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Posts posted by Deathray

  1. Msc lays down a benchmark for the no-point run next year with the death of Bill Kerr back on the 28 August (240 days), Ian Paisley carked it back on the 12 September and gave three people a top-up and S.Truett Cathy went on the 8th September (the mid-September check didn't happen if you hadn't noticed, this is it) the net result is this, on the plus side no obscure fuckers this time rounder. As usual apologies for my ineptness in running this.


    Rotten Ali 1480 points

    Captain Chorizo 1419 points

    Death Impends 826 points

    Whoam 955 points

    Toast 928 points

    Estuarian Float 869 points

    maryportfuncity 737 points

    US Funeral Director 530 points

    the_engineer 513 points

    Book 386 points

    The Unknown Man 275 points

    msc 240 points

  2. To take this full circle...


    All I was trying to say is that a lot of celebs who died in the early 1980s probably died of AIDS but didn't know it, or didn't want us to know it.


    Such as Old Man Steptoe, for example.


    And, dare I say it, possibly some of the cast of Dad's Army.


    Does anyone know who this refers to? As far as I know none of the Dad's Army cast who died in the 80s died of cancer. Arnold Ridley died after a fall, John Laurie had emphysema, Arthur died of a stroke and John le Mesurier had cirrhosis of the liver. James Beck died way before the 80s and Frank Williams and Ian Lavender are still alive and I think we can rule out Clive Dunn.


    I thought the whole cast of Dads Army had died. wasn't that the whole point of Clive Dunn - the last one thing?

  3. I know I'm probably going to come into a lot of flack for this but Cameron seems to have deliberately engineered an emotive issue out of his personal battles regarding the NHS. To me the point of the NHS is a service to ensure nobody is unfairly disadvantaged because they can't afford healthcare. not a service to ensure people who don't need it get healthcare on the free. He comes from an extremely rich family and has a very large salary, why was he and his family not on private healthcare, which would have freed the spaces up for people who couldn't afford it - the purpose of the NHS? Especially, as he's a Conservative who argues for the means testing of most benefits, why is the NHS not one of those?


    To clarify, I'm aware the cost of his son's treatment may have been much higher than I envisage it to have been but I'm still cynical is extremely rich father wouldn't have chipped in for his grandson?


    Maybe I've grown to the point of no return in my cynicism and distrust of politicians and this is an abhorrent proposition to raise, sorry if that's the case.

    • Like 1

  4. I still think So is an awesome album. Very eighties yes but a brilliant album.


    And so think I.


    I think this whole thread is being a bit sniffy about the musical acheivements of both PG & PC. Being successful does not always mean that you have sold out.


    I'm not particularly fond of Phil Collins' solo work and Genesis albums after Abacab, although good songs can be found on most.


    My love for Genesis remains though. Just a few days after release I got ...And Then There Were Three..., the first LP record I ever bought1. After that I've acquired almost all they've recorded. I regularly put Seconds Out on my stereo, preferably loud.


    1I did buy a few singles before and had already shoplifted Never Mind The Bollocks, Here's The Sex Pistols





    I suppose anarchists can't really be pissed at you shoplifting their work.

    • Like 1

  5. I've decided that Serving Heads of State isn't doing it for me and going to file a theme team of Straight Edge Noughties "hardcore punk (apparently some electronic wankers also have a genre called hardcore, seriously?"/metalcore" musicians. If you're going to fail miserably you might as well do it in style. none of them will die and if any of them do they have no hope in hell of obitting. Despite being awesome.

  6. Lining up for 2015 inclusion is Toronto's Rob Ford, pulling out of the mayoral race because of an intestinal tumour and packing a lengthy mileage on his body clock on the basis of obesity and admitted drug and alcohol abuse. We've got long enough to study form here.




    He seems like the kind of people deathlist should be going for, self-destructing drug-riddled alcoholics in high-profile meltdowns. Him, Gazza? George Michael? and who else?

  7. For 2015 I think some reasonable guesses would be 94 year old Clarissa Eden widow of British Prime Minister Anthony Eden and Mary Wilson widow of British Prime Minister Harold Wilson.


    The longer we go with no news of Clarissa Eden or Mary Wilson the more I begin to think their deaths may have gone tragically unnoticed. There both very old and on the fringes of fame in modern terms, Clarissa Eden being Britain's first lady before the majority of people alive today we're born.


    Mary Wilson was a published poet as well, so I can't see her not getting an obit.


    Neither of them were ever "First Lady", incidentally. The UK is a monarchy, so if that title were to be used, it would be held by the Queen [/pedantry]


    Sorry, Spouses of the Prime Minister.

  8. What will the Uk call itself once it's no longer united? Untied Kingdom?


    The United Kingdom of England, Wales and Northern Ireland or the Continuing United Kingdom seem most sensible.


    Elsewise the Alliance of England, Wales, Northern Ireland, Various Small Islands and Communities will do.

  9. Just read an article saying that if the independance vote is a Yes result David Cameron should resign.


    He has already said that he would not resign but if enough people think he would have to would this be an incentive to vote Yes?


    Couldn't really see it making a difference. If they vote Yes, they'll be rid of him before they change and if they vote no they'll be rid of him in a year. Not much difference either way

  10. For 2015 I think some reasonable guesses would be 94 year old Clarissa Eden widow of British Prime Minister Anthony Eden and Mary Wilson widow of British Prime Minister Harold Wilson.


    The longer we go with no news of Clarissa Eden or Mary Wilson the more I begin to think their deaths may have gone tragically unnoticed. There both very old and on the fringes of fame in modern terms, Clarissa Eden being Britain's first lady before the majority of people alive today we're born.

  11. Can we put the editor and producer of Great British Bake Off in here?


    The culprit was clearly Ian for throwing his cake in the bin - despite the best attempts of the editorial team to show otherwise (I suffered about ten minutes of the show to confirm this - that I'll never get back), but that's not my issue. My issue is the BBC decided to report on this as if it was some kind of actual scandal thus massaging their croney press to follow suit and thus fall into the beebs little publicity stunt. It's a fucking baking show, do we need to change the phrase storm in a teacup to whirlwind in a baking tin?

  12. The judicial system in this country is a load of bollocks perpetuated by this Human Rights shite which has made many in the legal profession pots of money, not least of which is the Blair witch. Socialist my arse together with the money machine that is called Tony Blair and his enterprises!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Am I missing something, bui is he not the Middle East peace envoy, so why is all this trouble going on . Is Mrs. Murdoch more important to him because from what I have seen of her in pictures, she has fuck all to do with the Middle East..more oriental I'd say.


    Thank you Galento, I am pleased to say your application to stand as a UKIP candidate in the next election has been successful and will be in touch shortly to advise you of the constituency in which we will place you for election.


    When/If Scotland gets Indy in Sept, do UKIP have to rebrand?


    EIP ?


    rUKIP - Fuck Scotland, Fuck the EU


    that'd be good on the ballot paper, although I think election rules would be interesting here as to whether Fuck is a qualifying word for the use of Scotland?


    Also, I can't believe it's more than 4 years since the 2010 election, where's the time gone?

  13. http://www.bbc.co.uk...litics-28967904


    So it's finally happened as Rotten Ali or Bibliogryphon (I think, can't be bothered to check the posts), although he's doing it the long way round which will add more drama - seems like a good way for UKIP to test the water for Tory safe seats next year. Whilst I hate the guy, good on him for standing again after defecting - the first politician I can remember doing that. Anyone know who the last was?

  14. I am just curious; every time somebody dies it says details to follow, and later on some details appear. But this year nobody is putting up any details! I hope it's not some kind of depression or something.... hoping you get to put something on soon! Ta very much! (Robin Williams was sure a big surprise, wasn't he?)


    Whilst this point is raised by a guest it's a serious one is not. How long can our community survive with the website seemingly no longer regarded by it's owner as worthy of their time - sorry if there's a genuine issue causing this like illness or heaven forbid death but I'd have assumed the latter to have been reported; it would be weird would it not to run a site of this nature and not want the community to know your gone or given this site's origins it would be nigh on impossible for no-one in the owners circles to be aware and relay - so barring illness in which case I apologise - you wouldn't have a sports blog and forum where no actual news was relayed on the blog, would you?


    Surely if the person who used to update the site (can) no longer (wants to) update it for whatever reason then they should at least look at finding somebody who can? We're in August and not a single update for the whole year, yet the last death of 2013 was adequately updated very quickly. What is going on? How hard can it be to write a paragraph once in a blue moon?


    To clarify I am aware that this site is a free service and that I really have no right to complain, the fact the forum is still up and free is brilliant and that the person is entitled to do with their site what they wish, that said on a serious note; is the usual updater of the main site (assumedly the site owner) okay? (Yes, I'm also aware that question is a private matter that may not be answered);


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