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Posts posted by Deathray

  1. 34 minutes ago, ladyfiona said:

    With the amount of sporting events being cancelled/rescheduled etc the BBC must be now going through their back catalogue to see what shows or movies they can air instead.


    Newest victim - London Marathon.


    Lot of the sporting events cancelled wouldn't have been on BBC anyway. Pretty annoying that our first FA Cup Quarter Final since 2006 could now be delayed up to 6 months.

  2. 15 minutes ago, Lord Fellatio Nelson said:

    It is being said that the Government wants to cultivate a 'herd immunity' situation in the hope that most of the population get it, recover from it and build up an immunity to it.

    That will leave hospitals with a greater capacity to deal with those with bigger health problems, who contract it, and are in a more critical situation.

    This is why they are reluctant, or so it would seem, to bring in crowd control by banning large gatherings etc.

    I think.:blink:




    Herd immunity is bollocks. If 20% of the UK were to get infected, you'd still be looking at 120,000 deaths.......



  3. Will we ever see a budget that cuts the basic rate of income tax in addition to the personal allowance threshold going up....


    Fuck Richi Shunak


    At least I get a few quid a month ni cut. (Although this is going to have the adverse effect of reducing the number of contributory years for many part time workers)


    • Like 1

  4. On 07/03/2020 at 19:52, Toast said:


    There was plenty of paracetamol when I was round the shops on Thursday.  But no ibu-pro-fen.  Guess the failed ibu-pro-fen buyers have snapped it all up.

     I always have plenty of both because of the stupid restrictions that stop you buying a 100 tab bottle, which is what I used to do.  So I tend to toss a couple of packs in the basket whenever I think of it so as not to run out.  


    Has anyone actually researched how many lives those restrictions have saved??


    If you want to kill yourself I can't see how having to cross road to other shop will be a big deterrent. 

    • Like 1

  5. 22 hours ago, ladyfiona said:


    Does that include people watching on iplayer, Netflix, BBC America and other streaming services?


    Looking at Wikipedia those are the same ratings roughly for Peter Capaldi's last run. I really think Doctor Who should go back to being on Saturday nights.



    It went to being on Sunday night due to achieving low ratings on a Saturday night.


    It needs to faff off with the canon, fan wanking stuff and go back to being a good old adventure story

    • Like 1

  6. On 04/03/2020 at 16:05, ladyfiona said:

    Most companions in new Who only go for 2 series, only ones who I can think of who lasted longer was Clara, Amy and Rory.


    I'm glad there is only at least one companion now because three was too many to build strong character development and Yaz is a fan favourite anyway. Bradley Walsh was just there as a token comedic character.


    There could still be three companions, I'd imagine at least two will be used. Anyway 


    With The Timeless Children anyone who fancies a binge-watch needs.(inc recons)

    421 hours 46 minutes and 50 seconds. (or just under 18 days)


    For anyone interested in the finer detail (eras not total screen time (i.e reappearances discounted)


    Hartnell = 54 hrs 25 mins 56 secs
    Troughton = 47 hrs 19 mins 08 secs
    Pertwee = 51 hrs 54 mins 34 secs
    T. Baker = 69 hrs 06 mins 52 secs
    Davidson = 30 hrs 00 mins 17 secs
    C. Baker = 17 hrs 10 mins 04 secs
    McCoy = 17 hrs 05 mins 31 secs
    McGann = 1 hr 24 mins 39 secs
    Eccleston = 9 hrs 28 mins 24 secs
    Tennant = 38 hrs 11 mins 38 secs
    Smith = 34 hrs 43 mins 53 secs
    Capaldi = 32 hrs 38 mins 58 secs
    Whittaker = 18 hrs 16 mins 56 secs



  7. 7 hours ago, ladyfiona said:

    Doctor having past lives goes back to the 1970's to The Brain of Morbius where it was revealed Doctor had 8 previous regenerations. Not that i've seen that episode but i'm doing my research now based on what Twitter and Gallifrey Base are saying.


    I liked the episode though needs another watch because a lot happened.


    Her being a superpowered child from another dimension exploited and tested on by pre-tome Lord Gallifreyans is new. 

  8. 10 minutes ago, torbrexbones said:

    Sorry but the build up was too much and the programme was rubbish, I should never have gone back to it.


    I mean it's probably the most fanwank episode for a good 5 years, I liked it but there's a few things I'm not keen on. The whole Gallifrey things a bit 'and the next showrunner will rescue it....'.  and the Doctor coming from another dimension is just 'really?' ... 

  9. 5 hours ago, The Quim Reaper said:


    Asterisk on Tom Smith please.


    Only one name in common! This should be interesting. I shall lose in an interesting way.


    You almost didn't have an opponent.


    That list was literally a D40 DDP scroll down of 'why not;'

  10. 29 minutes ago, ladyfiona said:


    Jodie is still signed on for next series so it won't be her. There is still an option for The Master, Ruth or whoever this timeless child is to regenerate.


    Rumours online are Cybermen regenerating into Time Lords....




    • Haha 1
    • Confused 1
    • Shocked 1

  11. 6 hours ago, Sir Creep said:

    If there’s one thing the Cup does on opening day is enlighten you as to your deficiencies as a researcher.
    12 of 16 teams have Trebek - Did I miss some tragic news or summat?  


    He's a DDP Drop Forty pick, what rock are you living under?


    He's had pancreatic cancer (read: tickling clock) for nearly a year?


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