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Everything posted by Deathray

  1. Deathray

    Room Lovely, Look You.

    What curse is that? The number of times the remaining viewers are cursed to hear the ratty old BBC commentators mutter the world "Crucible" in a vain attempt to inject some artificial drama into an extremely faded tournament which has been rendered so by a clueless megalomaniac old fart who has so physically and mentally knackered his own already monosyllabic players by making them travel to every corner of Eastern Europe and backwater China to play in meaningless tournaments, that they have literally no inspiration left for what he describes as the "shop-window" of the sport? Or the curse of having the most dull set of qualifiers, and hence first-round line-up, probably ever in the televised history of the tournament.... and which again is probably Bazza's fault for screwing around with the qualifying rounds. How is he supposed to break either of those curses, he's just one man! (BTW could someone move this to the Silly Sports thread?) Oh for suck sakes Zorders, the qualifiers could be better but I've seen worse - you always get a couple of shit players in the first round. Although losing Michael White, Dechawat Poomjaeng, Jimmy White and Ken Doherty in the qualifiers was a bit annoying. The idea that the players have no inspiration left to win this is bollocks, the fact these long-session matches are so rare is only going to increase their drive to stay in the tournament: these guys grew up on multi-session snooker. The curse he's actually trying to break, a I'm sure you a someone so versed in the logistical workings of snooker will be aware of, is the crucible curse that no first time defending champion has won.
  2. Deathray

    Room Lovely, Look You.

    17 days of multi-session snooker, broadcast on free to air tv and a way of avoiding adverts during the breaks. Come on Selby put the curse to death once for all.
  3. Deathray

    That UK Election Thing

    That sounds right. As I underdstand it, the political significance of the Lords is minimal. Yup. They basically have to do what the government wants or the parliament act will be invoked. They are an utterly pointless institution whose sole purpose is to allow ex-peados politicians and their ring members mates in high places to think they have some importance and by them not being arrested influence.
  4. Deathray

    That UK Election Thing

    They'd probably gain more fame as time went on though. I'd prefer us to sort the lower chamber out (give us fucking pr) before we reform the upper chamber.
  5. Deathray

    That UK Election Thing

    Depends what we were electing you for. I reckon you'd make a memorable bishop. Since when were bishops elected?
  6. Deathray

    Birth List

    Girl called Elizabeth or a boy called phillip
  7. Deathray

    Derby Dead Pool 2015

    Book is there a reason you keep calling obits orbits other than to irritate the pedants among us?
  8. Deathray

    Fort William Football Club

    We need find a new perennial failure now. 2nd last ain't good enough. I suggest Jamie Cope.
  9. Deathray

    How Old Are DL Users?

    I recall steam coming from somewhere, but not the ears. It's a SFW metaphore metaphor. Not that metaphores metaphors are SFW, but it's a Sunday. There, FTFY. a) Why have you suddenly turned up now? b ) Is it not a bit harsh to correct a foreigner, who doesn't even reside here, 's english?
  10. Deathray

    Derby Dead Pool 2015

    Sorry what the fuck? I don't know where you're getting the ability to know everyone;s political views on here, but whatever. On the actual point, we need to review the rules to some degree. I'm pretty sure we're nearing the point where a team of 20 guaranteed deaths could be fathomed up from famous for dying types.
  11. Deathray

    Derby Dead Pool 2015

    As somebody who refuses to pick famous for being ill/dying picks and more and more coming to the conclusion that no matter how competitive a team I enter I'm not going to challenge the top of the leaderboard. I know there's an argument there fundraising warrants fame in it's own right, but I'm yet to buy it.
  12. Deathray

    That UK Election Thing

    Or just get rid of the complete and stop trying to make enemies out of emerging economic powers?
  13. Deathray

    That UK Election Thing

    Well I suppose this is UKIPs way of trying to plug their "libertarian" credentials without accepting gay marriage?
  14. Deathray

    The Dead Of 2015

    Can we ban guest posting now?
  15. Deathray

    That UK Election Thing

    I know, what's even sadder is she, in a tragic way, succeeded.
  16. Deathray

    That UK Election Thing

    I've always considered standing for the loonies - maybe next election. Nominations for this year don't close until tomorrow. There is still time. And possibly still time for Nigel Farage to pull a Tory defector out of the bag. I haven't got a suitable outfit to go collecting the ten signatures I'd need nor the £500 deposit that I'd almost certainly not recuperate. The latter being the greater stumbling block. Cheers Thatcher for upping the fee you cretinous dead bastard, your legacy of trodding on the poors hopes and aspirations lives on. I'll just set up a savings plan and The other option could be standing as Deathlist candidate with your backing our policies could be something like legalising the murder of celebrities for advatageous purposes in dead pools, that ought to get the daily mail going. Whichever of us stands might need to buy a mask and change our name by deadpool though. And I doubt the EC would accept our circular with "Let's kill celebs for internet points" written over the skull and cross bones. [For those lacking an off-colour humour detector or any police officers reading - this is not serious, we are not planning and extremist murder-supporting party, we've got the Tories and Labour for that already)
  17. Deathray

    Mollie Sugden et al

    Yup. You'd think they didn't want people to know that once upon a time the BBC produced programs you actually wanted to watch with presenters who could present and actors who could actually act. At this rate David Dimbleby won't even make the Six 'o' Clock news, I mean there already prevent him from presenting half of this years general election and completely shifting him out of the next one and the dudes only 76. You'd think they would find someone better to replace him but instead we have to suffer through Huw Edwards this year and next election. Huw Fuuuuckkkkkkingggg!!!!!!! Edwards!!!!!!!!!
  18. Deathray

    That UK Election Thing

    I've always considered standing for the loonies - maybe next election.
  19. Deathray

    That UK Election Thing

    The 70s wants it's comedians (sic) back...
  20. Deathray

    The Hartlepool Deadlypool

    Im not surprised you "unconsidered" it. You realised that you were top of the list. Yeah but....... you see, even if that was true there still would be 9 other spaces on the list wouldn't there..........? Are you trying to get on it or what? No you're not on it. Although the fact that you so swiftly jump to that conclusion makes you predictable and presumptious or summat, at least. But not thick enough for me to promote you onto it. Cos I can't be arsed to go back to it anyway. The only predictable and presumptuous poster round here is you.
  21. Deathray

    The Hartlepool Deadlypool

    It's okay Zorders, I think mpfc wasn't seriously offended, he was just making a very subtle and not very funny joke in response? Instead of the one of the many unsubtle jokes that were begging to be made? None of which would've been funny.
  22. Deathray

    The Hartlepool Deadlypool

    It's okay Zorders, I think mpfc wasn't seriously offended, he was just making a very subtle and not very funny joke in response?
  23. Deathray

    The Hartlepool Deadlypool

    Aye, but it's a marathon, not a sprint. Did you borrow re-assurer from from your wife's pre-coitus spiel? Never knew such a thing existed, what does your other half say about it? My left hand wasn't gifted with a mouth. Aye, well, we're supposed to be comparing performane notes on a dead pool on this thread, So, get a grip, eh? Jeez, it was a joke - did the lack of smiley confuse you? Anyway I'm losing either way...
  24. Deathray

    The Hartlepool Deadlypool

    Aye, but it's a marathon, not a sprint. Did you borrow re-assurer from from your wife's pre-coitus spiel? Never knew such a thing existed, what does your other half say about it? My left hand wasn't gifted with a mouth.
  25. Deathray

    The Hartlepool Deadlypool

    Aye, but it's a marathon, not a sprint. Did you borrow re-assurer from from your wife's pre-coitus spiel?

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