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Sir Creep

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Everything posted by Sir Creep

  1. Sir Creep

    Art For Death's Sake

    Wendell Castle, an artist known as the father of art furniture whose masterworks were exhibited in preeminent museums of the United States but were also objects to be sat or eaten upon, or to hold a raincoat and hat, died Jan. 20 at his home in Scottsville, N.Y. He was 85. The cause was leukemia, said his wife widow, Nancy Jurs, who is also an artist. Over more than a half-century, Mr. Castle helped establish a creative genre, the studio crafts, that blended furniture-making and sculpture. He favored curves so sumptuous that they could look, at first glance, as if they were molded from clay rather than carved from wood (See 'Two-Seater Settee' below). To achieve his signature look, he perfected a technique called stack lamination, which he had learned as a boy entranced by model airplanes. Layers of wood were glued together into a block that he then carved like a piece of stone. His pieces are displayed in MOMA, the Smithsonian, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, etc. SC
  2. Sir Creep

    Ideas and Possibilities for 2019

    Prolly cuz Bowlen rhymes with colon.
  3. Sir Creep

    Kim Jong-Un

    The seemingly endless appearances of "ghost ships" full of dead North Koreans on the shores of Japan is indicative of Kim Jong Un's weakening grip over his citizens, experts say. The latest took place last week, when a capsized boat containing the decayed remains of seven bodies washed ashore in Kanazawa, a city on Japan's west coast. It was the second such discovery in Japan this month. The number of ghost ships — vessels discovered with no living crew — reached 104 last year, the highest since authorities started collecting data in 2013, Japan's Kyodo news agency quoted the national coast guard as saying. SC
  4. Sir Creep

    From Cleric To Relic

    Having lived through Nabeel Qureshi in 2017, I wasn't about to go through that again. Sadly, I sit and watch a short-lister go unnoticed. Author and pastor Glenn C. Stewart died January 12 after a battle with brain cancer. His chances to obit were virtually nil for DDP, but he would have been rock solid in other DPs. Oh well. SC
  5. Hey my friends, I found a NEW Falkholt for next year's DP!! Self proclaimed feminist and graffiti artist Carolina Falkholt shocked the public when she painted a 40ft penis on the side of a residential NYC building on Christmas eve. The "work of art" was commissioned by a street art collective called The New Allen which was created by Baby Brasa, a Peruvian restaurant. Fortunately, this was later removed by contractors hired by the landlord. SC
  6. Sir Creep

    Animal Antics

    The world's 2nd oldest gorilla died Thursday at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park. Vila was the matriarch of five generations and served as a surrogate mother for several hand-raised western lowland gorillas, according to the zoo. She celebrated her 60th birthday in October. SC
  7. Sir Creep

    Ideas and Possibilities for 2019

    To be fair, Guzman is a drunk, an addict, a philanderer and liar, and his mind ain't right. No wait, that's José José.
  8. Sir Creep

    Renowned Mountaineers, Feeling Peaky?

    Hey Spade this makes you the sole tracker of all trackers of attempts to climb Mt. Everest!
  9. Sir Creep

    The 2nd Death of 2018

    I'm riding de Havilland for 2018. Do we have any proof she is alive? It's Castro all over again. SC
  10. Sir Creep

    Reality TV

    He was all about the vortex.
  11. Sir Creep

    From Cleric To Relic

    Damn him to hell. One of my big names 2015, in most pools. Then he retired and seemed to chill out. That said, his name still made my initial 300 or so this year. SC
  12. Sir Creep

    Passed-Punks & No-Wavers

    Oh hell no...... FLA was one of the first Nettwerk bands along with Skinny Puppy and Severed Heads. Saw them (all) a number of times. Ahh my industrial days.... RIP mate. SC (Edit: Well ok he was 34, so obviously not an original member, unless he was 10 at the time lol)
  13. Sir Creep

    Political Frailty

    Former Washington State Governor John D. Spellman and his wife, former Washington State First Lady Lois Spellman have died within days of one another. John Spellman died Jan. 16 at 91 years old. Lois died Thursday. She was also 91. The two were married for 63 years. SC
  14. Sir Creep

    The Deathlist Cup 2018

    And by average age you mean YOUNGEST prevails, I am virtually certain. But for clarification's sake, it should be noted I suppose. You know how people are lol SC Edit: Frankly I'm fine with #4 being the sole tie-break. It gives us insight into your demented parenting (Lord knows I am), how cool your child is, and forces us to come up with 'cool' names.
  15. Sir Creep

    Inverse Dead Pool 2018

    Yeah I’m more about establishing sound policy vs what works for my team, which is why I said I prolly shouldn’t be allowed to make wholesale changes. I think the whole idea of a sub was they were your 26th choice and should scoot into 25 and everyone move up. In my case with Crane it was moot. SC
  16. Sir Creep

    Derby Dead Pool 2018

    A boxer dying from injuries sustained in the ring isn’t unnatural. A boxer dying in an auto accident is. As in an actress. As was John Nash. Bollocks to the fascist suggesting it isn’t an unnatural death. I should hope common sense says if you get head injuries in the ring (see Abdusalamov) vs head injuries getting one’s ass beat in jail (see Peter Tosh’s son Jawara McIntosh and a unique pick tyvm) one requires an unnatural death bonus and one gets denied the same. Bollocks! SC
  17. Sir Creep

    Inverse Dead Pool 2018

    Sorry just caught up with this post. Shall I amend my list or post separately (ie edit this post here with updates)? SC Edit: If I put Doris Day at say #20, does everyone just get bumped down from that point or may I swap 20 and the vacated 25th slot? I would prefer a swap (ie put Day at 20 and move Jowell to 25) but I tend to think multiple moves aren’t and/or shouldn’t be allowed. If not allowed just slide Day into Cryne’s 25th and final position as is the idea of a sub, and I’ll take Chris Rea as my new Sub-For-A-Day. Thanks! I will change my OP to indicate whatever changes are allowed once we get to Jan 27th.
  18. Sir Creep

    Inverse Dead Pool 2018

  19. Sir Creep

    Play School - Play Away - Childrens TV

    Figures it was the gay one. Tinky Winky corpse is stinky. SC
  20. Sir Creep

    The Deathlist Cup 2018

    I wish to God I was playing you I would enter the exact same team and let the powers sort it out lol SC
  21. Sir Creep

    Derby Dead Pool 2018

    No Eesti is right. We have plenty of teams that are 3/4 ‘drop 40’ and that sucks imho because uniqueness should trump drop 40 by a mile. It’s realky disappointing to see those bonuses equalized but I’ve climbed and descended that soap box. Doubt I’ll play in future years til that clear debacle is addressed. It just makes this DP the opposite of the Inverse pool for practical purposes. It devalues research. Who gives a fuck about popularity? Not me. All the DDP has become is an extension of the ‘Who Will Be in the Drop 40?’ Guessing game thread. I’ll leave that to people who care. SC
  22. Sir Creep

    The 100 Club

    Don’t use other DP obit hosting site as a source. Thanks. Deadline is exactly what we are. We aren’t a source, neither are they. SC
  23. Shows our Admins have weak constitutions. A chance for new Admins to shine, instead they reveal why they were chosen. Shit wouldn’t happen if Sir Creep or Roey Juss were on the job. Messages deleted and user warned—then blocked if repeated. SC
  24. Sir Creep

    Songs that would never be made today?

    I disagree with virtually every song mentioned. And thus this thread. Brown Sugar prolly the only one that makes sense, and what a fucking shame that would be. That’s their best fahkin song! Punk/shock acts.....well, making songs like that is why they exist! So strike Allin and Oingo, and to a lesser extent Devo—which frankly isn’t even disturbing at all. BEP IS ‘now’ for fucksake. Delete this thread unless you deliver content. SC
  25. Forget all that. He will never obit.

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