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Anubis the Jackal

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Everything posted by Anubis the Jackal

  1. Anubis the Jackal

    Things To Do While Waiting For Death... 2008

    Ah, come now. I'm sure you could whip something up quickly for a second sitting.
  2. Anubis the Jackal

    Dead Drummers

    As reported by KatCav here , Klaus Dinger from Neu!'s motorik pulse has stopped beating. Some good youtube action (although he's on guitar) weirdly glam, and punk well before the Sex Pistols.
  3. Anubis the Jackal

    World War I Veteran(s)

    He had an operation on his hole 100 years ago?
  4. Anubis the Jackal

    Derby Dead Pool 2008

    Any of those teams not regular posters here?
  5. Anubis the Jackal

    The Sixth 2008 Success Poll

    Clive Dunn, He's immortal.... Not really, Chapman Pincher, because he's got a funny name.
  6. Anubis the Jackal

    Read Any Good Books Lately?

    Tommy Hall, the lyricist and 'spiritual leader' of the band was a couple of years older than the others and a highly educated and charismatic chap . He saw LSD as a means of evolving, learning, creating and teaching. Sadly it all went very tits up thanks to businessmen, rednecks, chemical psychosis and the Texas Police Force. How did he get that done? That's all I'm going to say.
  7. Anubis the Jackal

    Read Any Good Books Lately?

    Sounds great, when's the CD out?
  8. Anubis the Jackal

    Read Any Good Books Lately?

    The book is amazing, really well written and with most of the living protagonists suprisingly lucid in interviews, despite the ravages of LSD. Without a doubt worth the tenner on Amazon, and I'll definitely be buying the CD box set, The only copies of the Elevators albums I have sound like dog-toffee, due to the slip-shod re-issues authorised by Kenny Rogers brother.
  9. Anubis the Jackal

    Dead Drummers

    You don't think you're being a little harsh on the lass?
  10. Anubis the Jackal

    Read Any Good Books Lately?

    Eye Mind, The story of Roky Erickson and the 13th Floor Elevators. How, by the simple tactic of getting the whole band to take acid every time they played, in fact, almost every day, you could go from trail-blazing, psychedelic hit-makers to living in a cave, incarceration, and 25 years of institutionalisation in various psychiatric hospitals. Heart-breaking.
  11. Anubis the Jackal

    Jacques Brel's Imitation Jelly Jewellery

    Let's have a bit of Jacques, eh?
  12. Anubis the Jackal

    Dead Drummers

    Why thank you very much, Lardy. I don't think Joey Deacon had a too much of a clue who he was, either. By the way, Joeys magnum opus, Tongue-Tied is available for the bargain price of 127 nicker on Amazon.
  13. Anubis the Jackal

    Things To Do While Waiting For Death... 2008

    Feed the birds £150 a ball-bag.
  14. Anubis the Jackal

    Dead Drummers

    You're a drummer aren't you?
  15. Anubis the Jackal

    Dead Drummers

    Nope, don't get it I'm afraid.
  16. Anubis the Jackal


    Thread restored and locked because it makes me laugh
  17. Anubis the Jackal

    A Famous Belgian

    Charles de Gaulle once said that “Belgium is a country invented by the British to annoy the French.” Seems a good enough reason for a country for me.
  18. Anubis the Jackal

    The Dead Of 2008

    You sure. Not Italian then?
  19. Anubis the Jackal

    Zsa Zsa Gabor

    Beautiful metaphor, Sir. I hadn't thought about Herr Immelmann's famous urn since my days of reading Victor, the comic for Boys. Well, xenophobic, maladjusted war-obsessed boys anyways. Here it is in all its glory...
  20. Anubis the Jackal

    Basil Brush's Misters

    Well, just for you, here's a shocking XXX picture of Sooty in the nude...
  21. Anubis the Jackal

    Arthur C Clarke

    The Aussies, however, are far less recitent... And, in part, the innuendo arose from the fact that he lived in Sri Lanka, which the scandal hunters insinuated was a pedophile's paradise and where rumours, though never proof, abounded. Clarke always claimed he had moved there for the scuba diving, a sport he loved.
  22. Anubis the Jackal

    The Dead Of 2008

    Alas, I will never now be able to savour his cod-on-a-rod.
  23. Anubis the Jackal

    Dead Drummers

    Before anyone moans about this already being reported, this is in the right thread, and with a splendidly apt Spinal Tap reference to boot.
  24. Anubis the Jackal

    Heather Mills

    But not quite the proverbial arm and a leg.

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