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Everything posted by RoverAndOut

  1. RoverAndOut

    Strictly Come Dancing

    She was meant to be appearing virtually (she's self isolating or something) but there's been calls from fans for Anton to replace Bruno as Judge #4 until he returns - maybe this is his audition?
  2. RoverAndOut

    Peter Sutcliffe

    As I said a few months ago when I watched the BBC's Ripper Files, I'm too young to remember anything of the original case but watching the programme which detailed it all from the first attacks to his eventual capture, it was insane the power he held in the public consciousness, as articulated by @Vinegar Tits. This idea that he could strike at will across a huge area without any prospect of being caught. In the world of DNA and CCTV, I find it hard to believe we'll ever have another example of someone able to commit so many crimes so publicly and get away with them for so long. Unlike people like Shipman whose crimes went undetected for years, Sutcliffe's crimes were reported as they happened and the persona of the 'Ripper' was so ingrained in popular culture that he paralysed the North for years - the scenes of women being told to stay at home and not go out at nights is like something from a horror film. Lest we forget he even had a Top 10 single written about him. His demise is long overdue, but refusing treatment essentially means he still got to take the easy way out.
  3. RoverAndOut

    Peter Sutcliffe

    It's only taken them 40 years. Good job they waited 'til he was dead, wouldn't want to hurt his feelings now would they?
  4. RoverAndOut

    Punt Pool

    This was my concern, which I mentioned in passing in my submission. All these people submitting a team within a week of entries opening and the game doesn't start for 2 months!
  5. RoverAndOut

    Peter Sutcliffe

    A quick Google search suggests she's still alive: remarried in 1997. He sent her a Valentine's Card this year. Love never dies. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8009467/Yorkshire-Ripper-Peter-Sutcliffe-sent-Valentines-card-ex-wife-Sonia.html
  6. RoverAndOut

    UK Singles Chart

    John Kettley or A Tribe of Toffs?
  7. RoverAndOut

    Bob Dole

    Did his usual ceremonial tee off at the Masters this morning - he's not in immediate danger (Arnie Palmer just sat and watched a year or two before he passed). Big fan of his legendary golf exploits, his recent support for Trump...less so.
  8. RoverAndOut

    Punt Pool

    Just to counter some of the 'nays' and show it's not some sort of conspiracy to deny you, I'll stick my hand up and say that {unlike Bill Russell) I have heard of Jenny Craig. Only in the context of 'The Jenny Craig Diet' but I know it's a thing. But looking at the yeas to nays it's not difficult to see her failing to get the required majority.
  9. RoverAndOut

    Queen Elizabeth II

    To back up or refute the point, I just had a quick check on the Queen Mum: she was on every Deathlist from 1990 to her death in 2002, and was also on the inaugural list in 1987. She is a very obvious person to have on, but I'd say there's a good few 90-somethings I'd expect to die before her. But she'd be a huge miss I agree.
  10. RoverAndOut

    Punt Pool

    Numbers 12 and 13 date it pretty accurately I think. None made my list but I had Gazza in mind early doors and Maradona is getting a lot of action in these ere parts just now. What have you got against Coltrane? He's on your Bond team in Scavenger Hunt too! Lot's of fairly reliable "maybe" punts in there from the music world (in the same vein as George Michael), I'd say of the three "wild child" figures you've put on there, Lohan's cleaned up her act, you don't hear so much about Doherty these days (for better or worse?) and Culkin seems a bit more on the level? I'd say your most left-field choice was Tony Blair! Oh, and kudos on Baggott - he's been a walking heart attack since Flog It started - how is he still going?!
  11. RoverAndOut

    Punt Pool

    The Dr Who guy would be too old for this - he's in his 90s. The playwright Willy Russell is still going strong though. After a quick search, I can't find anything disqualifying him on a health basis (but that doesn't mean there isn't one), but even then he's going to lose on the fame basis. I don't pretend to know much about basketball, but anyone pre-Michael Jordan/Magic Johnson doesn't have the same profile in the UK. Look at it this way: who would you expect the average person to be more familiar with? Ted Turner or Bill Russell? Since Turner failed...
  12. RoverAndOut

    Punt Pool

    Care to share any of the other names you had on there? Just trying to gauge how improbable your list was. (The two who died seemed reasonable enough picks) Nigel Farage was very close to making my list for that very reason, not least after I saw him speaking on Gogglebox on Friday (I try to avoid him where possible) and he was very croaky - probably just a cold (or more...? ) but he drinks, smokes, has survived testicular cancer, a light aircraft crash and milkshake-inflicted injuries. But I decided I wasn't prepared to suffer defeat on account of him inevitably living to be 105. Surprised none of my names tipped anybody onto the triplicate list either - there were a couple I thought would be very popular in the vein of Gorby.
  13. RoverAndOut

    Queen Elizabeth II

    Saw the story and thought the same. Obviously they start planning these things plenty ahead of time, but there's no need to make it public 18 months early unless they're fairly certain she'll make it. Also seems to scotch the rumour that she's going to abdicate on her 95th birthday next year. Wonder if they expect Phillip to make it?
  14. RoverAndOut

    Punt Pool

    It's going to be really interesting to see the directions people have gone in. I tried to go for a couple of decent bankers who still qualified within the rules, then a couple of older individuals whose death wouldn't be entirely unexpected but don't have any real health problems to back that up then my final person is a flyer which came from trying to think of someone who's death would be both completely surprising but then not at all surprising at the same time. That one's probably going to be the make-or-break, but, you know, if you give me the better part of a decade then I might fancy my chances...
  15. RoverAndOut

    Punt Pool

    Sent my team in earlier today - passed with flying colours, which was nice. Also means none of them will likely die in the next 5 years but you can't win 'em all! Out of interest, how long are people anticipating this will run? Since we're going with more run of the mill names, not necessarily the sickest of the sick, are we anticipating a swift conclusion? Longer the better for me in some cases...
  16. RoverAndOut

    UK Singles Chart

    Been trying to prove you wrong that Mike Redway is the last one left, without success. However, I can confirm Michael Reddyhoff was born in March q. 1940 in Leeds - confirmed by checking his parent's wedding (in the article he says Leonard and Margery). By a similar method I'm pretty sure Marion Gay was born in December q. 1933 in Pontypridd (it's the only year remotely like the one you mention that fits her birth and just happens to match exactly). They're really tricky to track down because they're not obviously from one place, they just all ended up in London together. I'm suspecting given the name that Ross Gilmour is Scottish? The smallest clue I've found on Valerie Bain is this lineup for the Coronets which mentions a Valerie Taylor - I'm wondering if that's either her married name or her maiden name? I've not found anything to corroborate either though (a Valerie Bain marries a Taylor but it's in the 80s, which seems unlikely for something like that to have been updated on the page). Nothing for Irene King either.
  17. RoverAndOut

    UK Singles Chart

    Superb effort @Ulitzer95, it's been a pleasure to help out in the latter stages a little, although my input has been fairly minimal in all honesty. Very interesting read, it's amazing the terrible stuff that can be found without leaving the Top 10, let alone in the lower reaches of the 50s or 60s...
  18. RoverAndOut

    Vladimir Putin

    Stalin caused chaos even in death. I'd be surprised if Putin doesn't do the same. And several years from now to boot.
  19. RoverAndOut

    Political Frailty

    How dare you. As if calling the next Vice President of the United States 'the Indian' is racist when you don't know her name! Surely you realise it's easier to just be racist than find out her name before you send your inane tweet? They never learn do they? Note, he apologised for offence caused but not for his original comment.
  20. RoverAndOut

    Scavenger Hunt Bingo Deadpool III

    Some decent contenders on your Eurovision list. Olivia is known to be unwell, Nora Nova is ancient and Simone de Olivieira has survived cancer twice! That could get you to 4, I think the astronauts is the wildcard category here.
  21. RoverAndOut

    Notable Coronavirus Victims

    That's 6 people in the White House circle to have tested positive since Election Day. Almost like holding loads of maskless rallies and a (very premature) victory party with 400 residents on Election Night was a bad idea... If only there was evidence to back that up.
  22. RoverAndOut

    Prince Philip Duke Of Edinburgh

    A lot will come down to how she handles his death. 73 years together is an extraordinarily long time. It wouldn't be uncommon for her to go downhill considerably after he dies. Equally, she's always been quite a stoic figure, handled her parents' and sister's deaths with remarkable composure (at least in public), and his death won't be a huge shock given his advanced years. She may just continue just as before (ish). I guess the other question is whether after he dies she retires from public life and abdicates. Anyway, here and now, I'd expect her to reach an older age than Philiip, assuming he dies in the next couple of years.
  23. RoverAndOut

    Royal Family

    That's a pretty horrid story and a big own goal from Wimbledon, I agree. They lucked out with Kate though, absolutely loves her tennis, I imagine she'll continue doing it even after she's Queen. Once the Duke stands down of course. You're probably right on what she turns up for, I'd have to have a look at some photos and see which events she's been at. Tim Laurence! D'oh! Of course he was the other one. Completely forgot about Anne. Thanks for that.
  24. RoverAndOut

    Royal Family

    I've been fortunate enough to graduate 3 times in various forms and on none of these occasions did I actually receive the award off the university's Chancellor. The first two were at Lancaster, and it should have been Chris Bonnington, the mountaineer. To keep it on topic, he took over from Princess Alexandra, whom the main square on campus is named after. These days it's Alan Milburn, the former Labour MP and an alumnus. A poor choice IMO given James May is also an alumnus.
  25. 538 suggest that while it's not impossible for Gross to win Alaska, it's highly unlikely, particularly based on some of the easy victories for embattled Republicans elsewhere. It will all come down to Georgia and in previous run-off elections, there's been a significant drop-off in enthusiasm from Democrats to actually win the seat having got to the run-off. That said, there is much more on the line this year, but that could work in both directions. Republicans may be smarting from losing the presidency but they sure as hell don't want the Democrats controlling House, Senate and Presidency. Loeffler is a Trumpian I believe and Perdue more moderate? Maybe some Republicans will split their vote, get rid of Loeffler for the Reverend and re-elect Perdue. That way, Republicans hold on to the Senate 51-49 but they can maybe send a message to Republican HQ. All that said, it seems they're going to just win the presidential election there, so maybe Stacy Abrahams and her voter registration and turnout machine can roar into action again and pull of an incredible achievement. It would be a huge boost for Biden just ahead of taking office if they could.

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