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Everything posted by dodrade

  1. dodrade

    Robert Redford

    It was posted here first on saturday but it took three days for most of the media to follow up.
  2. dodrade

    Robert Redford

    Not sure why everyone else was so slow to report the story. https://variety.com/2020/film/news/james-redford-dead-dies-documentary-filmmaker-son-robert-redford-1234810307/
  3. dodrade

    Ruth Bader Ginsburg

    As things stand conservatives have a 5-3 majority (if you count Roberts) so perhaps the GOP can afford to wait until after the election if necessary.
  4. dodrade

    Ruth Bader Ginsburg

    Does this make the "Biden Rule" (which the Democrats denied existed) official?
  5. dodrade

    Ruth Bader Ginsburg

    Amy Coney Barrett seems to be the favourite, has had bipartisan support in the past which might make it difficult for the Democrats to object without accepting McConnell's rationale for blocking Garland in 2016.
  6. dodrade

    Ruth Bader Ginsburg

    Presuming there isn't enough time to replace her before the election it might help drive up turnout for Biden.
  7. dodrade

    Chadwick Boseman

    "Black Panther" was a big success but he was overshadowed somewhat by Michael B Jordan as Killmonger who is nominally the villain but with whom the film's sympathies clearly lie. He also specialised in biopics of american figures (Jackie Robinson, Thurgood Marshall) who are much less known outside the United States and are comparatively little seen as a result.
  8. dodrade

    Herman Cain

    Holding rallies leading to the death of one of your most prominent supporters is an unusual election strategy to say the least.
  9. dodrade

    Olivia De Havilland

    Even a broken clock...
  10. dodrade

    Ruth Bader Ginsburg

    Perhaps, but the Democrats may feel they owe Garland given he wasn't even given the courtesy of a confirmation hearing.
  11. dodrade

    Ruth Bader Ginsburg

    If she holds on to January I suspect Merrick Garland will finally get his seat on the bench as her successor.
  12. dodrade

    Olivia De Havilland

    Another example is Ian McKellen in "The Keep".
  13. dodrade

    Kim Jong-Un

    Quite telling that he seems to be the only fat person in North Korea.
  14. dodrade

    Prince Philip Duke Of Edinburgh

    He's "died" more times online than Tony Hart!
  15. dodrade

    Thoughts and Opinions on the 2020 List

    You would expect a few hits early in the year from those known to be gravely ill when the list is compiled. It's also just as possible the hits dry up after a fast start as in 2011. How Coronavirus might effect the list is another matter.
  16. dodrade

    Political Frailty

    Also in Northern Ireland.
  17. dodrade

    Olivia Newton-John

    Olivia De Havilland was 100 before finally being made a Dame and is with us yet.
  18. dodrade

    Olivia Newton-John

    Is she well enough to go to the palace for it?
  19. dodrade


    Very sad, I think she has a young family too as I remember her reporting on election night 2005 while heavily pregnant.
  20. dodrade

    Political Frailty

    Still unlikely, he starts with over 50% of the vote and new party leaders usually get a bounce in their own seats, plus sitting PM's attract extra protest candidates which merely splits the opposition vote and increases their majority.
  21. dodrade

    The Dutch

    I suppose like his most famous character he was always fated to die in 2019.
  22. dodrade


    I think so, I knew the name was familiar from somewhere.
  23. dodrade

    Herman Wouk

    I guess his work isn't "relevant" to most people today, unlike the cultural icon that is Grumpy Cat.
  24. dodrade

    Bob Hawke

    Perhaps just as well he didn't get to see Labor blow it again.
  25. dodrade

    Bob Hawke

    Did he have a postal vote?

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