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Everything posted by RoverAndOut

  1. RoverAndOut

    Captain Tom Moore

    Hmmm... I'll give you two guesses...
  2. RoverAndOut

    Prince Philip Duke Of Edinburgh

    He's 99 and 3 quarters and the Queen's husband. Obviously we'll have to wait and see but the fact they're taking every precaution is hardly surprising and doesn't sound too concerning from the early statement. The royals don't tend to die in hospital, if the end was really near I think he'd be in respite at Windsor - the fact in hospital means they think he'll recover.
  3. RoverAndOut

    Captain Tom Moore

    His daughter was on BBC News this morning talking about how difficult it has been to cope with him not being around anymore (a reminder: he was 100, it wasn't entirely unexpected). She said the house is so quiet now (I'm assuming she's talking about the media phone calls, he was hardly the life and soul of the party) and has revealed the horrific trolling the family have endured during the past year, that she hid from him (entirely unacceptable of course) but she then finished the interview by saying something along the lines of 'and there's lots of exciting things in the pipeline that we look forward to sharing with you'. So much for him being able to rest in peace, then.
  4. RoverAndOut

    George Lazenby

    Worth noting he was the first to step into Connery's shoes, which is easy to forget. They weren't sure whether fans would readily accept another actor playing the role, so quips like that were supposed to be a wink to the audience that they're acknowledging it's not quite the same. I like OHMSS, Diana Rigg is a cracking Bond girl and the plot is a good one. Then Connery came back and avenged Tracy's death in the pre-credit sequence and that was that.
  5. RoverAndOut

    Sock puppet accounts

    I can barely be bothered to keep up with this account on a regular basis, let alone setting up other accounts just to cause trouble. As for this: I've absolutely no idea how many members this site has, but I'd be surprised if more than 100 contribute very often, with a core of 20-30 who are the mainstay. Either way, the concept drew me to the site, not the fanbase.
  6. RoverAndOut

    Prince Philip Duke Of Edinburgh

    Something about monarchy always brings it round to coins and money.
  7. RoverAndOut

    Prince Philip Duke Of Edinburgh

    I actually have a Kew Gardens 50p, found in circulation, which I came across after the newspaper reports started circulating suggesting it was worth £20 due to its rarity. Most exciting find ever, even besting the couple of random big 50ps that turn up that aren't even legal tender anymore. My mum works in a primary school and usually ends up counting the change after things like bake sales. She always saves anything interesting to see if I'm interested but not a lot has turned up recently.
  8. RoverAndOut

    Prince Philip Duke Of Edinburgh

    I'm a casual coin collector, started at uni when I ended up with a pile of £1 coins and noticed all the different designs. I've never bought off eBay, only ever collect what comes in my change (and ones passed on by family). Seen very few over the last five or so years - of any kind, not just the new or smaller releases. Never seen a alphabet 10p in my change. Sad really, another casual past time that's been hijacked to make people a few quid. Not that I've paid for very much in the past year with coins anyway.
  9. RoverAndOut

    The DL Prediction Game 2021

    Didn't read the signs about Schultz's inclusion on the list. D'oh! Still, 3 already isn't a bad effort for me, or the Committee.
  10. RoverAndOut

    Football Manager Sacking Bingo 2

    Yep, things will be absolutely rosy now. All you need to do is keep Harry Kane fit. Forever.
  11. RoverAndOut

    Scavenger Hunt Bingo Deadpool III

    I'm wondering who'll be the first to have all 25 in a game dead and how long after they were picked that will be.
  12. RoverAndOut

    Football Manager Sacking Bingo 2

    Thought I'd give another update as the sack race continued apace this month as the season wears on. As before, new hits are listed in green. Hits mentioned here (10): Eddie Howe (Bournemouth - mutual consent), Russ Wilcox (Southend - new manager confirmed), Hayden Mullins (Watford - new manager confirmed), Mark Molesley (Weymouth - moved to new club), Sabri Lamouchi (Nottingham Forest - sacked), Garry Monk (Sheffield Wednesday - sacked), Philip Cocu (Derby - sacked), Slaven Bilic (West Ham - sacked), Frank Lampard (Chelsea - sacked), Bradley Quinton (Welling - sacked) Also hits (8): Gerhard Struber (Barnsley - moved to new club), Mark Bowen (Reading - resigned), Mark Kennedy (Macclesfield - resigned), Richie Wellens (Swindon - moved to new club), Stuart McCall (Bradford - sacked), Joey Barton (Fleetwood - sacked), John Askey (Port Vale - sacked), Neil Harris (Cardiff - sacked) Misses (10): Paul Cook (Wigan - resigned), Graham Coughlan (Mansfield - sacked), Michael Jackson (Tranmere - new manager confirmed), John Sheridan (Wigan - moved to new club [technically ineligible for this game though]), Ben Garner (Bristol Rovers - sacked), Sam Ricketts (Shrewsbury - sacked), Phil Parkinson (Sunderland - sacked), David Dunn (Barrow - sacked), Vladimir Ivic (Watford - sacked [ineligible]), Ian Holloway (Grimsby - sacked), Tony Pulis (Sheffield Wednesday - sacked [ineligible]), Jake Buxton (Burton Albion - sacked), Glyn Hodges (AFC Wimbledon - sacked), Jason Tindall (Bournemouth - sacked [ineligible]) Current leaderboard: @RoverAndOut - 10 (Howe, Monk, Mullins, Cocu, Lamouchi, Wilcox, Kennedy, McCall, Bilic, Barton) @BuffaloPhil - 7 (Cocu, Struber, Lamouchi, Bowen, Wellens, Bilic, Barton) @Great Uncle Bulgaria - 6 (Howe, Mullins, Cocu, Molesley, Askey, Quinton) @msc - 4 (Howe, Struber, Lamouchi, Lampard) @Miracle Aligner - 4 (Howe, Monk, Harris, Lampard) Only gains for the chasing pack, with hits for GUB, msc and our departed host. Oddly, nobody has picked Mourinho, so that'll be a miss as and when it inevitably happens. Still think it's going to run long, though, with 4 of the 5 teams needing Dean Smith, the saviour of Villa Park, to lose his job. Three Championship teams have been misses for us, due to their managers being ineligible as they'd already sacked one this season after the game began - which someone here did hit with!
  13. RoverAndOut

    Scavenger Hunt Bingo Deadpool III

    While the current game is in a lull (only 2 hits in 2 months after 11 in the first 3 months!), the death of Leon Spinks has put a few people over the top in Game 2, with a hit in all 5 categories. @Bibliogryphon and @CaptainChorizo take joint-5th place, while @Death Impends becomes the first person to complete the game twice (having already finished 3rd with 3 unique picks). Special kudos to Biblio, who impressively completed all 5 categories with just 5 hits in the entire game! Hits with Jan Olzewski (EU Leaders), Leon Spinks (Boxing), Ken Kercheval (Dallas), Aretha Franklin (Grammys) and Verna Bloom (Kevin Bacon) was all it took! Economical, just a bit slow.
  14. RoverAndOut

    Ideas and possibilities 2022

    Came to say the same thing. Worth remembering she's a couple of years older than Jenny Agutter, even though she was the older sister in the film. Still only 70, mind, but doesn't look great.
  15. RoverAndOut

    Christopher Plummer

    Sad one this, and a surprise. Was excellent in Knives Out and very good as Getty in All the Money in the World too. More familiar with his recent work than much of his older work, but obviously a legend of so many great movies. Has been very active and visible in recent years, so clearly quite a sudden demise, but seemingly peaceful and not Covid-related. Rest in Peace, sir.
  16. RoverAndOut

    Captain Tom Moore

    Answered my own question, courtesy of the i newspaper it seems: "Raising the issue in Parliament yesterday, Conservative former minister Caroline Nokes told the Commons: "Captain Sir Tom Moore taught us that tomorrow is a good day. Can I ask [Mr Rees-Mogg] as Lord President of the Privy Council to use his influence to bring about a commemorative coin for this remarkable national treasure and debate this in the House?" Mr Rees-Mogg responded: "I hope that as Lord President I do see a proposal from the Royal Mint in due course." He added: "Captain Sir Tom Moore dedicated his life to serving his country and others, and he showed the value of all life, that he in his hundredth and hundredth and first year showed that somebody of great age can make as important a contribution as anybody else in the country." So he taught us tomorrow is a good day, and is consequently a remarkable national treasure - good to know! Jacob says he dedicated his life to serving his country - he was a soldier (conscripted) from 1940-1946. Even if we include his "year" of fundraising, that's still only 8% of his life spent 'serving his country'. But don't let statistics get in the way of sentiment (or political expediency), eh?
  17. RoverAndOut

    Captain Tom Moore

    Good question. A quick Google search finds this video from April 10th last year from the BBC website about a 99-year-old war veteran aiming to walk the length of his garden 100 times. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/uk-52248189 What a simpler time it was. Interesting to look back at coverage from earlier last year. It was all quite measured: a remarkable story, a huge sum of money, but that was it. It's almost like everything that followed (the birthday fly pasts, the #1 single, the knighthood, the autobiography, the Helen Rollason Award...) has served to deify the man. It's quite peculiar. If you dared to ask why he was so special (and commit public suicide by doing so), I doubt people could give you a concrete reason why he's such a hero. He walked up and down his garden as a very old man - plenty more have been inspired to do similar since, no such adulation. He raised a huge sum of money for charity - others have raised huge sums in lots of ways over the years, without such adulation. He's a war hero - yes, he served in WW2, like a lot of other veterans that are still alive, but don't receive this level of adulation. Right place, right time is all I can say. And between the tabloids and the government, he's been raised on a pedestal unimaginable even 6 months ago.
  18. RoverAndOut

    Captain Tom Moore

    A national clap encouraged by the Prime Minister, a breaking news bulletin on BBC1, wall-to-wall breakfast telly coverage, a special half-hour tribute on prime-time BBC1, a minute's silence in Parliament, a minute's applause before football matches, the England Cricket team wearing black armbands, an inevitable Daily Mail campaign for a statue (why stop at one?), a Royal Mint coin, oh, and flags nationwide from Downing Street on down lowered to half mast, all for a man who literally a year ago nobody had heard of. And that's just what has been announced so far. For a 'national hero' who walked up and down his garden. In years to come, this will be a fascinating insight into the mentality of the nation during the coronavirus pandemic.
  19. RoverAndOut

    Football Manager Sacking Bingo 2

    You mean you value getting to the playoffs over a relegation battle?
  20. RoverAndOut

    Captain Tom Moore

    I would say if nothing else has come from the last 24 hours, it is that Captain Tom Moore was one of the most Death List worthy people on the list this year. Vera Lynn didn't get this level of media coverage and national mourning. Much as that entire sentence pains me to state. Without undermining his fundraising efforts, did he actually raise awareness of anything? We know the NHS is short on cash, and if nothing else has happened in the past year, the experiences of doctors and nurses and the strain on finances have been front-and-centre. How many people donated to him for the cause (which as you've said is not funding MRI scanners, etc. anyway) and how many just wanted to support his walk (jumped on the bandwagon - wait, who said that?!) Regardless, he still raised over £30 million for charity, which is money that will go to good use, whatever the motives of those who donated, and it's money they otherwise wouldn't have received. WWF still use the panda as their logo, but I guess the defence to the 'they just use it cos it's cute' argument (even though, that's completely the right argument to make!) is that they can point to the panda as a success story, like msc said - as in, see, the money works! Which is an important message to get out in itself. Anyway, wholly unrelated, here's some pandas enjoying the current US snow.
  21. RoverAndOut

    Captain Tom Moore

    Captain Tom statues incoming!!!
  22. RoverAndOut

    Captain Tom Moore

    Same person me and @Ulitzer95 agreed on in the Tony Bennett thread, when we forgot Captain Tom was now a thing. Jane Morgan, 97 in May, was #1 in 1959 with 'The Day the Rains Came'. Tony Bennett is currently still 2nd at 95 in August.
  23. RoverAndOut

    Captain Tom Moore

    Good news for Michael Ball then. The only one gaining out of that monstrosity.
  24. RoverAndOut

    Captain Tom Moore

    100-year-old man in hospital with pneumonia and Covid-19 dies. What exactly was shocking about it? Give it a break, Iain.
  25. RoverAndOut

    Captain Tom Moore

    He genuinely just got a breaking news interruption on BBC1 at the last break in programming. As if this couldn't possibly wait until 6pm. Anybody remember the last person to get that kind of send off? I don't feel it's something I've seen recently... As others have previously said, a man whose fame was entirely reliant on the pandemic has been felled by the pandemic. Fitting really. Pleased the exploitation of this man for others' gain can now come to an end - at the end of the day, he just wanted to raise a bit of money for the NHS and regain his mobility after a fall. He didn't ask for the circus that followed, however much it benefitted him personally. That's tomorrow's front pages sorted. Rest in Peace, Captain.

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