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Everything posted by deadsox

  1. deadsox

    Happy Thanksgiving

    Well I can't say I'm proud of this Deadsox but only last week I had my arm up a Canadian goose (that would make it American) I'd shot, drawing out its innards. Mrs Godot roasted it for lunch and I curried the rest with some partridge that I had also shot. Very good it was too. So I think I do have the stomach for a bit of slaughter and I always eat what I kill, apart from the odd fly and maybe a wasp or two. What I do find hard to stomach, however, are your sanctimonious, holier-than-thou, happy-clappy warblings from deep in the heart of Obnoxiousville. Have a nice day! Well I will admit to being surprised Godot, maybe you're not the effete little snob you appear to be. I do have a few reservations, however: A goose would make an awfully large lunch. If you were a hunter, you would be proud. A "Canadian" goose would be any goose living on Canada, and I don't know if they really care about nationality. The game bird you are probably referring to would be a Canada Goose. Your little story doesn't seem to ring true. I obviously don't know that for a fact, but you can say you shot an elephant and a polar bear and I really don't know do I? I am am having and will have a nice day. I'm warm, safe and snug here in Obnoxiousville but the only thing I don't understand is why you don't drop in to say hello? You live here too.
  2. deadsox

    Happy Thanksgiving

    Which is to say, "I am completely jaded and negative", your perpetual state as far as I can tell, Godot. If you don't like the way the "middleman" jacked up the price, you could certainly go right to the slaughterhouse and get it there couldn't you? And if you had the stomach, you could go right to the farmer and do your own slaughter and prep it for the table couldn't you? But I somehow feel as if you don't have either the guts or the work ethic to do either. You'd just rather criticize a bunch of probably hard working people that you've never met. Is that about it?
  3. deadsox

    Happy Thanksgiving

    North or South? That's my point deadsox. The United States is part of the North American landmass. It is not the entire landmass nor populace of it, no matter how much it ignores everyone else. Failure to see this is one of the reasons why the USA is regarded as arrogant, insular and self-centred. As an example, this is like South Africans referring to their country as "Africa." Other, less important countries in Africa must, however, refer to themselves as their own country name. We all know how stupid some US politicians sound when they refer to a continent when they thought it was a country. The reverse is also true of a nation that refers to itself as a continent. Good God, honez, why are you so testy? Have I expressed myself to anyone in this forum in anything but a polite way? Sure I enjoy a good argument but do I have to shoulder all the misdeeds of every American who ever offended you? (Oops, there I go again) Every country and every people in the world have been guilty of crimes against someone. The history of the world is full of them. What's so bad about being grateful and happy and wishing all the same to all of you? LOL, sorry D/S my point isn't really aimed at you per se, and certainly not aimed at being grateful. It's just you're the lucky Yusan (which is what "Americans" should be called) that took the hook. I've known many Canuks over the years, and they all seem to dislike the US vehemently because of the kind of examples I gave. The US doesn't seem to notice, nor care, that they have this effect on other people. Just an observation. If my post makes just one Yusan think about it, then I'm happy (and can give thanks ) Hallelujah honez! I'm tickled that you're thankful>
  4. deadsox

    Happy Thanksgiving

    North or South? That's my point deadsox. The United States is part of the North American landmass. It is not the entire landmass nor populace of it, no matter how much it ignores everyone else. Failure to see this is one of the reasons why the USA is regarded as arrogant, insular and self-centred. As an example, this is like South Africans referring to their country as "Africa." Other, less important countries in Africa must, however, refer to themselves as their own country name. We all know how stupid some US politicians sound when they refer to a continent when they thought it was a country. The reverse is also true of a nation that refers to itself as a continent. Good God, honez, why are you so testy? Have I expressed myself to anyone in this forum in anything but a polite way? Sure I enjoy a good argument but do I have to shoulder all the misdeeds of every American who ever offended you? (Oops, there I go again) Every country and every people in the world have been guilty of crimes against someone. The history of the world is full of them. What's so bad about being grateful and happy and wishing all the same to all of you?
  5. deadsox

    Happy Thanksgiving

    A fair point. My main problem would be finding who I am supposed to be giving thanks to. Ancesters, I suppose. Perhaps the rest of us need an 'ungrateful day'. Dave's right, who are we giving thanks to? Now, what do I have to be thankful for? Two great kids - who shall I thank for them - the person that made them? That's me. I have a roof over my head - who shall I thank for that - the person that works their ass off to pay the mortgage? That's me. I'm relatively healthy - who shall I thank for that - the person that takes care of my body and doesn't fill it with wine and...oh hang on, I'll come back to this one. But you get the picture. So yes, I'll give thanks - to me. Sounds selfish? That's because I f*****g am. Well Lardy, if you don't believe in God (which is an understandable position), how about being grateful for the millions of people who came before us, on whose shoulders we stand? Many people (and quite a few in this forum) think they are so smart and superior to those who came before. The fact of the matter is that without the accumulated knowledge they added to and passed on we would not have the easy lifestyle we enjoy. Most modern humans are far inferior to even a Cro-Magnon, who could survive in the woods indefinitely while most of us would be dead in a week.
  6. deadsox

    Happy Thanksgiving

    Godot: I am quite aware of American history, particularly New England history. It doesn't change the basic fact that this holiday is a time to reflect on our blessings. Pete: The turkey will go down just fine, thank you. I have no need to choke the chicken. honez: The United States is still a part of the American land mass. Let's not pretend you don't know what country I'm referring to. All: Are you really all so jaded and negative that you can't take a moment to appreciate the unique and very fortunate position you're in? In the history of the world, there have been very few people who have enjoyed our freedom, knowledge and material comforts. If you can't appreciate that I genuinely feel sorry for you.
  7. deadsox

    2009 DDP

    But some people turn the illness into a surrogate career. So - for example - Jane Tomlinson went on for ages and gained high profile publicity, and still kept people guessing so well that she survived some deadpool nominations in the years before she died. Why does it matter how a person became famous? They're either famous or not. Should we discriminate against those who became famous for criminal activities, e.g.? It's not a morality play, just a game to predict which celebrities will die. Does Paris Hilton "deserve" to be a celebrity any more than Terry Schiavo?
  8. deadsox

    President (recumbent) Barack Obama

    Hey man, I might just be insane. Everybody is insane sometimes. Half of the people on this forum are probably insane on some level. Anyway, I don't understand this. Deadsox: What does the pursuit of happiness and success not being guarenteed have to do with society letting the descriminative nature of our past die. I fail to make the connection. I understand what you are saying but equality among people differs from personal acheivement. The context is about those people who want to balance out everything, as if that were possible. Reparations to African Americans because of slavery, casinos and other advantages for Native Americans, etc. No one ever said that everything would be equal, there will always be those with advantages. The constitution only gives citizens the pursuit of happiness not a guaranteed fair shake with everyone else. The discriminative nature of the past will never die and new discriminations will arise.
  9. deadsox

    President (recumbent) Barack Obama

    I agree. Everything should "balance out now". A black man has been elected president and that certainly should change the way African Americans's view themselves. It's the 21st century now. As the years go by, we should have less use for people like Rev Al Sharpton. There might always be discrimination in this world but the election of a black man should signify a step forward for humanity. People bitching about their skin color is reaching the sunset of it acceptability. However, we aren't exactly there yet. I mean that as I say it. While President-Elect Obama's election is a significant step forward for American race relations, it by no means "balances out" everything and does not mean that African Americans need to shut up. Racism, while much less virulent in the last 30 years is still alive. I would only ask that if citizens resort to blaming their misfortunes on racism, they furnish specifics rather than the shop worn generalities used by people like Sharpton and Jackson. So when will it be "balanced out"? Would slave reparations do it for you? Institutionalized racism is dead with the election of a black president, should we outlaw personal opinions we find offensive? Would that make things finally "right" for you? What if we rewrite The Star Spangled Banner as a rap song and redecorate all government buildings with tacky "African" colors? Maybe if we finally declare an "official" American language and we all switch to "ebonics"? Why don't you say what you really mean? You want apologist bullshit guilt tactics to last as long as there's something in it for you, right? My personal message to black people in the United States: The jig is up, you've broken through the ceiling. You can't play the "poor me, the man is holding me down card" anymore; you are the man. Handout time is over, time to get off the dole and on the bus to school. It IS the majority of black* people in the US creating the stereotype. Stop it, you're embarrassing the rest of us. *I continue to say black because the overwhelming majority of black people in America have never even been to Africa, (hell, statistics tell us most Americans can't even find Africa on a map) nor even met anyone who has been there. The irony of this is that our newly elected president actually IS African American. Nothing will ever be balanced out nor should it be attempted. Every individual in the United States has advantages and disadvantages. The beauty of the society is that you can have a chance to work hard and achieve your dream, whatever that might be. Notice I said "chance". No one is guaranteed success. The constitution guarantees the "pursuit" of happiness not happiness. I don't support reparations or any of the other ridiculous things you advance. Do not presume to know me or what I want based upon my statements that African Americans don't have to shut up or that racism still exists. The great majority of African Americans (or Blacks if you prefer) don't want a handout, just to be treated as men and women and judged for themselves. By the way, Harry, there's nothing in it for me. I am not of African descent (unless you go far enough back, in which case, we all are Africans). I'm sure all African Americans will be thrilled to hear your personal message and take it to heart.
  10. deadsox

    President (recumbent) Barack Obama

    I agree. Everything should "balance out now". A black man has been elected president and that certainly should change the way African Americans's view themselves. It's the 21st century now. As the years go by, we should have less use for people like Rev Al Sharpton. There might always be discrimination in this world but the election of a black man should signify a step forward for humanity. People bitching about their skin color is reaching the sunset of it acceptability. However, we aren't exactly there yet. I mean that as I say it. While President-Elect Obama's election is a significant step forward for American race relations, it by no means "balances out" everything and does not mean that African Americans need to shut up. Racism, while much less virulent in the last 30 years is still alive. I would only ask that if citizens resort to blaming their misfortunes on racism, they furnish specifics rather than the shop worn generalities used by people like Sharpton and Jackson.
  11. deadsox

    Wishful Thinking Death List

    Well, John McCain made "Joe The Plumber" a bad publicity stunt. The man was obvious material for McCain and he took advantage of this in a desperate time for his party. Sam Wurzelbacher was "McCainized!". Overall, it narrows down to the fact that what McCain has said about Obama "Taxing small businesses " is just not true. Now, as you know, Obama's plan will lower taxes for 97% of Americans and raise taxes of those with an income of approximately 250 grand a year. If you want to believe that statement is just a "campaign promise" .. you are entitled. It's my view that Barack Obama will rejuvenize this nation and reform what the Republicans have distorted. I do think he will make mistakes but I believe that starting on (January 20th, 2009) there will be a new wave of hope for this country. It's also my view that John McCain and Sarah Palin are motivated with the wrong intentions which are based off of an error in judgement. The main reason this country is in debt revolves around the large sum of money we spend in Iraq everyday. If you are a Republican Deadsox, you are in entitled. However, I can only think of two or three intelligent answers as of why someone would lean in that direction in this race. I'm not a Republican, Iraq, although a foolish mistake, is not why the country's in debt and you don't know three intelligent answers to anything.
  12. deadsox

    Wishful Thinking Death List

    BS, how you can jump to the conclusion that Joe the Plumber is a McCain publicity stunt is beyond me. He was just a guy who asked Obama a question (which was handled badly) and he suddenly became a "celebrity". Obama's promise to give "tax breaks to the middle class" is just that, a campaign promise. If you've been around for a while you should know what happens to those.
  13. deadsox

    Saddam Hussein

    It's basically a cat fight between al Maliki and the council. The council finally approved Chemical Ali's execution last March but not the other two (Sultan Hashem Ahmed and Hussein Rashid Mohammed) who are considered by many in Iraq to be not nearly as heinous as Chemical, and "only following orders". Al-Maliki got indignant and refused to execute Chemical unless they gave him all three and that's where it stands. I wouldn't sell Chemical Ali any life insurance, though.
  14. deadsox

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2009

    Bugger me sideways. It's hard to say this Banshees but you're right. She fulfills all the deadpool qualifications, joker bonanza etc, and yet "playing" a silly game with this poor girl's life does indeed seem warped to me. She's famous only for her sickness. There's a huge gulf between this woman and someone like Amy Winehouse whose decline is totally self-inflicted. If she lives long enough I think I would need to include her to have any chance of winning the DDP and since winning is the only point of entering a team I think this means I will not be entering next year's DDP. I don't appear to be as intellectually detached as some or as dispassionate as others to challenge the boundaries as MPFC does so admirably - I mean that. It's only if we explore our inner recesses where we might find emotions that we prefer to hide - as MPFC does with his "enjoyment" of motor sport deaths on film - that we can be truly honest with ourselves. I admire that honesty, after watching those self same films out of a mixture of curiosity and, yes, possibly, titillation. But those things do leave me with a feeling of distaste as if I have been watching some kind of "snuff" pornography. The debate over the eligibility of such cases in the DDP was started by OoO and it's probably worth extending. This is one such case. Perhaps there should be room for OoO to make his own ad hoc judgements case by case rather than rely on a majority sentiment. I think this one should be excluded. Anyway if it's in, I'm out. This topic seems to pop up every now and then and although I've already expressed myself, please indulge me to do so again. Death pools are not morality plays. We don't choose celebrities because we like them or hate them or because we want them to die or hope they don't. We chose them (or at least we should) because we think they will die. In my Death League, letting emotion get into the mix would certainly make you a loser. Regarding her eligibility, I was led to believe that if the death is covered in the British press, it's a score, am I wrong? I have no problem with why a person is famous. Just because it's extreme old age or due to an illness, what does it matter? Terry Schiavo is a perfect case. She was certainly not famous for anything other than her illness which led to a legal fight, but can we dispute the fact that she was very famous and a cause celebre for weeks? When we open the can of worms of why someone's famous or whether we feel for them as eligibility, we are only introducing an argument which has no end or logical answer.
  15. Snakes! , that's nothing. At mine I had to dance with SttG's mother . Were you bitten?
  16. I like the ones in Appalachia where they dance around with venomous snakes.
  17. deadsox

    Steve Fossett

    I agree. Especially when there are no remains from a crash that, apparently "no-one would walk away from". One certainly thought there would be more at the crash site. As the report says, he landed "closer to civilisation than originally thought". Hmmmmmm... Lots of coyotes and other scavengers in that part of the country. The fact that just a smidgen of remains were found is just about right. BC will soon be able to confirm the death and the relatives will take note.
  18. deadsox

    Patrick Swayze

    Apparently Patrick's producers are ready for anything. http://thebosh.com/archives/2008/09/produc...swayze_dies.php
  19. deadsox

    Vera Lynn

    You should definitely be flattered, Vera. We don't bother with nobodies. I personally am not disappointed in the least. Happy Birthday and keep going. Once you croak we'll drop you like a hot potato.
  20. Happy Birthday Lady Grendel!
  21. Belated happy birthday wishes to Heaven Can Wait and Captain Oates.
  22. deadsox

    Vera Lynn

    Well, Sofia, darling, do you have an idea how Vera is feeling? I only ask because if she's ailing, I'd like to send her a card. You're quite right about all these nasty people on this site, by the way.
  23. deadsox

    Patrick Swayze

    http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/artic...atest-show.html Still smoking too.

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