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Posts posted by Deathray

  1. Some people thought the death of Ariel Sharon signalled the imminent end of the world- has God just given us another sign? Take a look at this.. http://www.nydailyne...ticle-1.1583494 Even the most atheist person has to be a bit spooked by that!


    The strikes, which frequently hit the famous statute above the Brazilian city, chipped the right thumb of the figure. Erected in 1931, the statute frequently needs such repairs.


    So, this is normal. If you're desperate for "end times" signals then here: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/vaticancityandholysee/10581481/Nun-gives-birth-to-baby-named-after-Pope.html

  2. The trouble with boning a woman over 60 is that it's like sticking ones cock into a can of baked beans.


    Not pleasant.


    To make such a deduction you must have both boned a woman over 60 AND stuck your cock in a can of baked beans.




    Yeah, but the money I raised for "Children In Need" made it all worth it.



    Today not one, not two, but THREE stars appeared before the beak.

    DLT, Rolf and Bill Roache, whadda the chances of that, eh!!!!

    To top it all, Freddie Starr was also rearrested.

    Jesus wept!!!!


    I noticed that. I also noticed Rolf Harris's wife in a wheelchair.......(one of my unique picks on the DDP :D)

    Noticed that as well. Just wondering if there's some kind of political conspiracy theory going on, like a good day to bury bad news? All the judges being told when to open the trials?


    Just sayin' like.


    It was quite ridiculous seeing the new coverage wheeling the four of them on the top stories followed by inflation reaches target, French PM admits having affair and Cameron supports paying frackers

  3. Banning guests from posting should have been DL's New Year resolution...


    This. We need to ban the fucktard guests now, for the sake of this forum, I might stop visiting this site if guests aren't banned immediately.

  4. Ariel Sharon's death sees The Unknown Man, Rotten Ali and US Funeral Director all gain their first hit with 10 points.


    The Unknown Man 10 points

    Rotten Ali 10 points

    US Funeral Director 10 points

    maryportfuncity 7 points

    Everyone Else 0 points

  5. How utterly sick everyone connected with this website is. And not very talented. Just think of someone who is quite old and put them on your list. Big deal. All you do is create a lot of heartache among the people featured and their families. Why don't you do something useful with your lives?


    Wilko Johnson is relatively young in Deathlister terms and qualified due to the fact he's got terminal bloody cancer, so your age argument is nulled. This site provides recognition of the lives of people who otherwise might not get a lot of coverage in death and is absolutely harmless. I do do useful things in my life but in my spare time I sometimes enjoy popping over to this site to see who's going to/has died. There isn't really anything wrong with that, I'm not wishing the person would die, in many cases I'm wishing they won't. The only harm caused by deadpooling is to imbeciles who are incapable of taking the time to work out what it's actually about.

    • Like 4

  6. Slow start to the year.




    This is the fastest dead pool out there. Sharon will kick us off big style soon


    Going from the masterlist it looks like you got 365 for Baldwin in this. Leading your own deadpool *gets out tin foil hat*

  7. And we have the first hit of the year with Dorothy Baldwin dying on New Years Day giving mpfc 1 point. Technically only qualified for 0 points but that felt unfair so I've given 1.


    Maryportfuncity 1

    Everyone else 0


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