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Sir Creep

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Everything posted by Sir Creep

  1. Sir Creep

    The Deathlist Cup 2018

    First allow me to thank msc for hosting this DP. Second, allow me to thank the following: Rev Billy Graham, Brandon Jenkins, Emma Hannigan, Tom Benson, Bernie DeKoven, Bishop David Foley, Ernie Thacker, Nabi Tajima, Dr. David Goodall, Ted Dabney, Matt Cappotelli, and fwiw Colin Butts — without whom none of this would have been possible. And lastly but most importantly, allow me to genuflect to DevonDeathTrip for a tournament well-played and won with (let’s face it) superiority. To the victor! SirC Edit: just noticed my prediction DDT would win 3 hits to 1 (officially) was on the money.
  2. Sir Creep

    Five4Three2One Deadpool - 2018

    He posts 4 days after Sir Creep posted as Joe Jackson replacement....
  3. Sir Creep

    Chirac's couple

    Not a thing. You'll have to excuse 'eggplant' but I make 'eggplant surprise' which is basically battered/fried eggplant (round slices) and spaghetti sauce, some sprinkle cheese. I've not met a person who has anything short of adoration for this dish. If it weren't such a mess to clean up, I'd make it far more than the few times a year I do. SC EDIT: As for cucumbers, my daughter loves them so we put them on our Subway sandwiches. I like the skinny version far better than fat garden variety. All THAT said, when I lived in Polish Hamtramck, MI, they put them in sour cream + onion + some vinegar I think, and they are incredible, a cucumber salad as it were. So try them like that and get back to me. Here's one of a zillion recipes online all say about the same thing. https://theblondcook.com/german-cucumber-salad/
  4. Sir Creep

    World's Oldest

    Bank will be hard-pressed to say 'mistaken identity' for a 112-year old relatively famous individual. I promise they are on the hook to return all funds. I don't care how the 'thieves' got his info or if they used it to purchase online , so long as you are diligent in letting the bank know it's a fraud. Had that happen to me (granted, we are talking $2500), and all money was put back in after a couple months. Now - if it's been many months (and his niece? Volma suggests at least a few months have gone by), it may be arguably too late. SC
  5. Sir Creep

    Law And Order

    As much as I abhor the idea of a pile of elderly white males deciding what a female can/cannot do with her body or police medical procedures thereon, I wholeheartedly agree that Roe v Wade is bad law and should be overturned, but simply on the fact that the holding in that case was the judiciary creating a law that wasn't before it. You'll need to review the case, I won't bother here. Suffice the SCOTUS's decision violated the separation of powers, period. I don't feel this is the place to bloviate about abortion rights or right to life. So long as any version of SCOTUS comes to the conclusion they are overturning it on procedural/Constitutional grounds, that's fine. The minute they say the State's interest in preserving life outweighs that of the woman's, particularly the first trimester, we part ways. That is the job for Congress. SC
  6. Sir Creep

    Scott Hamilton

    Maybe need$ $ for cancer treatment #4? He better not die, I rode him like a rented mule the past two years and cut him loose this year.
  7. Sir Creep

    Only Famous For Being Ill And Dying

    I agree -- HOWEVER, I carry on being glad that neither I nor you were put in a similar situation with similar decisions to make. Life isn't cut and dry. You young'ins will figure that out as you progress. SC
  8. Sir Creep

    Stairway To Heaven/ Highway To Hell

    I remember Ross's name popping up here now that you mention it. That's crazy coincidence there...
  9. Sir Creep

    ABC Deadpool II

    Just throw some extra names as 'subs' they said... It won't matter, no one ever gets to their 3rd sub they said...
  10. Sir Creep

    The Deathlist Cup 2018

    If one is trying to save face by not being shut out, it's a yippee I can tell you. Hey give us more points for Colin Butts please. Again, we both had him, and when DDT and SirC mark you for death, death shall come. What's Bishop Quinn doing today? LOL SC (Oh I see, no obit.... well besides a tribute....dying on Friday evening always makes it a challenge to get an obit before Monday if you are a C List celeb)
  11. Sir Creep

    Five4Three2One Deadpool - 2018

    Maybe you need to try the decaf, Sir Creep. Your original submission for July already has 3 hits on it, before it even entered the eligibility period. That is some hardcore deadpooling. I recommend you take a few minutes to sleep and eat something. ============================= I wouldn't want to be those other two fuckers today. Well then..... I haven't time to research a ton. Though I see my next name Liliane Montevecchi died as soon as I wrote her name down a few days ago. Sonvoabitch. Sir Creep's unlikely to live to see JULY entry:1. Somnath Chatterjee2. Begum Kulsoom Nawaz3. Gavin Allen4. Mike Willesee5. Meng Lang
  12. Sir Creep

    World Cup predict the scores 2018

    Guess I should have realized England would tank this game if they fell behind a goal. This is a pretty pathetic attempt at covering up some blatant sandbagging.
  13. Sir Creep

    Passed-Punks & No-Wavers

    Was in Agent Orange.... bigger name for me. RIP http://fullinbloom.com/punk-legend-steve-soto-dies-54-the-adolescents-agent-orange-c-j-ramone/
  14. Sir Creep

    Golf: The 19th Hole

    Former Buick Open champion Phil Rodgers, a five-time winner on the PGA Tour who became one of golf’s top instructors, died after a long battle with leukemia. He was 80. Rodgers died Tuesday morning at his home near San Diego. SC
  15. Sir Creep

    World Cup predict the scores 2018

    Two matches down, no one got either correct.
  16. Sir Creep

    Derby Dead Pool 2018

    Team Gris Gris is absent. I believe they had a Pete Peterson hit as well so at least avoid the 'and also starring' zeros at the bottom of the list.
  17. Sir Creep

    Chirac's couple

    OK I thought since no one said anything they were different people, it took me like a friggin MONTH to figure it out. I'm slow like that. But thanks for posting this national enquirer type question.
  18. Sir Creep

    Chirac's couple

    Is this where we are supposed to discuss if charon is an eggplant (aubergine) or a celery?
  19. Sir Creep

    Shove Off, Eh?

    Oh I'm sure I'm in the 20% who didn't watch it. Most everyone I knew did. They probably watched Baywatch a few years later -- not that I'm accusing you lol....
  20. Sir Creep

    Shove Off, Eh?

    His bio is actually rather impressive, but I couldn't place his face. I didn't watch Dallas though so there's that.
  21. Sir Creep

    The Jacksons

    Herman Wouk here.
  22. Sir Creep

    World's Oldest

    In fact, 117-year old Maria was the daughter of the union of the 179-year old Indian and 130-year old Zimbabwean, when they were 62 and 13 respectively. Met during a safari or summat. Zimbabwe laws were different in 1901 than now, so long as the dowry was paid. Google it! SC
  23. Sir Creep

    Shove Off, Eh?

    Canadian actor Daniel Pilon, whose film and television career spanned nearly 50 years, has died following a lengthy illness. He was 77. The actor known internationally for his role as Renaldo Marchetta in the American TV soap "Dallas," died Tuesday in hospital surrounded by family, his talent agency said in a statement. SC

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