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Posts posted by Deathray

  1. You can always trust a women and a cocksucking tranny to find deeper meaning in a light-hearted joke and cry sexism together.


    It was a cheap jibe at your username and people unfortunate enough to have PBA, nothing more.

    Yes it was, it was an insult to all women out there, our mothers, sisters, aunties, grannies and Miranda Hart.

    Your behaviour is disgusting, its sexist and discriminatory to all cock sucking transvestites.

    You are a disgraceful spunk stain on this forum.


    At least I'm not a shitstain on it like you.

    When I want your opinion I will give it to you.


    Shall we agree to leave it now, this all rather bloody boring and I've got some minecraft to play and Aerosmith to listen to.

  2. People who spout irrational hatred and abuse at strangers they've never met on an otherwise very friendly internet forum and continue with their campaign for justice (in their eyes everybody else hating the same person and them being able to ridicule/abuse/bully/harass them with no repercussions) to the point of looking like a tedious whingebag.


    *not looking at anyone on this forum *cough*Dr Zorders*cough**

  3. You can always trust a women and a cocksucking tranny to find deeper meaning in a light-hearted joke and cry sexism together.


    It was a cheap jibe at your username and people unfortunate enough to have PBA, nothing more.

    Yes it was, it was an insult to all women out there, our mothers, sisters, aunties, grannies and Miranda Hart.

    Your behaviour is disgusting, its sexist and discriminatory to all cock sucking transvestites.

    You are a disgraceful spunk stain on this forum.


    At least I'm not a shitstain on it like you.

  4. You can always trust a women and a cocksucking tranny to find deeper meaning in a light-hearted joke and cry sexism together.


    It was a cheap jibe at your username and people unfortunate enough to have PBA, nothing more.

  5. Because of the hostility towards guests I am seriously considering something I thought I would never do.I might decide to register as a permanent member !

    I hope not! I don't ban members. There's still time to ban your IP.


    Is this is a blanket policy, or will you make perceptions for specific cases of outrageous behaviour?

  6. Sadly not true, nobody has created a duplicate account in a long, long time. Those that did, back in the day, have left the DL.


    Theirs not much making a dupe when you can just post as a guest.


    Very True.

    But, mods and admins can see your IP address Deathray.


    Of course, but they could still do that if I created a dupe.


    Unless used a proxy browser but even they aren't foolproof.

    • Like 1

  7. Why can't people just get along? Some of the attempts at abuse are simply awful.


    So people should get along, not because everyone getting along would create a harmonious atmosphere of peace and lovely lemon cupcakes, but because you don't think there attempts at abusing each-other are up to scratch?


    I suppose when your heroes are the Taliban you'd be disappointed by anything less than us blowing each-other up, probably?

  8. To be honest I'm fucking bored of this story now, he's just fucking attention seeking. He needs to either wake the fuck up or die, stop fannying around you even-more-bendy-faced-than-usual cunt.



    *For info - I believe I also accused Jade Goody and Wendy Richard of attention-seeking, and they pegged it, so all those who picked Schumacher will thank me for this post later.


    :skull: The Curse Of Lardy :skull:


    The Curse of Lardy Da more like.

  9. I wasnt "bickering" I was merely pointing out that his thread was shit, most of, if not all, his threads are shit and that I find him an irritating pain in the arse.

    All of the above points cannot be argued to the contrary by anybody but Deathray.


    You are entitled to your opinion that I am an irritating pain in the arse and my posts are shit, whilst I'm equally entitled to the opinion that you are cunt with a broken syndrome issue who posts a load of gibbering nonsense and has a username so unfunny that someone with PBA would fail to raise a smile.

    Well, first we had Ali v Foreman, then Dr Z v Sharon and now its The Rock v Dale Winton ( you can be Dale) is there no beginning to all this excitement?

    How about you just fuck off .


    How about I don't fuck off as I'm not going to be driven off the forum by a cocksucking tranny like yourself.


    Also PBA = pseudobulbar affect http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pseudobulbar_affect

  10. I wasnt "bickering" I was merely pointing out that his thread was shit, most of, if not all, his threads are shit and that I find him an irritating pain in the arse.

    All of the above points cannot be argued to the contrary by anybody but Deathray.


    You are entitled to your opinion that I am an irritating pain in the arse and my posts are shit, whilst I'm equally entitled to the opinion that you are cunt with a broken syndrome issue who posts a load of gibbering nonsense and has a username so unfunny that someone with PBA would fail to raise a smile.

  11. The dictionary definition doesn't really help here


    known about by many people.



    It's arguable victims of the Great War are known about many people but also arguable that the individuals themselves are not.




    Perhaps we should start again with a clear definition of famous and game rules drawn up?

  12. 5069-15393


    A small number of the men who were killed in WW1, from the Mercentile Marine Casualties Roll of Honour


    Truly sobering reading in light of the 100th anniversary.




    As sobering as that is, can I draw your attention to the following


    name a million famous dead people

    While the aforementioned are worthy of remembrance, can they really be classed as famous?


    Surely the same argument could be made against the 9/11 victims and the victims of the titanic, they're famous due to being tragic victims of a famous catastrophe. Nobody could name all the victims of the titanic or 9/11 by heart so your logics says they shouldn't be included but they were without fuss so...


    I think people gathering in tribute to you every year requires a famous status of some degree.

    In that case, add the the other 5million+ allied casualties & close the thread.


    If you kind find a list online of all of them by name then do so (one you don't need a subscription to access)..

  13. 5069-15393


    A small number of the men who were killed in WW1, from the Mercentile Marine Casualties Roll of Honour


    Truly sobering reading in light of the 100th anniversary.




    As sobering as that is, can I draw your attention to the following


    name a million famous dead people

    While the aforementioned are worthy of remembrance, can they really be classed as famous?


    Surely the same argument could be made against the 9/11 victims and the victims of the titanic, they're famous due to being tragic victims of a famous catastrophe. Nobody could name all the victims of the titanic or 9/11 by heart so your logics says they shouldn't be included but they were without fuss so...


    I think people gathering in tribute to you every year requires a famous status of some degree.

  14. Sad sorry here of the dead mummified corps e of a suicide victim that was hanging off a billboard for years . http://www.dailymail...ght-advert.html People ignored it because they assumed it as some kind of advertising stunt. Shows what sort of sick world we're living in :(


    Years? Doesn't belong in the 2014 thread then, does it.

    Nor does this Toastie but, to be fair, if the twathead guest had posted this link, which was on the same page, they would have had more cred!!!

    This is just utterly brilliant!!! :lol:



    LOL Mental! :lol:


    By the way, did they ever find that bloke's dick in Middlesbrough?

    I dont think so.

    Mind you the science is there to replace it.They have managed to grow an ear on the back of a mouse, im guessing they are trying to grow a cock on the back of a hamster as we speak......


    Shame they can't replace your second arse with a face. It's a rather unendearing thing to have attached to your neck.

    I cant quite work out whether that was humour, an insult or a humerous insult.

    That one didnt work on any level.

    Stick to creating shit threads.


    It was the last one..


    At least it's only my threads are shit rather than what comes out of my mouth, sorry second arse in your case.

  15. Sad sorry here of the dead mummified corps e of a suicide victim that was hanging off a billboard for years . http://www.dailymail...ght-advert.html People ignored it because they assumed it as some kind of advertising stunt. Shows what sort of sick world we're living in :(


    Years? Doesn't belong in the 2014 thread then, does it.

    Nor does this Toastie but, to be fair, if the twathead guest had posted this link, which was on the same page, they would have had more cred!!!

    This is just utterly brilliant!!! :lol:



    LOL Mental! :lol:


    By the way, did they ever find that bloke's dick in Middlesbrough?

    I dont think so.

    Mind you the science is there to replace it.They have managed to grow an ear on the back of a mouse, im guessing they are trying to grow a cock on the back of a hamster as we speak......


    Shame they can't replace your second arse with a face. It's a rather unendearing thing to have attached to your neck.


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