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Posts posted by Deathray

  1. 194 in and repeats are showing up already,!


    Who's going to do all the checking when up into the 6 figures?

    194 in and repeats are showing up already,!


    Who's going to do all the checking when up into the 6 figures?


    I suppose I could create a notepad document and just ctrl + f it.


    194 - Anna Wing

  2. My farts smell disgusting lately. Really, it's getting too much. Anyone got any idea why? I don't even eat eggs or baked beans.

    Because they do. That's all anyone really needs to know, although we are grateful to you for sharing this information so as to know not to get caught in a windowless room or elevator with you.


    It may interest you (or not) to know that my late and not always beloved Mumsy had a bit of trouble with that issuance thing as well, We never did find out why.

    Why is inheritance tax abbreviated as IHT?



    Milton Keynes

    Because if it were abbreviated as THI it would be confusing. Seems straightforward enough the way it is. In Heir-itance Tax




    My neighbor recently disappeared for a while and the police broke down his door to see if he was in there and hurt or alive or even dead. Would he have been suitable material for listing here on DL as he had appeared in several off-Broadway theater productions? (I mean of course, had he been dead. As it turned out he was alive and well and living on a cruise ship)


    Depends how big your neighbour is, I'm pretty sure for the DL he'd need to be guaranteed headline news or breaking news slots in British news outlets.

  3. I've personally never started/created a thread on this site, because all the good ideas have already been taken (not surprising for a 9-10 year old Internet forum). And something tells me I'd get criticized for my threads too, hahah.

    You cannot possibly be any worse than old Thread Killington, the more threads you start the more they will overwhelm his, thats gotta be a good thing!!


    Did somebody poison your cheerios or are you generally this much of a windbag?

    No, you just irritate the shit out of me.


    Don't worry the feelings mutual after the arsehole you've been tonight.

  4. I've personally never started/created a thread on this site, because all the good ideas have already been taken (not surprising for a 9-10 year old Internet forum). And something tells me I'd get criticized for my threads too, hahah.

    You cannot possibly be any worse than old Thread Killington, the more threads you start the more they will overwhelm his, thats gotta be a good thing!!


    Did somebody poison your cheerios or are you generally this much of a windbag?

  5. bump...............everybody bump... B)


    It's been a bit quiet round here recently..

    As Prince Charles once stated , not necessarily verbatim, "You are a monsterous carbuncle on the face of a dear friend."

    This thread is massively shit and Im perplexed as to why its been left to fester by a Mod.

    I realise that the good old days were not always the good old days but, fuck me, it was never as bad as this.


    I think the 11 entries speak for themselves, some people are happy with this game let them play it.


    At least we know we'll last the full year out and are prepared unlike that Deathrace crap.

    I was actually refering to the million dead thread.

    Obviously, I stuck the fucking post onto the wrong thread, never mind, I could have posted in on anything you "created" because, undoubtedly, it would be shit.


    Unfortunately I'm not a mind reader so there was nothing "obviously" about your post being in the wrong thread, and your entitled to your opinion on threads I start - using the word "create" to refer to internet threads demeans the very word, "create" is about the bringing into existence of something either a work of art, a cure for cancer or a deadly virus we shouldn't demean that.

  6. bump...............everybody bump... B)


    It's been a bit quiet round here recently..

    As Prince Charles once stated , not necessarily verbatim, "You are a monsterous carbuncle on the face of a dear friend."

    This thread is massively shit and Im perplexed as to why its been left to fester by a Mod.

    I realise that the good old days were not always the good old days but, fuck me, it was never as bad as this.


    I think the 11 entries speak for themselves, some people are happy with this game let them play it.


    At least we know we'll last the full year out and are prepared unlike that Deathrace crap.

  7. That's 1,000,001. Time to lock the thread methinks, unless you can think of a good reason not to.


    Go ahead, if anyone actually wants to have a crack at this go here http://amilliondead.proboards.com/.


    That way were not wasting DL data.

    I don't understand...Is the purpose of this game just to name every celebrity that has ever existed throughout the history of mankind? Where's the challenge? Where's the fun? :ph34r:


    On a few forums I've visited they have these "Count to a Million Threads", I thought this was boring so came up with this variant for our forum. The challenge is getting to a million, the fun is trying to think of a unique dead person when we're in the hundreds of thousands.


    63 - James Callaghan

    In other words, this is an easy way to increase your postcount and gain more status around here. ;)


    69. Jackie Cooper


    71 - Soulja Boy


    Genuinely didn't think of it like that; purely as a normal forum game, suppose at the least it could serve a semi-decent replacement for chat that nobody fucking uses..


    Okay... now you're trolling your own thread........




    I kind of thought he was dead, I didn't double check.


    71 - Dead (Per Yngve Ohlin)

  8. That's 1,000,001. Time to lock the thread methinks, unless you can think of a good reason not to.


    Go ahead, if anyone actually wants to have a crack at this go here http://amilliondead.proboards.com/.


    That way were not wasting DL data.

    I don't understand...Is the purpose of this game just to name every celebrity that has ever existed throughout the history of mankind? Where's the challenge? Where's the fun? :ph34r:


    On a few forums I've visited they have these "Count to a Million Threads", I thought this was boring so came up with this variant for our forum. The challenge is getting to a million, the fun is trying to think of a unique dead person when we're in the hundreds of thousands.


    63 - James Callaghan

    In other words, this is an easy way to increase your postcount and gain more status around here. ;)


    69. Jackie Cooper


    71 - Soulja Boy


    Genuinely didn't think of it like that; purely as a normal forum game, suppose at the least it could serve a semi-decent replacement for chat that nobody fucking uses..


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