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Posts posted by Deathray

  1. I thought she was on the main list too.


    EDIT: Just checked against the 1st death poll, she was number 8 and appears to have disappeared from the main page list without a replacement. DL Committee what are you up to?

  2. Unfortunately yes. For 2014 I'm going to update the List of the Lost so the deadline for Brit obits is 1st January 2015, so that there's at least 24 hours grace...


    Did anyone pick him for 2014 and if so are they allowed to replace him?

  3. So, off we go 2014 HPDP. May the best team win...


    PS Those who have nominated subs, can pick up bonus points should either or both of them die. (No particular order of death required) They won't move up or down in value, or have multiplying bonus points, but for a single successful hit they will pay you 25 points. A second successful hit will gain you a further 50 points.


    Leader Board:


    1st - 1 point Deathray

    =2nd - 0 points Everyone else


    Because Deathray's sub choice of Selena Gomez is in itself worthy of the sexist quote...

    "I'd like to give her one"


    I would have thought Baroness Trumpington was more your type :P

    • Like 1

  4. I agree with the previous post. Who the hell are Wilko Johnson, Chris Woodhead, and Joost van der Westhuizen??

    Never heard of them, and I'm reasonably well informed.

    Many poor choices, replace the DeathList Committee!!


    Wilko Johnson is a musician , Chris Woodhead used to be an offsted inspector and Joost van der Westhuizen is a south african rugby player.

  5. Damn I thought I had until tonight to enter this too. Oh well, perhaps next year I'll remember.


    BOLLOCKS AND FUCK I forgot this ended yesterday and not today. Ah well, at least it gives everyone else a chance of winning! :D


    If you want to put your picks to some use I'm willing to accept late entrants into the Hare's Death Pool. they'll need 5 companions though.


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