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Anubis the Jackal

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Everything posted by Anubis the Jackal

  1. Anubis the Jackal

    Running Out Of Time?

    May I be the first on this thread to back our eight-legged chum to the hilt. His efforts, along with those of Mr. Ali have always made for interesting reading if you have the time. Admittedly, I'm usually skimming through the threads looking for any excuse for a cheap and nasty pun, but in my more considered moments I'm always impressed by the depth of research made by the honourable member for Odstock and our Iraqi contingent. Keep up the good work, because I'm far too lazy to do it myself.
  2. Anubis the Jackal

    Clive Dunn

    That's borderline Krankie, that is.
  3. Anubis the Jackal

    Death Links

    Well, I certainly wouldn't. Or is my computer playing up?
  4. Anubis the Jackal

    Whom Are You Tarring With The Epithet "twunt"?

    I've had a few nights out in West Cumbria. I can see where you're coming from.
  5. Anubis the Jackal

    Clive Dunn

    Indeed, Dunn is the deliberate dropped stitch in the Arran Jumper of Deathlist.
  6. Anubis the Jackal

    Clive Dunn

    You have much to learn, Grasshopper. We know that Dunn is immortal, yet he has to be on the list. He is our Grail, our Old Man of the Mountain, our Nirvana. To acheive the state of Dunn-ness is the ultimate aim of us all. Hope this clears things up a little, and a warm welcome to you.
  7. Anubis the Jackal

    Near misses 2006

    No Bruno, I don't think they do.
  8. Anubis the Jackal

    Derby Dead Pool 2006

    Don't care, I'll happily take the points. And what do points mean...?
  9. Anubis the Jackal

    Death Links

    Nicked from Popbitch... Lovely
  10. Anubis the Jackal

    Comedians & Comedy Writers

    That wouldn't be Bennie Lennett would it? I remember he used to be part of a double-act with Mr. Bennett, which was amazingly good fortune I would say.
  11. Anubis the Jackal

    R.I.P Airfix

    For some reason, I always used to get glue in the cockpit.
  12. Anubis the Jackal

    Allen Carr

    I'd advocate Mr. Carr for the '07 list. As a professional smoker with an unread copy of one of his books given to me by a well-meaning relative, I'd welcome the debates his inclusion would bring. Smug git.
  13. Anubis the Jackal

    Sheila Rossall (Infamous Sick Girl From The Seventies)

    I must disagree, Formby probably was fairly happy-go-lucky at the time. His deceased wife was a bit of a tyrant by all accounts, and he spent most of his time as a widower finally getting to splash his considerable wealth on wine, women and song. (albeit fairly sh*t song) This no doubt contributed to his demise, but he went out with a bang apparently.
  14. Anubis the Jackal

    Princess Diana

    Oh come on, just leave it will you. Who....Blumpkin...Well...Cares
  15. Anubis the Jackal

    Department S

    Welcome aboard, Peter Wyngarde (Jason King) has been mentioned frequently in dispatches hereabouts, most notably in the Richard O'Sullivan thread here However, as the sprawling monstrosity that is the R O'S thread has mentioned in passing about 84% of the worlds population, that's not such a surprise. There is a 'Search' box down at the bottom left of the main forum screen, but after using that a few times, you'll wish I hadn't told you that. It's a temperamental piece of machinery, held together by chewing gum and sticky-backed plastic, a little like The African Queen in that film whose name I can't recall. http://www.deathlist.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=45&st=855&p=48687entry48687' target="_blank">
  16. Anubis the Jackal

    Gerald Ford

    Mmm, Lotus Elise! £130 is nothing for keeping an Elise on the road. Pay the man and drive the bugger like you stole it.
  17. Anubis the Jackal

    Funereal Music

    A guy I know who runs a club in Brighton decided to get Arthur Brown to appear. His appearance fee went up by a couple of hundred quid if they wanted him to include the famous 'helmet of fire' in his act. Needless to say the club coughed up, and Mr Brown was a roaring success by all accounts
  18. Anubis the Jackal

    Most Obsessive Deathlisters

    After long and in depth consideration, I have yet to come to a satisfactory conclusion. I hereby call for more evidence to be brought before the panel.
  19. Anubis the Jackal

    Pete Doherty

    BhB, I notice you're wearing a black hat in your avatar.
  20. Anubis the Jackal

    Jimmy Savile

    Puerile Fun
  21. Anubis the Jackal

    Most Obsessive Deathlisters

    Oh, please. Keep it above the equator.
  22. Anubis the Jackal

    Sir Patrick Moore

    Couldn't agree more, DDT. Have we really wasted years learning the names of the planets only for some committee, nay, quango I say, to unilaterally decide that we're naught but fools and buffoons. Why, these starry-gazy popinjays must take us all for ownshooks with their impertinant flim-flammery. To the castle, stout yeomen, and don't forget the blazing torches. Burn the heathen, with their scientrickery. Burn them I say.
  23. Anubis the Jackal

    Not Exactly Famous...

    Der-du-der-du-du-der-der-der-der-DER! der der derrrrrr. der der derrrrrrrr. der der derrrrr, der der derrrrrr and so on.... der-du-der-du-de-de-derr der-der-der-der-d-d-der der-du-der-du-de-de-derr der-derrrrrrrrrr I once owned this LP, what a fine bouffant he's sporting.
  24. Anubis the Jackal

    Not Exactly Famous...

  25. Anubis the Jackal

    The Living Dead

    Article about The Chuckle Brothers, err older brothers. Hells Bells, there's more of the f***kers.

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