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Posts posted by Deathray

  1. Thanks a bundle, but I'm only 48 and not really planing an early exit thanks very much.


    *Rubs you off on the whiteboard*

    *Bookmarks this thread for 2035 in phone calendar*


    'Whiteboard' alone marks you as a young shaver................


    Edit to add............. he thinks he will still have the same phone in 21 years time :D



    It'll be retro gold by then, probably still work as well. If it still works on 1st Jan 2037 I'll be having stern words with Samsung about there calendar feature.

  2. The only thing this thread confirms for definite is me and predictor might be able to put a couple of you on our deadpools and see success.


    Anybody famous on the boards, I'm particular interested in the guy who ticked 70+ on that age survey?


    We know harrymcnally writes program descriptions for BBC4; that's probably a outside chance. How old is he?


    I vaguely remember RA saying he might be obit worthy depending on how he dies and if he's in he's current job. How old is he?

  3. -


    I think if he had sang this instead of Jake the peg in court his chances of acquital might have been higher (cough)!


    This has been brought up far too many times in this thread.

  4. None of the resignations from the current coalition have been directly related to extra-marital relationships. In fact the last person to lose his job because of this was David Blunkett. I think generally people are more tolerant of the existence of affairs but when the people involve either take advantage of their position or lie to cover up the affair then public anger is raised and resignations tend to follow.

    John Major’s government did suffer a bit of a witch hunt on this subject but they became hostages to fortune by promoting the Back to Basics campaign for moral renewal.

    As for Bill Clinton everyone knew what he was when he was re-elected in 1996 but voters looked past his personal life to see his politics and the subsequent impeachment was politically motivated. If Hilary had not backed him then history may well have been different but she was very Tammy Wynette about it, but was she just playing the long game?

    You say there is no-one on the Labour front bench team you would trust because they voted for Red Ed but it was the Union block vote that got him across the line and I think he has shown that he is not just a union man. However any protests of support from his colleagues is the requirement of a collective responsibility of the front bench no-one wants to commit political suicide by directly going up against the leader, however if the beast was wounded the hyenas would circle, but politicians of all colours behave like this.

    But it is this point that I want to focus on is that clearly from your response as someone who is naturally on the right of UK politics you cannot see a leader who reaches out to you across the centre ground. I am in the same boat but from a different perspective, I do not see the One Nation Conservative leader who would allow me to consider them as an alternative to the options on the left that I would usually go for. Where have all the Ken Clarkes gone?


    You must have a short memory, Liam Fox and Adam Wetherity was blatantly and extramarital type situation.


    This was not what the media storm was about. It was about inappropriate access and blurring of politics and business. If there was anything more than a platonic relationship between the two (I don't believe there was) then if the media had chosen to focus on this he might have been able to hang on because he could have tried to claim a homphobic witch hunt. David Laws' resignation in 2010 obviously had an element of sexual content but it was because he lied to prevent prying into his private life. If he had not made the false claims about his abode then I do not think a newspaper would run a headline in the current climate saying "Minister lives with another man shock!"


    I'm aware that the media storm was about the inappropriate use of taxpayers money accommodating a lobbyist. However my cynical side thinks that there's cheaper ways of appeasing a lobbyist than taking a close friend all over the place on business trips. Also he was married, it doesn't matter whether the other in question is male or female extra-marital affairs are still morally objectionable to the vast majority of society. Accomadating your extramarital affair with anybody through taxpayers money and providing MoD access would sell newspapers anyway if it could be proven. It couldn't be proven or didn't happen, so it wasn't ran that doesn't mean to say there was no extramarital element. This did flare up around the period of super injunctions, phone hacking and general panic of offending or libelling anyone in the news industry.

  5. Bloody hell, 1998? You're just a pup! My memory of World Cups go back to 1982 and this tourney is right up there among the best World Cups (not as good as Euro 2000 though). The Germany v Algeria match was great too. Shades of 82/86 in the quarters with France v Germany & Argentina v Belgium...


    Best not mention my first World Cup was 2002 then! :D


    This one has been a cracker so far.


    Probably best not to mention the first I watched any of or as aware of on a conscious level was 2006 and the first I paid a lot of attention to was 2010.

  6. None of the resignations from the current coalition have been directly related to extra-marital relationships. In fact the last person to lose his job because of this was David Blunkett. I think generally people are more tolerant of the existence of affairs but when the people involve either take advantage of their position or lie to cover up the affair then public anger is raised and resignations tend to follow.

    John Major’s government did suffer a bit of a witch hunt on this subject but they became hostages to fortune by promoting the Back to Basics campaign for moral renewal.

    As for Bill Clinton everyone knew what he was when he was re-elected in 1996 but voters looked past his personal life to see his politics and the subsequent impeachment was politically motivated. If Hilary had not backed him then history may well have been different but she was very Tammy Wynette about it, but was she just playing the long game?

    You say there is no-one on the Labour front bench team you would trust because they voted for Red Ed but it was the Union block vote that got him across the line and I think he has shown that he is not just a union man. However any protests of support from his colleagues is the requirement of a collective responsibility of the front bench no-one wants to commit political suicide by directly going up against the leader, however if the beast was wounded the hyenas would circle, but politicians of all colours behave like this.

    But it is this point that I want to focus on is that clearly from your response as someone who is naturally on the right of UK politics you cannot see a leader who reaches out to you across the centre ground. I am in the same boat but from a different perspective, I do not see the One Nation Conservative leader who would allow me to consider them as an alternative to the options on the left that I would usually go for. Where have all the Ken Clarkes gone?


    You must have a short memory, Liam Fox and Adam Wetherity was blatantly and extramarital type situation.

  7. Time for a sweepstake -I reckon he will get 10 years with 5 years non-parole.Higher or lower?


    I actually think the judge will be fairly lenient. Because of his age and positive attitude (compared with Max Clifford) he might even get a suspended sentence, or maybe 2 or 3 years jail time


    Time for definite, but Rolf might even comply with a treatment programme and I'd say 30 months tops.


    Treatment program's might be fair enough if this was the kind of over-familiarity we were looking at in William Roach's allegation, it's something much more sinister though.

  8. Time for a sweepstake -I reckon he will get 10 years with 5 years non-parole.Higher or lower?


    I reckon he'll get 12-15 years and will serve less than 2 - dying in prison with bonus points for unnatural death on the table.

    • Like 1

  9. Before any libel suites from mega-rich musicians come my way, I just think the guys in question are a bit dodgy nothing more. I don't think they've done anything criminal, just normal band and fan interaction, and I am not privy to any industry insider information so take my posts with a fat american in McDonalds' dose of salt..

    • Like 1

  10. How can a beloved pop star go on a Summer Holiday with a Living Doll, Travelling Light and Moving It? I suppose that Congratulations could be in order for the Young Ones.


    i would hazard a guess that JP could be a man with a squeaky voice............only other JP could be Jimmy Page..

    BD, I am struggling with, and agree that Blowing in the Wind might be a clue


    Bob Dylan is not a pedophile, BD is possibly not defined as a pop star depending on your opinion of his music.

  11. Over zealous supermarket security guards. Every time I walk through the door of their establishment, the uniformed oaf (who no doubt failed in his application to become a policeman) in our local Co Op looks at me as if I am just about to commit a very serious offence.


    I had a frank and forthright exchange of views with him this morning, telling him that I had been shopping there for years and never actually caused any damage or stolen anything, so there is no need to look at me like I'm a potential suicide bomber or ram raider. I got so irate with the "I'm just doing my job mate", reply that I stole a large packet of Cathedral City Cheddar (retail value £3.89) on the way out.


    I've report you to the police, probably best not to boast about your petty theft antics online.

  12. Having been catching up on some of the Game of Thrones, Peter Vaughan at 91 has to be considered.


    (I know he is an actor, and acting, but.......).......... His voice sounds really really creaky, and after Sam Kelly, there is not many Porridge boys left.


    He has to survive another season though.


    Or you know they could just write him out offscreen if anything happens like most shows would.


    I once made the mistake of looking at the "A game of ice and fire"-wiki because I wanted to know a bit of the Game of Thrones backstory without reading the books. I accidentally spoiled myself though and so I know that they ...probably... can't do that, because he has something to do. It could be that they leave that plotline out of the TV show, but from what I've read, it's not likely. That's all I can say without spoiling it for others as well.


    Or they could replace him with another old codger, as shows often do when a character's that critical.

  13. Personality assessments in online job applications.


    How is asking me to click boxes on 500 questions (okay I exaggerate but not by much) along the sub-textual lines of "will you nick from me store?", "are you high maintenance employee" and "do you have the capacity to converse with others?" a sensible way of examining my suitability for the job?

  14. Having been catching up on some of the Game of Thrones, Peter Vaughan at 91 has to be considered.


    (I know he is an actor, and acting, but.......).......... His voice sounds really really creaky, and after Sam Kelly, there is not many Porridge boys left.


    He has to survive another season though.


    Or you know they could just write him out offscreen if anything happens like most shows would.

  15. When Tony Nicklinson lost his right to die fight legally, he was dead of "natural causes" within seven days. Paul Lamb and "Martin" - along with Nicklinson's widow who continues his fight - lost another round in court yesterday. I've got Lamb on some 2014 teams. Re "Martin" we'd better start debating this. Assuming he's still breathing on New Year's Day does his preferred pseudonym count for picking purposes all round? Obviously, the low-hanger fest of the "fast, furious...f***in' good fun" Deathrace will accept him and duly dish out points, but other dead pool managers may feel differently.


    Crucially the DDP, we're getting to the point where you could just about scramble a theme team together from these Right to Die folk.

  16. Updated Table.


    Chuck Noll = Captain Chorizo 164

    Eli Wallach = Whoam and US Funeral Director 176


    Captain Chorizo 733 points

    Death Impends 708 points

    Rotten Ali 558 points

    Whoam 504 points

    Toast 480 points

    the_engineer 297 points

    The Unknown Man 275 points

    Estuarian Float 252 points

    Book 163 points

    US Funeral Director 154 points

    maryportfuncity 151 points

    msc 0 points


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