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Everything posted by RoverAndOut

  1. RoverAndOut


    With today's news thought it was time to comprehensively update this list and bring it back into a more prominent position for people's use. First the Americans: Down to just 4 moonwalkers, 8 moon travellers and 3 other early astronauts left. Youngest is 83, oldest is 91. It'll be a busy decade!
  2. RoverAndOut

    By-Election Bingo 2017-22

    Agreed about Skinner. And Corbyn. And McDonnell. But 42 MPs have already announced they won't be seeking re-election next time around, and the oldest 20 of those have an average age of nearly 71. So plenty of oldies on their way and there'll be more to follow I'd imagine. Only 32 deaths in the past 22 years, compared to 62 in the previous 18. Plus it's hard to build up a head of steam in this game when there's an election every 3 years.
  3. RoverAndOut

    By-Election Bingo 2017-22

    This Parliament will fall before Christmas. Once the October 31st cliff edge is cleared one way or the other, the opposition will give Boris his election. Can't believe there's only been one scoring hit in this pool in 2 and a half years. There have been at least 41 changes of party allegiance in this Parliament but none have led to a by election. Death is becoming less of a factor, probably due to improved healthcare and younger MPs. It seems in future, appointments or elections for other posts are more likely causes of by elections: Regional Mayor, Police and Crime Commissioner, Scottish Parliament, Welsh Assembly... To illustrate the point, here's a rough breakdown of the last 10 Parliaments according to reasons for by elections: 1979-1983: 20 by elections, 15 deaths, 2 new roles, 1 party change, 2 others 1983-1987: 31 by elections, 11 deaths, 5 new roles (15 Northern Ireland Unionists had by elections in opposition to the Anglo-Irish Agreement, all but one re-elected) 1987-1992: 24 by elections, 20 deaths, 4 new roles, 1992-1997: 18 by elections, 16 deaths, 2 new roles 1997-2001: 17 by elections, 10 deaths, 5 new roles, 2 others 2001-2005: 6 by elections, 4 deaths, 2 new roles 2005-2010: 14 by elections, 8 deaths, 2 new roles, 4 others 2010-2015: 21 by elections, 6 deaths, 6 new roles, 2 party changes, 7 others 2015-2017: 10 by elections, 3 deaths, 4 new roles, 3 others 2017-2019: 5 by elections, 1 death, 2 recalls, 1 new role, 1 other Things to consider for the next round. And as Biblio says, there's going to be a febrile atmosphere and the potential for more upheaval to come.
  4. RoverAndOut

    Scavenger Hunt Bingo Deadpool II

    Nearly 3 months without progress but an EU leader has died! Gets me a third category and Fixed Business and GC a second. Toast and Time get a second EU Leader. This one's taking a while to play out!
  5. RoverAndOut

    Fort William Football Club

    Nobody appears to have noted that nearly half the goals (5) that Keith scored were scored...by Keith.
  6. RoverAndOut

    Scavenger Hunt Bingo Deadpool II

    I suppose if you've spent a lifetime surviving having your head pounded and lights punched out, a bit of old age, Parkinson's and dementia is nothing.
  7. RoverAndOut

    Scavenger Hunt Bingo Deadpool II

    Seriously? 3 and a half months in and DI can already win? Not good enough Biblio, sort it out.
  8. RoverAndOut

    MMMDP 2018

    Let's go with John McCain.
  9. RoverAndOut

    Doug Ellis

    Just popped up on the Play-off Final - he's at Wembley. Looks pretty frail and old now...like most 94 year olds I suppose. Think Prince Phillip looked better at the Royal Wedding though, and he's got 3 years on Deadly...
  10. RoverAndOut

    Scavenger Hunt Bingo Deadpool II

    Somehow in all the excitement, I missed the fact that Charles Neville had died. So not the first hit of Scavenger Hunt Bingo 2.0 but an early hit nonetheless! And already the field is shortening...could be much shorter than the last one - or go on for even longer. Love the Scavenger Hunt!
  11. RoverAndOut


    We sent shit far further that Pluto in the late 1970s , that's nothing new. If you think there's nothing to learn by going to the moon then I must courteously disagree with you. We've spent 154 hours on the moon's surface - that's less than a week to explore a surface area the size of Asia. Staring through a telescope and examining samples can only tell us so much - at some point you need to go and actually explore. Establishing a colony on the moon may not sound ambitious in the age of Operation Mars, but why not? Humans, permanently living off Earth. Somewhere you can make a round trip to in a week. I'm not saying it's likely to happen, but there's no reason why it shouldn't. At some point in the distant future, I can see our descendants saying "Imagine if they'd actually bothered to go back sooner..."
  12. RoverAndOut

    The Chequered Flag

    Surprised you haven't mentioned the first British F1 Champion, Mike Hawthorn. Won the championship in 1958 then retired because he didn't want to die racing cars. Died 3 months later on the A3. And of course Sir Frank Williams, paralysed since a crash on his way back from Paul Ricard in 1986.
  13. RoverAndOut

    Alex Ferguson

    Don't know if this has been posted anywhere else, but since it's not in here, thought I'd post. Out of the woods?
  14. RoverAndOut

    Scavenger Hunt Bingo Deadpool II

    Bugger. I saw my name tagged here and thought 'a hit!' and I was right...except it was three months too early. At least I picked a doddery one. I would be pleased to accept Biblio's kind offer in this unusual circumstance and will conform to SC's request that I do not pick a new unique. Which leads me to...could I have Barbara Barrie please? Might as well pick the illest person. Anyway, we're now over 2 months in and no score as yet. But as I mentioned previously, we only had one hit by this point in Game 1, so perhaps we all need to be patient. We all know the excitement in this game comes a year in...
  15. RoverAndOut

    Historically Already Dead Pool

    Come very late to the party on this one but as a history teacher I may as well throw my hat into the ring. In no particular order: 1. Amelia Earhart 2. Isambard Kingdom Brunel 3. Queen Victoria 4. Millicent Fawcett 5. Woodrow Wilson 6. Manfred von Richthofen (The Red Baron) 7. Leonardo da Vinci 8. Thomas Edison 9. Wilfred Owen 10. Emily Bronte 11. William Shakespeare 12. Lord Horatio Nelson 13. Mary Shelley 14. Gavrilo Princip 15. Simon Bolivar 16. Emmeline Pankhurst 17. JMW Turner 18. Jane Austen 19. King George V 20. Vladimir Lenin Eclectic mix with no great thought behind it, save a few notables for this year. Whether I'll be around to claim many hits is debatable but you never know...
  16. RoverAndOut

    Queen Elizabeth II

    Not that unusual at such events. Didn't watch this one but at the Diamond Jubilee concert in 2012 she didn't speak, Prince Charles paid tribute and she just smiled on stage. Don't think she's the sort for a 'Thanks for coming to one's birthday bash, be sure to grab a goodie bag and a piece of cake on your way out...'
  17. RoverAndOut

    Rosalynn Carter

    Second ladies is the term. Just as the Veep gets to ride in Air Force 2, etc. etc.
  18. RoverAndOut

    Barbara Bush

    Also discovered reading something last night that she is the only person to have seen both her husband and her son sworn in as president. The only other time it has happened in American history was with the Adams family (not that one). However Abigail Adams died in 1818 and son John Quincy Adams was not elected until 1824 (incidentally like Bush Jr. JQA won the electoral college but lost the popular vote).
  19. RoverAndOut

    The Deathlist Cup 2018

    Jesus, I'm even getting beat in heaven.
  20. RoverAndOut

    The Deathlist Cup 2018

    12 days too late! Even though that's an eternity in this game... Points in Deathlist Cup heaven though.
  21. RoverAndOut

    Rugby Players

    I was literally about to post the same story. What a curious tale.
  22. RoverAndOut

    Peter Kay

    Looks in excellent health for a dead man. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-43686310 EDIT: Closer pic from Twitter.
  23. RoverAndOut

    The Deathlist Cup 2018

    Oi, I beat Spade on merit thank you very much! As for Deathlist Cup heaven, feel free to use my team from Round 2 for what might have been since NONE of them died. Though obviously Ray Wilkins, Efrain Rios Montt, Father Joseph Mallin, Jocelyn Newman and Jaka Jamba would all DEFINITELY have been in my starting XI - lucky escape there Heef!
  24. RoverAndOut

    The Deathlist Cup 2018

    @DevonDeathTrip Fair play, I'm pleased not to get trounced. Precisely none of Spade's transfers paid off unfortunately, but neither did anyone I'd have put in instead. Feel it's been a tough month all round with not much to choose - good luck in the quarter finals! Maybe next year...
  25. RoverAndOut

    Scavenger Hunt Bingo Deadpool II

    Following on from gc's post above, I thought I'd have a look and see how we're doing overall on Scavenger Hunt 1.0. Since Rotten Ali won with Keith Barron, there have been a healthy 10 further hits. They are as follows: Switch 0/1/1/1/2 - John B. Anderson in US Presidential contenders YoungWillz 0/1/0/1/1 - Ken Dodd in #1 Hits RadGuy 0/0/0/1/1 - no new hits TIme 0/0/0/1/0 - no new hits ImNotHades 1/2/0/1/1 - no new hits msc 1/3/0/2/3 - Baroness Wendy Nicol in House of Lords, Vic Damone in #1 hits Deathray 0/1/0/2/1 - no new hits Handrejka 2/1/0/0/0 - Bella Emberg and Ken Dodd in Dr Who, Randolph Quirk in House of Lords RockhopperPenguin 1/1/1/2/0 - Peter Wyngarde in Dr Who, John B. Anderson in US Presidential contenders DeathImpends 1/3/1/2/3 - Baroness Wendy Nicol in House of Lords, John B. Anderson in US Presidential contenders CaptainChorizo 1/1/0/0/2 - Baron Barber of Tewkesbury in House of Lords, Ken Dodd in #1 hits gcreptile 1/1/1/1/3 - John B. Anderson in US Presidential contenders, Hubert Doggart in Test cricketers, Ken Dodd in #1 hits RottenAli 2/3/0/2/1 - Ken Dodd in #1 hits Rover&Out 2/3/1/4/2 - Ken Dodd in Dr Who, Baron Barber of Tewkesbury in House of Lords, John B. Anderson in US Presidential contenders, Vic Damone in #1 hits Toast 2/2/1/1/4 - Baron Barber of Tewkesbury in House of Lords, John B. Anderson in US Presidential contenders, David Cassidy in #1 hits I surprised myself to discover I've had more hits since we finished than anyone else, with 4 in 4 different categories! Toast and gc have both had 3 hits, as has most notably Handrejka who failed to score a single hit during actual gameplay (showing how quickly things can change!) Nobody has yet completed the all 5 in a category way of winning: I would still need Everton Weekes in Test cricketers and Toast would now need Vera Lynn in #1 hits. Nobody has yet matched Ali's 3 uniques to win: Rockhopper scored a second unique with Peter Wyngarde and ImNotHades already had 2 and hasn't yet scored since, while Handrejka comes from nowhere to score 2 uniques with Bella Emberg and Randolph Quirk to put her one score away from finishing, proving it really does only take a few scores to potentially win this thing. The death of John B. Anderson put myself, Toast and Death Impends over the top with a hit in all 5 categories, while Hubert Doggart's death (combined with Anderson's) meant gc has done likewise. So, this means in the 4 months since the game officially ended (bearing in mind it ran for nearly 18 months), we now have 5 of the 15 players who could have won if the deaths had been in a slightly different order, with someone who didn't score a hit during actual gameplay now one away from joining us. This game is great, I wonder who'll get lucky this time around (or when we'll even get the first hit!)

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