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Everything posted by RoverAndOut

  1. RoverAndOut

    Donald J Trump

    Boris looked fine when he first came down with it. It was only when he tweeted about the fact he was staying in isolation a week later that people said 'shit, he looks ten times worse now than when he first got it' and it was about 24 hours later he went to hospital. Methinks they want him in a hospital in case he takes a turn for the worse, which they clearly think is likely enough that they want him in hospital right now. And as was suggested earlier, Trump isn't someone who likes hospitals. All that said, I'm not reading too much into it just yet.
  2. RoverAndOut

    Donald J Trump

    Probably insisted on it.
  3. RoverAndOut

    Donald J Trump

    Can't fault the right's commitment. Seems packing the court really is a cause worth dying for!
  4. RoverAndOut

    Donald J Trump

    Given he did the minimum of work before he got ill, I don't think we need to worry too much about him working himself to death. More time to watch Fox News and Info Wars and get his conspiracy theories in order ready for the final fortnight or campaigning. I get this is a big deal but I just don't believe that he's going to get seriously ill. And we all know that unless he ends up on a ventilator because of this, he will continue to explain why it isn't a big deal, because it barely affected him, that people should stop scaremongering about it and that the hydroxycholoroquine protected him. "You know, the doctors told me that they've never seen anybody recover like this, they said I have the greatest immune system they've ever seen..."
  5. RoverAndOut

    Nana Mouskouri

    Interestingly, nobody fancied her as a pick on the Eurovision category of this round's Scavenger Hunt, possibly the oldest qualifying person not picked. Make of that what you will. She represented Luxembourg in 1963 with 'À Force de Prier' - finished 8th. It doesn't really go anywhere in all honesty.
  6. RoverAndOut

    Sir David Attenborough

    Just looks pissed off with humans really. Looks perfectly well for 94.
  7. RoverAndOut

    Scavenger Hunt Bingo Deadpool III

    It won't last. It never does.
  8. RoverAndOut


    It's been a bad time for Bond actors in the Scavenger Hunt so don't lose hope just yet...
  9. RoverAndOut

    Sir David Attenborough

    Care to tell us all the dastardly things that make anything David Attenborough has to say utterly irrelevant? All you've highlighted so far is that it's awful that he suggests climate change is an issue whilst travelling the world making nature documentaries. As if nobody who's stepped on a plane is allowed to speak on such issues.
  10. RoverAndOut

    Sir David Attenborough

    Is that what I said? Must've missed that.
  11. RoverAndOut

    Sir David Attenborough

    What was the reason when he started out? He started making nature documentaries for the BBC because he had a passion for the subject and wanted to share it with people who had never seen a giraffe or gorilla or elephant outside of a picture book. When Attenborough started, he was a big-wig at the BBC (Controller of BBC2 when it launched). He was guided first and foremost by the Reithian mantra that the BBC's purpose was to Inform, Educate and Entertain. He never suggested others shouldn't do the same, but it was never practical for Joe Public until relatively recently. I also reckon that his personal carbon footprint, and the footprint of his shows has reduced significantly over the past 20 or 30 years. Mostly these days, at most he films a couple of shots to introduce series/episodes and the rest is voiceover. Regarding the wildlife shoots, a lot of it uses local talent and remote equipment, which can reduce the personnel and length of time spent out on location. I would also be astonished if the teams travel on anything other than commercial air services, which means their carbon footprint is divided among all the people on the plane: the plane would still be going whether they were on board or not. Thank you. I tried composing a similar sentiment last night but gave up as I couldn't find the right words. People 60 and under have all grown up watching Sir David's documentaries and are interested in and care about nature because he's inspired them. Long may it continue.
  12. RoverAndOut

    Scavenger Hunt Bingo Deadpool III

    Fair enough. A quick glance at Cap's other uniques is interesting: no one that jumps out as a definite hit, but they could easily die in quick succession. It's feast or famine in this game!
  13. RoverAndOut

    Scavenger Hunt Bingo Deadpool III

    Yeah, but we're pretty much all just 3 hits from winning, right?
  14. RoverAndOut

    Scavenger Hunt Bingo Deadpool III

    They're dropping like flies this time around! Course, the way this game works we'll still be here in 2024, but at least there's some action!
  15. RoverAndOut

    Scavenger Hunt Bingo Deadpool III

    Another hit! 3 already and I'm now up and running! Best crack out these stats before we get too far into game play or, who knows, we could be done by year's end! This round saw 225 picks, far more than Round 1 (192) or Round 2 (190). This is probably not surprising as we have 19 participants in R3, 4 more than Rounds 1 and 2 (15). There are 6 brand new players, while 9 have played all 3 rounds so far and 3 have returned from R2. Biblio has played the last 2 games and was obviously around for R1 but didn't play. There were 52 picks in the Eurovision category, matching the number from the Grammys category in R2 and more than any in R1. Space Flyers was the smallest category (38 picks) but this is larger than the smallest categories in R1 (Presidential elections - 22, Cricketers - 36) or R2 (EU Leaders - 29, Dallas Stars and Boxers - 34) Most popular pick this round was the indestructible Nobby Stiles (11/19 teams) - this is more than anyone on R2 (Morgan Woodward, Dallas, 8/15 teams) but equals picks of George H.W. Bush on R1 (11/15 teams), however this is a higher percentage due to less teams taking part (Lord Carrington, House of Lords - 10/15 and Lindsay Tuckett, Cricketers - 9/15 also better Nobby's pick percentage) Jimmy Carter has been a pick on all 3 games so far (Presidential Elections, Grammy Winners and Nobel Prize Winners) - I haven't done an exhaustive search but I'm not aware of anyone else who has been picked in all 3 games (although at least one other possible exists: Olivia Newton-John - #1s, Grammy Winners, Eurovision) Jim Lovell was picked in 6 teams but fellow astronaut Frank Borman was more popular, being in 9 teams - this, despite the fact that Borman is just 1 week older than Lovell! Strangely, I got a unique pick with Park Jae-Sung in the World Cup players category - he is the oldest living World Cup footballer at 97! All players bar The Old Crem (2) and Grim Up North (1) have a chance of winning by the 3 unique picks method. This includes me for the first time in this game! Toast, Death Impends, Banana, GCReptile and msc were saved on this count only once the Eurovision picks were revealed and all just qualify with 3 uniques. Most unique picks this time were Great Uncle Bulgaria and Time (14 each) followed by Yorkshire Banker (13) and Bibliogryphon (11). This is less than FujimoriNoMorey's 15 uniques last time but to date only ONE of Fujimori's 15 uniques has actually died. Rotten Ali won R1 by this method but only had 8 uniques in total, of which 4 have now died. Finally, following the death of Michael Lonsdale, this is the second time that the first 3 deaths have all come in the same category (after Test Match Cricketers in R1) but only 2 more deaths in that category occurred during game play . It is the first time we've had 3 deaths in a calendar month of game play since February 2019, when there were 4 scoring deaths - still 9 days to go in September, mind!
  16. RoverAndOut

    Ruth Bader Ginsburg

    Pretty much how I saw it @Joey Russ, thanks for that. From a Dem point-of-view on this, I think their key aims are to make sure they avoid a vote before Election Day and then hope that Biden and Mark Kelly both win. That would mean the Republicans were deprived of their majority before January and Biden would nominate Ginsburg's replacement in January. Mad to think if the maths add up the Republicans might still try to ram it through before January even if they were set to lose control of the Senate and the Presidency - surely not...
  17. RoverAndOut

    Ruth Bader Ginsburg

    Here's my understanding of the equation. 44 days til the election. 53 Republican senators and 45 Democrats, plus 2 Independents who will vote with the Democrats. If Trump and McConnell can nomination a candidate, get them through committee and confirm them, they'll need 50 votes in the Senate, plus Pence breaking the tie, to get someone on the court. That allows for 3 Republican dissenters - Collins, Murkowski and Romney being the likely candidates - and they can still get it through. But they can't afford any other Republicans to come out against confirmation, and even then 44 days is very quick to get it all done (the average since 1975 is 67 days) and the Democrats will use every trick in the book to try and extend this. Assuming it isn't done by election day, then here's where the fun starts. 35 seats up for grabs, Republicans defending 23, Democrats defending 12 (the 2 Independents are safe). Dems look set to gain Arizona and Colorado, plus good chances in Maine and North Carolina. They almost certainly lose Alabama, which gives them a further 3 seats, putting them on 48, plus 2 Independents. This means they would need to win in either Montana or Iowa (both very close races in traditionally republican states) to get over the top. The Republicans look like holding on everywhere, except Arizona and Colorado and Maine and Colorado are looking doubtful. They'll regain Alabama and if they can hold on to Montana and Iowa, that would give them exactly 50 seats. If it's a 50-50 tie, control would reside with whichever party wins the presidency. But all this only happens in January, between November and January, it's still the old Senate. So there would be two months, post-election, to try and get it through in a lame duck session (assuming the Democrats win the presidency this would be hugely controversial). On the same terms as pre-election, it would require the 50 Republican senators from before all voting in favour, and the outgoing Pence breaking the tie to get the justice confirmed. It would also require the outgoing Republican senators in Colorado and North Carolina (in this scenario) to vote against the will of the people who voted them out of office (Collins in Maine has already said she isn't in favour, whether she wins or loses). The Arizona seat is interesting, as mentioned in this thread: it's a special election and the winner (likely Mark Kelly of the Democrats) can be sworn into office as soon as the result is ratified (probably late November). This would make the maths 52 Republicans, 46 Democrats plus 2 Independents and, combined with the 3 dissenting Republicans, would make the vote 49-51 to the Democrats, depriving Pence of his tiebreaker. So, in short, Trump and McConnell have got 44 days to get this done before the election. If not, if Mark Kelly wins in Arizona that would likely stop the Republicans getting their pick through before January when the new Congress is sworn in, at which point it has a good chance of being 50-50 in the Senate and the power will reside with whoever wins the presidency. This has the potential to blow so many close races apart, particularly in the Senate.
  18. RoverAndOut

    Ruth Bader Ginsburg

    What are you basing this statement on? The Supreme Court last sat in June. She wrote her last dissenting opinion in July. She's been active in court proceedings throughout the past 10 years, bouts of ill health or not, what duties was she unable to perform that should be expected of her?
  19. RoverAndOut

    Scavenger Hunt Bingo Deadpool III

    Later Years In 2019, the brothers called an end to their musical career after Niels was diagnosed with brain cancer.[3] HOW DID I MISS THIS NUGGET DURING MY RESEARCH?!
  20. RoverAndOut

    Scavenger Hunt Bingo Deadpool III

    All present and correct in this category, just a couple of OCD key issues: Hughes Aufrey and Birthe Wilkie are in red for unique, but have two sets of initials next to them! Thanks for running this again Biblio!
  21. RoverAndOut

    Scavenger Hunt Bingo Deadpool III

    I'm waiting to post the full stats until I've seen everyone's teams in full, but this is easily the fastest that the first two deaths have been recorded in Scavenger Hunt. It's been 14 days since the game went live and it was 10 days old when Dame Diana died. In Round 1, Donald Carr (cricketer) died after 12 days but the next death (Len Maddocks - cricketer) didn't arrive until 3 months had passed (game started in June, Maddocks died on September 2nd). In Round 2, the game started in March but the first hit didn't arrive until the death of Charles Neville (Grammys) near the end of April (56 days later), while the second death (Joseph Campanella - Dallas) wasn't til mid-May (another 21 days later). Off we go again!
  22. RoverAndOut

    Scavenger Hunt Bingo Deadpool III

    The Old Lady only appears to have 4 picks? Everything else checks out, aside from the Gerald Carr issue.
  23. RoverAndOut

    Scavenger Hunt Bingo Deadpool II

    I've actually just re-checked, having ignored the other person who had Alan Minter, and by my reckoning @Toast has just stolen 2nd place! EU Leaders: Ola Ullsten (and Jacques Chirac) Dallas Stars: Donald Moffat (and Morgan Woodward) Kevin Bacon: Orson Bean Grammy Winners: Johnny Mandel (great guy!) Boxers: Alan Minter 1 in all 5 categories! Well done Toast! Third place still up for grabs though, GC. You are correct though, a Kevin Bacon or unique gets you on the podium!
  24. RoverAndOut

    Scavenger Hunt Bingo Deadpool II

    Well done! Just 3 months too late. By my reckoning you need a Co-star of Kevin Bacon to complete now, thus joining another umpteen people on one hit away. I've no idea if any other qualifying picks have died since Carl Reiner the same day as Johnny Mandel won it for me.
  25. RoverAndOut

    Scavenger Hunt Bingo Deadpool III

    Genuinely never questioned that when I was looking at them all, just assumed he was Hungarian...

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