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Posts posted by Deathray

  1. You could return in ten years and no doubt the DDP will still be around...


    Still sad to see a legend retire. That will mean only myself of the people to have run the DDP to still compete from next year.


    Got any plans to retire?

  2. http://www.dailymail...ts-suicide.html


    Mick Jagger's girlfriend L'Wren Scott has hung herself.


    Sorry, this link doesn't say she's hung herself, but haggard old wench Kay Burley has reported it as such on her Twitter.


    Could somebody explain how it's possible to hang yourself from a doorknob? (Especially if you're very tall.) Shouldn't you have to jump off something, or summat.

    Open the door, tie a rope or summat around the knob that is on the other side of the door you are standing against, drape the rope over the top of the door, make a noose, stand on a chair, put the noose around yer neck, kick the chair away and yer dead, or summat.


    If we're going to start providing detailed suicide advice then "deathlist" will take on a whole new meaning.

  3. My ideas for a funeral song are:


    Get Set Go - I Hate Everyone (this is currently my personal choice)

    Downplay - I hated you from hello

    The Pretender - Foo Fighters

    Ashes to Ashes - David Bowie

    So Long and Thanks for All the Fish - Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy (if I'm in a good mood when I write my will)

  4. I am 40 years old. I am a lady. I have two children, I have been married once, divorced once, and have never had crabs. My pants today are black, and I had a salmon salad for lunch. :)


    That's sad. They're delicious.


    I prefer eating pork to fish.


    ? I'm losing it....


    Salmon = fish


    crabs are neither pork no, ah, in the middle of typing , ''I geddit' :D


    Eh, re poll, I'm 47. Don't know what it really matters though....folks have this sort of interest at any age...as the poll seems to show (assuming every cunt is honest,,,,,)


    That's kind of why I started the poll. I wasn't sure whether this was a hobby more common among the elderly who have come to terms with the prospect of death or the young who may be less likely to have come to terms with it.

  5. Yeah, good point Deathray, who's ever heard of a president successfully suppressing/ignoring the part of the population that don't support him? :rolleyes:


    Fair point but a lot of the time oppressors use the public mood to get into power and then become the devil incarnarte a la Hitler.


    Actually I'm kinda bored allready . I think I'll come back


    But I'd just started to celebrate, damn.

  6. Joe Hains was also pretty honest about his opinion of Tony Benn on BBC News yesterday lunch-time by calling him a "constant problem", I think it's more a case that old-school politicos are less privy to falling into the "I disagreed with his opinion but he was a remarkable man" bollocks and more tell it like it is types.

  7. Following the death of Tony Benn we give 71 points to Rotten Ali and the_engineer:


    EDIT: Also 67 points to Estuarian Float for Joe McGinnis who passed away on the 10th March.


    Rotten Ali 123 points

    Estuarian Float 87 points

    the_engineer 71 points

    Captain Chorizo 59 points

    Death Impends 42 points

    The Unknown Man 10 points

    US Funeral Director 10 points

    maryportfuncity 7 points

    Toast 4 points

    Everyone Else 0 points

  8. The oldest person in the town I live in, has died, at 107, just four months shy of her 108 birthday.


    Is this Hermione Cock? Pro-tip: don't google her name at work unless you want a lot of "alternative" Harry Potter fanfic.


    "The Burning Pen" one is mildly interesting..

  9. Living Prime Ministers

    John Major, (29 March 1943)

    Tony Blair (6 May 1953)

    Gordon Brown (20 February 1951)

    David Cameron (9 October 1966)


    Living Prime Ministers Spouses

    Clarissa Eden (nee Spencer-Churchill) (28 June 1920)

    Mary Wilson (nee Baldwin) (12 January 1916)

    Norma Major (nee Johnson) (12 February 1942)

    Cherie Blair (nee Booth) (23 September 1954)

    Sarah Jane Brown (nee Macauly) (31 October 1963)

  10. Aren't we giving the gormless bastard too much credit by assuming he's engaging in any strategic talk? He's probably having a three way with Rebekah Brooks and a horse right now.


    You're probably right, it looks like William Hague is being manoeuvred into scapegoat position when this all blows up!

  11. At the end of the day the Ukranian rebels don't have the support of the vast majority of Ukranians. It's a bit like a slightly more fascist UKIP holding a giant protest and then declaring themselves rulers here. Russia is simply aiming to protect it's own people and I'll be there to protest any UK military involvement.


    Full military mobilisation. Fuck me this is getting more serious by the hour http://www.bbc.co.uk...europe-26405635 :unsure:



    Do you think it'd be a good idea to move this discussion into a new Ukraine thread in DL Extra-Curricullur?


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