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Everything posted by YoungWillz

  1. Imagine a return to the 1970s? Unthinkable isn't it? Crikey, we could have Come Dancing, Doctor Who, The Onedin Line on the telly...wait...a...minute.....
  2. I'm still waiting to hear from Theresa anything but Brexit as a policy stance. Keep waving the Union Jack love. Yikes, just listening to her speech, she's said something else. Protect pensions from unscrupulous bosses? This has been an issue since Robert Maxwell, and you've done eff all. Cap energy bills? Everyone agrees that this will lead to a rise in bills, crikey your party slagged that off as Marxist only two years ago, now you complain that John McDonnell is Marxist? Meantime, Corbyn is making a hash of re-stating Labour's long standing nuclear weapons policy. Emily Thornberry made a damn good job of patronising the Scots on the Edinburgh Question Time last night with her "we know best for you, stoopid Jocks" attitude. Tim Farron - here's our policies for proudly boasting we will not win, but second would be good. I'm with the guy on the street who was on the BBC news the other day who just despairs at the state of the lot of them.
  3. YoungWillz

    Dead Pop Stars

    Saxa gets a Guardian Obit at last: https://www.theguardian.com/music/2017/may/12/lionel-martin-saxa-obituary
  4. YoungWillz

    Curse Of The Eurovision

    Think I'll have to hand back my Eurovish card with Hungary going through to the final. Bloody dire. Knew there would be good songs going out tonight and I am disappointed for some. Lithuania didn't bring the energy they showed in their national final - really disappointed in how lost they looked on stage. Bulgaria, Romania and Croatia all looking good for pointage imo. I'll be out at my annual Eurovision party on Saturday, bring it on!
  5. It's the study of people taking an afternoon map...
  6. Huh? Theresa May doesn't have any kids, no stake in Britain's future would you say? On second thoughts, the way she's going about things... Meantime, caught up with her One Show appearance. Yes, she did say her parents were very good about her being able to achieve anything, it didn't matter if she was a girl. Yes, she also said that her marriage was divided up between boy's jobs and girl's jobs. Huh? Oh yes, the bloke can take the bins out and I can run the country....so who does the freaking ironing? Oh yeah, the designers from Vogue, they probably do that.. It's a crrrrrrazzzyyy world....
  7. YoungWillz

    The Hare's Death Pool

    gcreptile gains some ground to critical acclaim with the death of Joachim Kaiser.
  8. YoungWillz

    Foreign Personalities, From Stage, Screen, Politics And Life

    German music critic Joachim Kaiser has died aged 88. https://translate.google.co.uk/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.spiegel.de%2Fkultur%2Fgesellschaft%2Fjoachim-kaiser-langjaehriger-feuilleton-chef-der-sueddeutschen-zeitung-gestorben-a-1147240.html&edit-text
  9. YoungWillz

    British Science Fiction Series

    Daily Mirror Obit for the DDP: http://www.mirror.co.uk/3am/celebrity-news/geoffrey-bayldon-dead-worzel-gummidge-10401475?service=responsive
  10. YoungWillz

    Shadow Lists

    With the passing of Geoffrey Bayldon, it's now DL - 3 YW - 3.
  11. YoungWillz

    The Hare's Death Pool

    Catweazle was the story of the friendship between an older man and a teenager, and that's why myself and Joey Russ are the scorers with Geoffrey Bayldon.
  12. YoungWillz

    A Night To Remember

    This'll do for now: http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/geoffrey-bayldon-beloved-star-catweazle-dead-93-1621161
  13. YoungWillz

    A Night To Remember

    As reported elsewhere Geoffrey Bayldon has sadly passed away: https://twitter.com/CatweazleClub/status/862650387450515456
  14. YoungWillz

    Gone With The Wind

    Shep Houghton's death confirmed: https://dialmformovies.net/2017/05/11/shep-houghton-1914-2016/
  15. YoungWillz

    Babylon 5

    Curt Lowens who appeared in a couple of episodes as Varn has died aged 91. http://www.thewrap.com/curt-lowens-holocaust-survivor-rescuer-actor-dies-91/ Other credits include parts in Wonder Woman, The Six Million Dollar Man, Mission Impossible and the 1980s V. Wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curt_Lowens IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0523142/
  16. YoungWillz

    The Dead Of 2017

    Daily Mail has it: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4491042/DJ-Robert-Miles-dies-undisclosed-illness-aged-47.html
  17. YoungWillz

    Curse Of The Eurovision

    Ok, I've calmed down enough. Portugal through. Still predicting a top ten finish for them - might even be a contender on the night. Still my personal fave. Poland, Armenia and Azerbaijan? Seriously, with apologies to anyone supporting those countries, they should not have got through imo, but it was always the weaker of the two semis, so anything was up for grabs. Roll on Thursday, we in the UK don't have votes, that is the tough semi. I'm still strangely addicted to Romania's entry. If anyone here has their country performing, good luck! It literally could be anyone....
  18. YoungWillz

    Curse Of The Eurovision

    Actually first semi has gone surprisingly well, live performances have been generally better than I thought the songs were. Belgium, Albania and Montenegro decided that nervous off key singing was the way to go. However, Belgium seems to have a huge following. As I said, plenty of contenders for the 8 places out.
  19. Looking forward to Theresa's appearance on The One Show this evening. Now we will get the answers to the searching questions we need from the UK media. Oh yes, the defining moment of the 2017 GE. If all goes well, Alex Jones could get a Damehood out of this...
  20. YoungWillz

    The Dead Of 2017

    Oh my, that's awful news. RIP.
  21. YoungWillz

    Toho Stars

    Report that Yoshimitsu Banno has died aged 86.
  22. YoungWillz

    Gone With The Wind

    IMDB has Shep Houghton dead as at December 15, 2016. http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0396473/
  23. YoungWillz

    Big Brother

    Update for CBB: Series 19 Austin Armacost (b. circa 1988) - also Series 16 Angie Best (b. 1952) Calum Best (b. 1981) - also Series 15 Brandon Block (b. 1967) James Cosmo (b. 1948) Jessica Cunningham (b. 1987) Chloe Ferry (b. 1995) Stacy Francis (b. 1969) Bianca Gascoigne (b. 1986) Edward Grimes (b. 1991) - also Series 8 John Grimes (b. 1991) - also Series 8 Nicola McLean (b. 1981) - also Series 9 Heidi Montag (b. 1986) - also Series 11 Ray J (William Ray Norwood Jr) (b. 1981) James Jordan (b. 1978) - also Series 14 Coleen Nolan (b. 1965) - also Series 10 Jamie O'Hara (b. 1986) Spencer Pratt (b. 1983) - also Series 11 Jasmine Waltz (b. 1978) - also Series 13 Kim Woodburn (b. 1942)
  24. I'm struggling. Seeing a story on them being locked up, losing their job, losing all their money and property and having to live like the rest of us, there are plenty of contenders. But they don't in general. The Establishment protects them and positively rewards them...I still haven't read the stories about how Danny Alexander is homeless and having to get by with the help of food banks and charity handouts, how Ed Balls is volunteering to clean up his local district with nothing more than a Community Service Order to impel him to do so, or what colour hoodie David Cameron is currently wearing and whether it matches his electronic tag. That said, Thatcher and Cecil Parkinson's deaths give me nothing but pleasure to this day. But you did say "human" and the lack of compassion or soul of those particular two disqualify them from consideration. Most politicians of the last 25 years haven't contributed enough for me to take pleasure in their deaths. On the contrary, a lifetime of ongoing suffering would make me smile in a lot of cases.
  25. Kind of close to "wish they were dead" territory for me. Unless of course you mean to celebrate their lives of public service and dedication and the joy of their contribution to society.

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