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Everything posted by Deathray

  1. Deathray

    Voice Actors

    Typing "Gay Soper age" into Google (other search engines are available) reveals that she was born 6 February 1941, making her 71 now. Thank you for taking the risk on that search term for us..
  2. Deathray

    U.S. Political Figures over 85

    No I think that Political Frailty tends to be focussed on all things Westminster and we should keep a good distance between Washington and Westminster. You listening Blair. Funny take on things, considering most of the reports in Political Frailty appear to be foreign fatalities... Maybe we need some kind of central database of all living former politicians from all countries we can use for deadpooling..
  3. Deathray

    Top 10 People Alive Today

    (On the basis of global impact, some good some bad) Tim Berners-Lee Bill Gates Vladimir Putin Aung San Suu Kyi Mikhael Gorbachev Abdul-Ilah al-Bashir Tony Blair George Bush Timothy_F._Geithner Christine Lagarde
  4. Deathray

    Plane, Train And Automobile Crashes

    I couldn't stop myself laughing when I read that as much as I wanted to. Anyway, anyone else mightily pissed off at the coverage of this on the BBC. First they jump immediately in with fancy graphics and almost laughable election-nightesque online monitoring screens that just seemed totally out of kilter with this kind of tragedy and utterly disrespectful to the victims and secondly they seemingly bypass the whole grief stage of a plane crash into bombarding us with social and political ramifications stuff. They also don't seem to be willing to treat this as a terrorist incident, it's almost as if they'd prepared to run a story about a military plane being shot and on realising a serious aviation disaster involving hundreds of civilians had happened, ran with the military jet story anyway. It just feels cringe-worthy to watch this coverage at the moment.
  5. Deathray

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2015

    Of course he would, but - broken collarbone aside - he was in fine fettle tearing up those Yorkshire hills on his bike a few weeks back. May well be breathing in another 20 years. True, but some people just go in fine health. I'd call him to be one of those in 3/4 years.
  6. Deathray

    Plane, Train And Automobile Crashes

    The worst case scenario I can envisage at this moment in time is that Chechen or other terrorists have hijacked the conflict in Ukraine to deliberately target a civilian aircraft, if that's what happened we're heading for one of the darkest chapters in the "war on terror".
  7. Deathray

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2015

    Not starting a thread for her not starting a thread for her not starting a thread for her Too ill to attend her own birthday. Which, considering even a month ago she was turning up to fucking dog fashion shows, probably indicates we're on the clock. Update via, of course, the personal facebook page of Vicki Michelle from Allo Allo/70s softcore porn. I must admit I now have a vested interest in Sally Farmiloe (to rhyme with hardlyknown) NOT going as she is one of Whitehouse's Deathrace picks and they are the only player below me in the Deathtrudge league table. Correction: Only player with any points below you in the Deathtrudge league table...
  8. Deathray

    U.S. Political Figures over 85

    Shouldn't this be merged with Political Frailty?
  9. Deathray

    Cartoonists And Animators

    It was one of the more bizarre twists in the Marvel world, is he/she going to have a sex change or is it going to be a "someone broke his hammer" kind of thing?
  10. Deathray

    The Hare's Death Pool

    It's not all bad, you can still win with one hit...
  11. Deathray

    The Hare's Death Pool

    Just done the first proper check for a while, couple slipped through the net: Ann B Davis, actor , died on 1 June 2014 and gains 141 points for Estuarian Float Walter Walsh, olympic shooter and FBI agent, died on 29 April 2014 and gains 118 points for Death Impends Richard Hoggart, academic, died 10 April 2014, results in 99 points for maryportfuncity Howard Baker, republican US Senator, died 26 June 2014 results in 176 points for USFuneral Director This all results in, firstly an apology for my shoddy record-keeping and these being months late, secondly, and more importantly, scores on the doors of: Death Impends 826 points Captain Chorizo 733 points Rotten Ali 558 points Whoam 504 points Toast 480 points Estuarian Float 393 points US Funeral Director 330 points the_engineer 297 points maryportfuncity 250 points The Unknown Man 275 points Book 163 points msc 0 points
  12. Deathray

    Political Frailty

    They're both responsible for pointless ideologically driven, country ruining wars as well...
  13. Deathray

    The Hare's Death Pool

    ^It was meant to be a joke as in "he's not so nailed on now". Should've employed a suitable post lightening smiley. The any goners comment was meant as an aside, i.e since the last update I haven't seen anybody die, I do know where the goners are recorded as I've been the one recording them for 6 months. :deathban: Dear Hares Death Pool Picks (in the unlikely event any of you are reading this), you are now subject to a deathban as I'm unable to update this until next Monday. Obey it you evil little picks, I know what you're like when the cats away, you'll all die in horrible accidents and leave me loads of updating to do. Don't.
  14. Deathray

    Life In Prison

    Over 75 in Moscow, higher still if you were to strip out immigrants and just include ethnic Ruskies. But I thought they were all irrecoverably addicted to the russian vodka?
  15. Deathray

    Derby Dead Pool 2014

    Do people actually send "does this count as an obit?" emails to the site? Sad bastards, it's only a game. *goes back to curating notepad of 2015 potentials into age sorted spreadsheet with illness columnn - 2 down, several thousand to go*
  16. Deathray

    Derby Dead Pool 2014

    Look, I know we don't observe mourning periods for long but even here I feel like slapping a WP:TOOSOON notice on that question. (It's gonna be mpfc, Rotten Ali or Death Impends though)
  17. Deathray

    The Dead Of 2014

    Paul relocated us to Drunk?Bored?Physcopath? despite us being none. In a conscious effort to avoid falling foul of on-topic rules again; O.J Simpsons ex-wifes dad Lou Brown Jr has died http://perezhilton.c...-simpson-father /obscure
  18. Deathray

    Political Frailty

    Reckon any MPs could be found hanging from there ceilings or drowned in their bathtubs following recent events? i'm thinking more guys who know what actually hapenned to the files than guys who the files were about but...
  19. Deathray

    The Deathlist Howto

    Do the hot topic tags annoy anyone else? They seem to be on every thread, surely that defeats the point of their purpose to show us when a topic has more interests than overs. I mean there on topics with less than two pages in some cases..
  20. Would it not be truer to say were having a few Zorder's ranting at people sessions? ^If that's the deal you want to cut mate I'll take it.
  21. Deathray

    Derby Dead Pool 2014

    Called It Sad to see you retire from the position TMIB you've done an excellent job in the short time I've been a participant. Hope you plan to stick around the forums with a little bit of the extra spare time you've got on your hands!
  22. The fact you've posted that sentence is conclusive evidence to the contrary.
  23. What makes you think I'm interested in your inbred South Shields folk wisdom that your Marmite-sandwich scoffing Scout leader told you when you were 14? A) I'm not a sand dancer B ) I wasn't in the scouts when I was 14 C) My scout leader didn't give me that advice D) I'm not even from a northern family line, we're immigrants to the old geordie land from the south E) You're clearly somewhat interested because you replied. Apart from that there's no bollocks in your post whatsoever Okay. I don't give a flying fuck whether ya's is like. And I'm just joking of course, Northern folk are the salt of the earth. (That explains why you're not the salt of the earth, mystery fucking solved....) I was just using whatever I can to attack you because that's what "cunts" like me do right? BTW just wanted to say, you're still on zero points on DDP, hahah......... and your philosophy of "if a lot of people say you should do X, then you should do X immediately! no questions asked" is more like the creed of inbred hut-dwelling primitives who roast their own young on a spit every month in attempt to make the "rain gods" make more rain, than the supposed 21st century earth-loving green intellectual genius you clearly think you are. So shut. The. Fack. Up. I knew you were joking I'm just in a shit mood and felt like taking out and an anonymous internet weirdo.. My Centenarians team is doing quite well though... You missed the point of that idiom, it's not if a lot of people it's if everybody...
  24. What makes you think I'm interested in your inbred South Shields folk wisdom that your Marmite-sandwich scoffing Scout leader told you when you were 14? A) I'm not a sand dancer B ) I wasn't in the scouts when I was 14 C) My scout leader didn't give me that advice D) I'm not even from a northern family line, we're immigrants to the old geordie land from the south E) You're clearly somewhat interested because you replied. Apart from that there's no bollocks in your post whatsoever

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