascinating Creatures - Squids

    http://www.thebostonchannel.com/entertainm...876/detail.html Ock in a box!
  15. deadsox

    The Third 2009 Success Poll

    Special train for Atkins...
  16. deadsox

    Deathlist Dreaming

  17. Well, BS with all that verbiage I would think that there would be a point in there somewhere but I'll be damned if I can find it. What are you talking about?????
  18. deadsox

    Fidel Castro

    many reasons. preparing everything so their is no surprise attack from usa or any of its neighbors <<< (i know and u know this is very unlikely but this is cuba and these types of countries are paranoid) or uprising in Cuba. they can gain a lot off fidel's words if they release a statement saying raul castro said this or said that it wouldn't be taken as seriously as if fidel said the same words. they are also looking for the opportune moment to say he's dead no doubt something big will be happening somewhere else when they do so. all the world will be focused on that particular event . this is why i thought they would announce it during obama's inauguration , but i think fidel wasnt dead then. they want to do it in the quietest way possible, but i know and you know that is very hard to do so they are waiting for a big event .an iran and israel war would be an example of an opportune moment. I asked for reasons and you provided them. That being said, I still don't buy it. They've been waiting for an invasion since the Bay of Pigs so I don't believe that one skinny old man is going to make much difference. Raul has had plenty of time to establish himself. Mummifying Fidel won't help much in that either. Waiting for a "slow news day" won't work. Whenever he dies it'll be big news world wide. Is it possible that you're right and Fidel's chilling? Yes. Is it more likely than the alternate scenario of him being sick and unable to rule? No. Be patient, I think he'll go soon.
  19. deadsox

    Deathlist Dreaming

    The other night I dreamed I was driving my wife's car. I could hear a loud noise and I thought that the exhaust system must be going bad and it would probably cost me $400 or so to fix it and I was bummed out. Then I woke up and discovered that the loud noise was my wife snoring.
  20. I've never done a Lent denial thing before but I gave up all sweets (candy, pie, cookies, cake, ice cream). I wonder if I'll make it?
  21. deadsox

    Bill Clinton's Cat Socks

    Which makes him Dead Socks. I wonder if one of the DL members can claim royalties. I would if there was any money in it.
  22. deadsox

    Michael Jackson

    Thanks for the colonial clarification. In the UK, we allow our greater wealth of grammar and spelling to differentiate between two words that (vaguely) sound the same. English vocabulary caters for "ass" and "arse" (just not in the same way). In fact, we even BOTHER to pronouce them differently.....the clue is they are different words, meaning different things. That must cause all sorts of confusion in middle-USA...."honest. officer, I was only fondling the farmer's wife's ass"...etc Get over it. After all. we have to deal with Microsoft's insidious dumbing-down and mangling of proper English. You are quite welcome for the clarification Terminator. I don't agree that you have any "greater wealth of grammar and spelling" however. My comment was not meant to impugn the UK's different spelling, just to acknowledge the difference. As a matter of fact, I rather like your spelling. I'm sure you are aware that there are many words in English that have different meanings with identical spellings. We who are knowledgeable about the language can discern the intended meaning from the usage in the sentence. It is also the source of much humor (or humour if you prefer). Why should we make value judgments over which spelling is "better" or "correct". Let's just acknowledge our differences and celebrate the richness of our nearly common tongue. That said, YOU get over it and kiss my ass/arse.

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