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Everything posted by paulh85

  1. paulh85

    Martin Crowe

    where has this countdown come from? Looks more likely to make the starting line for 2016 to me.
  2. paulh85

    Earthquakes, Tsunamis, Hurricanes, Mudslides

    I hope all those who have fled will be going back soon to help out with the clean up. Because after all, many 'Andes make light work
  3. paulh85

    Earthquakes, Tsunamis, Hurricanes, Mudslides

    they pretty much only have coastal areas in chile dont they?
  4. paulh85

    1. Jimmy Carter

    hmmm not going anywhere soon i think. but should still make the 2016 list.
  5. paulh85

    Bhumibol Adulyadej

    certainly looks the favorite now, everything seems to have gone rather quiet on Martin Crowe
  6. paulh85

    What Do You Think Of The 2015 Death List?

    wow. they must have come in clutches after that. So what your telling me is that we have to get to October 15th untill that record is beaten
  7. paulh85

    What Do You Think Of The 2015 Death List?

    is this now the longest we have waited for a death this year? i make it 39 days. I imagine we cant be too far off the longest wait this year
  8. paulh85

    James Earl Jones

    I find your lack of faith disturbing.... well played!
  9. paulh85

    Alain Robert AKA Spider-Man

    what an ironic name
  10. paulh85

    The Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Thread

    a greek tragedy
  11. paulh85

    Toms Official Death List 2015

    OK, thanks for your consideration! I could also replace Mugabe by actors George Gaynes or Norman Lloyd.... Regards Tom when you leave him out and he dies next year please dont come hunting me, your photo freaks me out!!
  12. paulh85

    Toms Official Death List 2015

    i wouldnt bother with Mugabe personally.
  13. paulh85

    What Do You Think Of The 2015 Death List?

    Crowe, Crowe, the next to go!
  14. its about time one of the other 40 chosen ones surrendered their mortal rights and succumbed to the grim reaper. The front page does get awfully stale with no deaths to write about. Perhaps, the powers-that-be could add a "notable deaths" rolling section on the side? just to keep my morbid interest?
  15. paulh85

    Deadpool Detective Work

    OI Mate!!! Has Brian snuffed it yet?!?!? Should do the trick providing you get close enough
  16. So, assuming i've read the rules of the list correctly, of the 40 names currently still alive on the list, only 25 of them can be rolled onto next year. so who would be your 15 if you had to choose? the ones who you would leave off next years list?
  17. paulh85

    Zsa Zsa Gabor

    she is never going to die so im going to say 175
  18. He is an American citizen. He should be stripped of his Knighthood and fucked off, the turncoat. yeah i thought something like that had gone down. I'd say he still half counts, otherwise we are down to max boyce or summat
  19. dont know many old welsh people - anthony hopkins perhaps?? he's stiil "ours" i think
  20. paulh85

    Larry King

    Larry King = Sir Creep
  21. paulh85

    1. Jimmy Carter

    not too much chance of him making the starting line up by the look of it.
  22. paulh85

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2016

    how future?
  23. paulh85

    Peter Sallis

    Have you been on the moon? Actually, even there they know this - he visited it with Gromit once for some cheese...... not the moon just my own little world. Okay............try Google.........great tool for you to use......... kind of defeats the point of it though doesnt it. because if i already knew his lifes work id have no use to use google in the first place.

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