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Posts posted by Deathray

  1. 3 minutes ago, Grim Up North said:

    Getting beaten by Liz would definitely leave a sour taste in the mouth - I’m in!


    I get there's a lot of ways to piss someone off on here.....


    But if you've established a feud with a 5 day old account I am truly impressed to the point of astonishment...... :scratchhead:


    Edit: Never mind it's a grandad joke 'lemon' 'sour' = fucking tragic Grim, get out more.

    • Haha 1

  2. Whovian Crimbo landed on Boxing Day but I've only just got round to posting this. Britbox has uploaded every existing episode of Classic Doctor Who and animations for selected missing episodes, plus a few odds and sods like the HD version of Pertwee's 1st outing, and the unearthly child pilot version.....


    matt smith GIF by Doctor Who


    (now they just need to get round to uploading every episode of Coronation Street...)

    • Like 2

  3. 14 minutes ago, Lord Fellatio Nelson said:

    Do you actually want a Labour government or not?

    He is the guy that has hand up Corbyns arse doing his 'Gottle of gear' act ever since he got elected leader.

    Next you will be suggesting that Lansman take charge of the whole election proce……..oh wait a minute!!!!

    Come on Deathers, you must know that, unless they return back to the middle ground, well, slightly left of it, they will have zero chance of being returned to power.

    Maybe I should write that one up in CAPITALS so the other thick cunts can read it and take Umbridge.:lol:

    Oh, Deathers, get rid of that fucking Kinnock shite, you are Deathray and, as big a pain in the arse as Deathray is, I kinda miss him, ok?:)


    Kier Starmer is about as far as Corbyn as you can get without being a closet Tory.


    He's far more centre-left than Corbyn and willing to work with all elements of the Labour Party, he's the transitional leader who could avoid the party splitting and allow us to win an election.... and if you don't mind I'm not taking advice on who to vote for in a Labour election from a /UKIP/National Front/BNP swing voter like yourself....


    And to be honest I want a Labour Party ran by the CPBGP in coalition with the SW......


    So the idea Keir is the 'left wing' candidate is a bit laughable.

    • Like 1

  4. On 31/12/2018 at 22:32, Kinnock said:

    So with regards to the thread of discussion above about when teams come in for deadpool runners and whether that could provide an unfair advantage in dead pools for anyone unethical enough to skim picks from the teams that come in (although I explained in detail why I'd view that as a nonsense argument and further more wouldn't have problem with someone who ran another pool doing so but we all seem to operate on the same code of general common decency). I've only logged PMed teams because the public ones are available for anyone to merrily skim so there's no potential unfair advantage in that.


    With 90 minutes to go until close of play of course there's room for movement - I'll update if that happens here's the stats:


    PM Entries to The Hares Death Pool by Date


    PMed Teams
        16th December: 2 teams
        22nd December: 1 team
        26th December: 1 team
        27th December: 6 team
        28th December: 2 team
        29th December  4 teams
        30th December: 3 teams
        31st December: 4 teams


    The first thing of note is half (21 of 42) of this years entries have come solely by PM, with the other half coming by thread entry (which I haven't tracked dates for). 


    There seems to be two peaks - 27th Dcembr and the 29th-31st.  


    I'll let you decide whether a less scrupulous game runner than the ones who currently run pools would be able to syphon names for their DDP teams. And more to the point, if you can be arsed to run a pool next year :P


    Because I'm a sad cunt bored I thought I'd do this again this year...


    (Hare's for those who don't know i run it, which everyone would be forgiven for including themselves in :P)



    11 Dec (2 teams)

    12 Dec (3 teams)

    13 Dec (1 team)

    14 Dec (2 teams)

    23 Dec (1 team)

    24 Dec (3 teams)

    26 Dec (2 teams)

    27 Dec (3 teams)

    28 Dec (7 teams)

    29 Dec (5 teams)

    30 Dec (5 teams)

    31 Dec (9 teams)


    Of which PMed


    11 Dec (2 teams)

    12 Dec (2 teams)

    13 Dec (1 team)

    24 Dec (1 team)

    26 Dec (1 team)

    27 Dec (1 team)

    28 Dec (1 team)

    29 Dec (2 teams)

    30 Dec (5 teams)

    31 Dec (5 teams)


    With the exception of two entries (one which came in by status update and one via the Deathrace thread but were permitted out of leniency) non-PM came in via the thread




    My DDP teams went in on the 23rd before the busy period of entries started. 

  5. 16 minutes ago, msc said:


    Enjoy and good luck!

    As the creator and former host of the Deathlist Cup, I can say don't worry too much about chances ahead of time. The draw can be kind or not kind, the luck of who dies and who doesn't more so. Also, it being direct one on one competition over one month allows for "surprise" results and we've had many over the years. One example was Roverandout beating 4 time DDP champ Spade Cooley a few years back. Willz beat Captain Chorizo to reach the Quarters after announcing he was doomed, and unfancied (no, Sir Creep, not that use of the term) Boudicca reached the final ousting several more experienced deadpoolers just last year.


    Basically, enjoy the buzz, I guess? It may last longer than expected...


    Look if Rochdale can hold Newcsstle to a draw (okay we all saw this coming) and Tranmere can hold Watford to a draw....

    • Like 2

  6. 3 minutes ago, Lord Fellatio Nelson said:

    If you REALLY think that massive prick will be enough to get Labour first past the post in the next election then you have learned absolutely NOTHING from the utter drubbing the party got at the last one, NOTHING.


    Well short of electing a racist cunt who appeals to people only vote Labour cos there parents did, what do you suggest?


    Everyone else in the running is a left wing nutter or incompetent. And we don't need to won we need to win just do well enough to stop the Tories forming a government.

  7. 2 hours ago, The Quim Reaper said:

    Whilst I absolutely agree that only absolute cunts do third person talk, I haven’t seen Lammy do it yet...I’m ready to be stand corrected though? 

    Either way, this is all immaterial; Lammy will always remain a nice (subject to opinion) idea, and nothing more than that.


    Watch his interview with Alistair Campbell you'll find a million other reasons to hate him as well...

  8. 1 hour ago, Kinnock said:

    Bit quite in here.....


    Just to be sure everyone's picks are waiting to be the farm, done a cursory glance and it barely seems worthy a 1st weekly update but we've got

    Come at me with your Azerbaijanian and Benin obituaries for glorified cancer mums - if required - please....


    Update 1 of 52 (depending on what my successor does)

    Wormfarmer 0 points (1 hits - David Stern )

    Everybody Else 0 points (0 hits)





    I'll take an Australian glorified cancer dad for 2nd prize.....


    Just recieved news of Tom Long's passing, first scoring hit of the year for RadGuy. Tom was an actor who appeared in s number of Aussie TV shows and minor films you've never head of (Doing time for Patsy Cline anyone?). He passed on the 4th January meaning....


    Radguy 3 points (1 hit) (Tom Long)

    Wormfarmer 0 points (1 hit) (David Stern)

    Everyone else 0 points 


  9. 1 minute ago, The Quim Reaper said:


    I'm not sure he's any more hypocritical or odious than, say, the average Labour politician (which, in turn, is less than the average LD/CON politician).


    Just because we're leaving the EU, doesn't necessarily mean the next Labour leader has to like it. Starmer's an ardent Remainer, too.


    I think he knows he's not electable enough at this time to bother standing. Once Labour is out of the gutter, maybe. But that could be years and years away.


    Even if Labour gets itself out of the gutter, Lammy is exactly the kind of nutter who'll get us back in it.


    He refers to himself in the third person for fuck sake.....

  10. Bit quite in here.....


    Just to be sure everyone's picks are waiting to be the farm, done a cursory glance and it barely seems worthy a 1st weekly update but we've got

    Come at me with your Azerbaijanian and Benin obituaries for glorified cancer mums - if required - please....


    Update 1 of 52 (depending on what my successor does)

    Wormfarmer 0 points (1 hits - David Stern )

    Everybody Else 0 points (0 hits)




    • Haha 2

  11. 3 minutes ago, time said:

    No, still here, ;)


    Blame Josco, we haven't heard from him for years.


    Posted in Feb 2017, but visited in March 2018.....


    So not quite not heard from him for years plural.


    I'll take the pedantic cunt award for a tenner please.

  12. 17 minutes ago, msc said:

    DAMN IT!


    I've been convinced for a few years he had limited time left, just on subconscious gut feeling, but never picked him in any pools because you can't back up that with stats.


    I was convinced someone had picked him in the Hare's a few years ago...


    Can't find any record of it, mind you I don't have records of subs prior to this year and you get some bloody weird subs......


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