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Posts posted by Deathray

  1. A quick search tells us you're actually the first person to mention de Salis here. I vaguely remember his face after Googling it but somehow that one never really entered the national er... consciousness or whatever.


    Not really surprised you got out. Sounds utterly bonkers - I'm guessing it was actually a much more stable place under Gaddaffi Duck and now he's gone the loonies are taking over the asylum like in Iraq?


    Right, because Gaddafi is who I imagine when I think of calm, stable, rational government.


    At least Libya had a government when he was in power, unlike now...


    Interestingly the middle east appears now to be at the worst it's been for a long time:


    All out warfare in Israel/Palestine

    All out warfare in Syria

    All out warfare in Iraq

    All out warfare in Libya

    All out warfare in Mali

    All out warfare in Afghanistan

    All out warfare in Pakistan

    Kurdish Separist thing in Iran (now in it's 96th year - you'd think they'd give up by now)

    That Al Queda thing in the Yemen

    That Syria started thing in Lebanon

    Ongoing trouble in Egypt

  2. Kenny Ireland, who played swinger Donald in Benidorm and Derek in Acorn Antiques, dies from cancer aged 68


    That must be about the third or fourth person we've lost from the original House of Cards in the last year or so. Maybe more. (although 1 or 2 were only very minor roles).


    They probably saw the netflix remake and didn't want to continue living

  3. Kenny Ireland, who played swinger Donald in Benidorm and Derek in Acorn Antiques, dies from cancer aged 68


    This show is like the fucking Pretenders of sitcoms, isn't that the fourth cast member dead now?


    Off the top of my head Geoffrey Hutchinson, Kate O'Mara and Wendy Richard - although the latter two were guest characters..


    Sheila Reid looks nailed on to be next, unless Johnny Vegas finally has that heart attack he's due..

  4. So, without me scrolling right through, who else had Ms Farmiloe (apart from Lord Archer and myself?)


    Just you and Lord Archer


    Death Impends 826 points

    Rotten Ali 758 points

    Captain Chorizo 733 points

    US Funeral Director 530 points

    Whoam 504 points

    Toast 480 points

    maryportfuncity 459 points

    Estuarian Float 393 points

    the_engineer 297 points

    The Unknown Man 275 points

    Book 163 points

    msc 0 points

  5. I thought local newspapers weren't qualifying, so what on earth would make a local radio programme qualifying?


    Because it's part of the BBC...


    I misunderstood the rules, I thought it had to be national BBC, seems a bit too easy to get an obit if local news counts. Surely there's an argument that local BBC shouldn't have any more weight than local council rag or chronicle/echoe/gazette?

  6. See two posts above yours. Also, I thought you were banned?


    Different IP.


    More likely just a tor broswer, which you can ban most of using third party software. (Or you use to be able to anyway). There's definitely a list of Tor IPs published somewhere

  7. http://www.thesun.ie...r-to-chemo.html


    Ali Carter has now lost all his hair to chemo.


    Poor bugger.


    Does anyone have a clue what his chances might be like? I have a feeling he'll pull through but it seems like the odds surely have to go down when you've had cancer in two different places.


    He still needs to win the big one, which he's more than capable of, it would be a cruel designer/fetemaker who deprived us of two potential world champions through cancer.


    Er... okay? No offence to Carter but I'm surprised anyone would be really that desperate to see him win the WSC? Only cancer-caused death in snooker I really care about was the man who this thread is named after, amazing man in so many ways.


    Carter... nice enough guy I guess, but bit of a journeyman and not the world's most exciting chap.....


    In fact I'm wondering if I'll ever bother watching snooker again given how thoroughly underwhelming both the 2013 and '14 world finals were.


    He's always been one of my favourite players alongside Selby and Higgins (John), there good all-rounders - they've learnt snooker isn't just about bashing ball after ball in it's about plugging through when you aren't at your best. Last years final was up there with any other final of the last ten years, okay it was more tactical but that doesn't make it any less exciting as a game - personally I'd prefer a two-hour long frame of solid safety (not Dave Harold style snoozefest) over a 5 minute maximum.


    I'd say Paul Hunter was a catastrophic cancer-related loss to the sport, but if you want to pretend that's not the case so be it..

  8. My wife screamed when she found a tattered glossy magazine and used tissues under our son's bed.


    I told her not to be silly, all teenage lads are the same. I said 'let me guess, Razzle, Asian Babes, Readers Wives, that sort of thing?'.


    No, she whispered, 'Prince George is One souvenir pullout'.


    Er, yes Deathray I saw that one on Sickipedia too, well done.


    (Actually I'm just teasing I don't give a fuck, you can steal all the jokes from there you like, the sad cunts who seemingly dominate that site at the moment wouldn't know a good joke if it came up to them in the street and told them where Maddie was buried. Can you believe I posted a Hillsborough joke and a David-Cameron-is-a-cunt joke and they were both voted down in the last few days? That's proof they are all just utterly fucking nuts).


    I know I was nearly gonna leave the see more on sickipedia bit in but it's going downhill. Sad thing is I remember when it was the bastion of black internet humour, this is the problem with things increasing in popularity - especially of the black humour aspect - they end up screwed by the "want to appear to be sick but don't want to offend anyone" brigade thank god deathlist is so small.

  9. My wife screamed when she found a tattered glossy magazine and used tissues under our son's bed.


    I told her not to be silly, all teenage lads are the same. I said 'let me guess, Razzle, Asian Babes, Readers Wives, that sort of thing?'.


    No, she whispered, 'Prince George is One souvenir pullout'.


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