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Everything posted by RoverAndOut

  1. RoverAndOut

    The 10Th Death Of 2015

    I also voted for Clive James. It won't be Zsa Zsa, in fact, I'll be bold and say she'll see 2016...
  2. RoverAndOut

    The Chequered Flag

    Regarding deaths, I would heartily agree with MorbidKid that Tom Pryce's crash is stomach churningly sickening. In addition to the marshall being pulverised on impact, the fire extinguisher he was holding virtually decapitated Pryce in the process. Just...it makes you shudder even to think about it. Gilles Villeneuve's was pretty horrific. I'm not old enough to have seen it when it happened but I've seen the footage since. If you watch it closely, you see his body ripped from the car and thrown down the road (22 secs in). No way he was surviving that. On a somewhat unrelated note (it's not gory, just vaguely interesting), 1967 World Champion Denny Hulme died of a heart attack...while participating in a sportscar race at Bathurst in Australia. Somehow, this did not mean a huge crash (Bathurst has both long, fast straights and tight, twisty sections) but it seems he was alive long enough to slam the brakes on and avoid serious incident. Still, a fairly noteworthy way to go I think you'll agree...
  3. RoverAndOut

    The Chequered Flag

    Graham Hill doesn't count in terms of direct F1-related deaths. He died in a plane crash. True, he was returning with the rest of his team from a test but that's no different to suggesting that Sir Frank Williams' paralysis is F1-related as he was in a car accident returning from a test. The cause of his injuries was a car crash, just as a car crash killed Mike Hawthorn after he retired from racing (one of motor racing's great ironies). Likewise, Colin McRae was only killed in a helicopter crash, not at all motor-related as far as I know (wasn't he just travelling home with some friends?) The fact he was a serving rally driver at the time doesn't mean his death is automatically rally-related. Maria de Villota is a slightly different issue, but a complicated one. She was killed from a heart attack but since healthy 33 year old women don't often drop dead of heart attacks, it is believed it's underlying cause was related to the injuries she suffered in her crash. As for her crash, it was at the end of a testing session, so it's not as though she was on a hot lap and crashed or the car broke or something. It was a freak accident when essentially the danger was supposed to be over. That said, I guess if she'd died at the time it would still be classed as a testing crash so maybe she should count. As for marshalls and fans, I think they should count if they were killed in race incidents. A separate list from drivers themselves maybe, but they should still count, like in the horrendous Pierre Levegh crash at Le Mans in 1955, which is still why Switzerland bans all motor racing in the country.
  4. RoverAndOut

    By-Election Bingo

    Not sure it mentions in the article that the MP in question was a minister, though I guess that may be the implication of 'senior'. I agree though it's hard to imagine Vaz being involved, but, that said, he does have some interesting whispers online about what he did/didn't know about things back then. And Corbyn seems like a decent, principled man, I'm not sure he'd be brazen enough to try this if he had that kind of skeleton in his closet, even for his political beliefs. Should that read PM or MP? If it's PM which one? I would personally be surprised if it was Jeremy and I doubt we'll see him drop out. Unlikely to be a tactic to get rid of him, John Mann is pretty left wing and would be happier than most Labour MPs if Corbyn won and the Tories would think Christmas had come early if he won as he's totally unelectable - a modern day Michael Foot so there's no incentive to make him lose there either. Indeed it does, which is why it was the one that jumped out at me when I first compiled the list. But to be fair to Meacher, a quick Google search shows numerous articles on his blog talking about the Cyril Smith case and the wider abuse scandal and it would be huge barefaced cheek to be at the forefront of this while also being implicated, it only exposes you to more scrutiny. Not sure which one jumped out to msc because personally I'm not sure any of them strike me as very likely, but I haven't followed the developing story in great detail but less likely would be Corbyn, Skinner, Kaufman, Meacher and Field from what I vaguely know about them.
  5. RoverAndOut

    By-Election Bingo

    Going off the implication that the guy was an MP at the time of the allegations, there are 17 male Labour MPs who were in Parliament prior to 1990 and I'm guessing most of them are on somebody's lists: Sir Gerald Kaufman - Manchester Gorton Michael Meacher - Oldham West and Royton Dennis Skinner - Bolsover Geoffrey Robinson - Coventry North East David Winnick - Walsall North Barry Sheerman - Huddersfield Frank Field - Birkenhead Sir Kevin Barron - Rother Valley Nick Brown - Newcastle Upon Tyne East Jeremy Corbyn - Islington North George Howarth - Knowsley Ronnie Campbell - Blyth Valley Sir Alan Meale - Mansfield Andrew Smith - Oxford East Keith Vaz - Leicester East Paul Flynn - Newport West Graham Allen - Nottingham North Being long-serving Members of Parliament automatically makes them 'senior', but a couple of them were Cabinet Ministers and also included are the Father of the House and, if recent polls are to be believed, the possible next leader of the Labour Party. The one other thing I might note is that one of them represents a constituency awfully near to Rochdale and I know who was MP there at the same time...
  6. RoverAndOut

    The Chequered Flag

    That picture is truly horrific. While many get misty eyed and nostalgic about the past and complain about the sanitised nature if modern F1, we should always remember it wasn't all rosy back then, some terrible things happened. Think their list is better than wikis though. Something doesn't sit right with these randomers being counted, although I find it hard to come up with a definition that decisively rules them out.
  7. RoverAndOut

    The Chequered Flag

    That's a tricky question to answer. The Wiki list of F1 tatalities - for example - includes three since Senna but all in non championship/non testing situations. Maria de Villota was on that list once over - and would definitely have counted as a real one since Senna - but the extent to which bad instruction from her team was central to her death is disputed. See, as I understand it, the last recognised F1 fatality in a race weekend pre-94 was Ricardo Paletti, whose car burst into flames in a start line incident in 1982. (82 was a horrendous year for injuries, death of Villeneuve, Pironi lost his legs, didn't Tambay break a leg too or something?) In 1987, Elio de Angelis was killed in a testing accident (another whose talent we didn't properly get to see) and then there were Ratzenberger and Senna over that horrible Imola weekend. Since then, notable close shaves that come to mind include Hakkinen's emergency tracheotomy at Adelaide in 95, Panis breaking both legs in Canada in 97, Schumacher ploughing into the wall at Stowe and breaking a leg, Kubica's multiple rolls at Montreal in 07 and Massa's bang on the head in Hungary in 09. I think I've always considered de Vilota to have been killed through injuries sustained in a crash but obviously not directly in the crash. I guess in a bygone era, Bianchi may never have made it to hospital so in that sense you could say he was effectively killed in the crash and only kept alive through the power of modern medicine. In this age, it's probably more likely that we will see incidents like de Vilota and Bianchi rather than the Ratzenbergers and Sennas: people who survive the initial incident but die of complications thereafter. If he hadn't been in the crash, Jules would still be alive and I suppose that is the key deciding factor. If Niki Lauda had indeed succumbed to his injuries a few days after the Nurburgring in 1976, he would still have died because of the accident. In summary, the last driver to die instantly in a Formula 1 race is still Ayrton Senna in 1994, but the last driver to die from injuries sustained in a Formula 1 race is Jules Bianchi in 2015.
  8. RoverAndOut

    Queen Elizabeth II

    Could Queen Elizardbreath II's grip on the national media be waning at last? Or is this one last act of vengeance from Murdoch before he carks it? What a load of tosh this is. Apparently, because it concerns Prince Edward, The Sun considers this historically significant. What? That the Queen's uncle and former King had Nazi sympathies? What's new about that? They sent him halfway across the world to isolate him from that. Does the Queen have Nazi sympathies? Did her parents have Nazi sympathies? If the video is indeed from 1933-34, it is only of vague cultural relevance. Hitler is just a curious man in charge of Germany, all the horrors are yet to come. It's a crude way for The Sun to sell some papers and embarrass the Queen and with everything else going on in the world you'd think there'd be more important things to talk about.
  9. RoverAndOut

    The Chequered Flag

    Gutted, you always hope for miracles but it was never going to happen. Better this way than a footnote in 30 years that that bloke no one remembers who crashed an F1 car has finally died. Better he goes now as one of those whose obvious talent will always be unfulfilled. RIP Jules.
  10. RoverAndOut

    Foreign Personalities, From Stage, Screen, Politics And Life

    Surely if it really is a year for significant German deaths then that's a cast iron guarantee that Kohl isn't making it through another winter!
  11. RoverAndOut

    The Chequered Flag

    That's the implication I got from the comments. "Jules wouldn't want to live like this." Tragic story, horrific accident. Question is, does he go down as the first F1 fatality since Senna if they switch him off or not?
  12. RoverAndOut

    The Chequered Flag

    Saw Sir Frank Williams during the British GP coverage up close, not seen him in a while. Certainly starting to look like age is catching up on him. He's 72 now and according to this Telegraph article is the oldest tetraplegic in the UK. Seems his health is a slightly touchy subject but is still planning on attending 15 races this year and says he still works 7 days a week so not sure he's going to keel over tomorrow but maybe time to start considering him? Or maybe people have been doing for years already. Anyway, his wife died a couple of years ago too and from memory I think he looked a lot healthier back then. Maybe he's understandably taken it hard. Be a sad day when he does go all the same. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/motorsport/formulaone/11463384/The-sport-still-takes-my-breath-away.-Its-great-to-be-a-part-of-it.html
  13. RoverAndOut

    British Science Fiction Series

    Yes indeed! Daleks, Zygons, Missy...and who on earth is Maisie Williams playing?! Plenty of intriguing possibilities. Looking forward to some cracking (and from the look of the trailer pretty dark) two-parters!
  14. RoverAndOut

    The Fringes Of Fame/family Of The Famous

    Aye, and one or two have him in By-Election Bingo. Was just thinking the self-same thing. Always assumed his most likely exit was leaving in disgust in the event of a vote to leave the EU, with a cheeky outside bet on a heart attack due to all the cubans. Maybe he'll just go downhill gradually instead.
  15. RoverAndOut

    The Dead Of 2015

    I'll always remember him as the wonderful Lord John Marbury, episode stealer extraordinaire, in a handful of West Wing episodes. Sadly missed.
  16. RoverAndOut

    By-Election Bingo

    It's not Esther McVey, she got kicked out - one of the few bright spots on a gloomy night all round. Can't tell you who she is though, come up with a few possibles but since we barely see her entire face it's nigh on impossible to tell. Indeed, Danczuk is starting to look like a shoo-in at some point over the 5 years, would definitely include him if I was picking my team again.
  17. RoverAndOut

    The 9Th Death Of 2015

    Only 81?! *does some furious mental maths* Ah, you know what I've done? I always for some reason assume he achieved his record in the very first tournament but he did it in the 50s didn't he? Add on the 20 years and my 100 prediction would be about right. Just Googled him and this is from 2014 at a FIFA Opening Ceremony. Looks healthier than almost any 80 year old I've seen. Also puts paid to my other claim that you never see him at big events. I'll shut up now. http://www.zimbio.com/pictures/mylahpriIOk/64th+FIFA+Congress+Opening+Ceremony/IKD3klSgkFL/Just+Fontaine
  18. RoverAndOut

    Old Folkies Home

    And now he's died. According to family he wasn't ill, just ran out of juice.http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-33363938 Got to be honest, although I'm familiar with him, I don't think I know any of his songs...
  19. RoverAndOut

    By-Election Bingo

    Also, hate to point this out to a Deathlist veteran such as Maryport but despite the temptation of his dicky ticker, Peter Robinson isn't an MP, only First Minister of Northern Ireland. He lost East Belfast in 2010 to Naomi Long and then his son Gavin won it back in 2015. Still time for another pick though, I'm sure Bibliogryphon would allow since he didn't pick up on it?
  20. RoverAndOut

    By-Election Bingo

    For Whom the Division Bell Tolls: 1. Alistair Carmichael - LD, Orkney and Shetland 2. Nick Clegg - LD, Sheffield Hallam 3. Zac Goldsmith - Con, Richmond Park 4. David Cameron - Con, Witney 5. Sir Roger Gale - Con, Thanet North 6. Ken Clarke - Con, Rushcliffe 7. Geoffrey Robinson - Lab, Coventry North West 8. Alex Salmond - SNP, Gordon 9. Paul Flynn - Lab, Newport West 10. Cheryl Gillan - Con, Chesham and Amersham 11. Ronnie Campbell - Lab, Blyth Valley 12. Paul Blomfield - Lab, Sheffield Central 13. Glyn Davies - Con, Montgomeryshire 14. Nicola Blackwood - Con, Oxford West and Abingdon 15. Gregory Campbell - DUP, East Londonderry 16. Mickey Brady - Sinn Fein, Newry and Armagh 17. Sir David Winnick - Lab, Walsall North 18. Christopher Chope - Con, Christchurch 19. Jim Cunningham - Lab, Coventry South 20. Sir Alan Haselhurst - Con, Saffron Walden 21. Michael Meacher - Lab, Oldham West and Royton 22. Barry Sheerman - Lab, Huddersfield 23. Sir Nicholas Soames - Con, Mid Sussex 24. Owen Patterson - Con, North Shropshire 25. Dame Angela Watkinson - Con, Hornchurch and Upminster 26. Grant Shapps - Con, Welwyn Hatfield 27. Madeleine Moon - Lab, Bridgend 28. Nadine Dorries - Con, Mid Bedfordshire 29. John Woodcock - Lab, Barrow and Furness 30. Guy Opperman - Con, Hexham Nearly had a cheeky punt on Nigel, as I'm almost certain if anyone can get in and out of Parliament within 5 years it would be him (SO many possibilities!) but decided it was probably not sporting to pick a non-Parliamentarian. Interesting to know everyone's reasoning, I'm guessing some have highly speculative reasons attached to them.
  21. RoverAndOut

    By-Election Bingo

    I chose to take heed of the early advice that the Father of the House is generally indestructible. A quick glance at the previous Parliament's by-elections also reveals only 1 MP elected pre-1992 died (Sir Stuart Bell, Lab, Middlesbrough, '83 General) and only 3 over 70 died (Bell, Jim Dobbin and Alan Keen) and none at all over 80. It seems the Parliamentary Lifers are a pretty robust bunch. 12 of the 21 by-elections were for resignations, either for career advancement or career suicide and possible criminal proceedings. So those of you who've gone for crooks over stiffs have probably chosen wisely. Think I dithered between the two so will likely fail at both. My list of picks will be revealed forthwith.
  22. RoverAndOut

    The 9Th Death Of 2015

    Just Fontaine is STILL alive?! You never see him at any big FIFA events that I'm aware of, they usually make do with Pele. Then again, I'm guessing he must be pushing 100 and be pretty frail...
  23. RoverAndOut

    The Deathlist Gets Franchised

    Also notable that Wilko Johnson makes it into 22nd place on their list. Apparently they take a more fatalistic view of his all-clear prognosis. Or maybe they know something we don't. Alternatively, maybe news just travels very slowly to Italy and they're wondering why there haven't been any new albums from that Pavarotti fellow in a few years...
  24. RoverAndOut

    By-Election Bingo

    Hello, Long-time admirer of the Deathlist from afar but never joined. Being a former student of politics, this particular thread piqued my interest such that I felt I should bite the bullet and use this as my introduction to the highs and lows of deathlist predicting. If I'm feeling brave, I may join in some of the mainstream Deadpools for 2016. Anyway, who knows if my 20 picks are any good, like the Grand National just stick a pin in and hope for the best is perhaps the easiest solution. Here's to 5 years of keeping an eye on the health and fortunes of our 650 Right Honourable (and in many cases Less Than Honourable) Members!

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