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Everything posted by drol

  1. drol

    Why no Indians ever in DeathList?

    Improving again. Indian theatre at its best.
  2. drol

    From Cleric To Relic

  3. drol

    Miloš Zeman

  4. drol

    Why no Indians ever in DeathList?

    After a week of big improvement, Raju's condition is deteriorating again...
  5. drol

    Silvio Berlusconi

    #1 Silvio's lawyer, Niccolò Ghedini, dead at 62 from leukemia.
  6. drol

    Why no Indians ever in DeathList?

    Come on, no way this fucker is 97!
  7. drol

    How come this years deathlist is doing so poorly?

    The list is just not bad enough for this disaster.
  8. drol

    Deathlist Cup 2022

    Mark Girouard dead at 90.
  9. drol

    Political Frailty

    Chen Man Hin dead at 97.
  10. drol

    Authors Last A Long Time, But....

    Also another one who has a portrait by Carl Van Vetchen.
  11. drol

    Ideas and possibilities for 2023

    John Engen dead at 58.
  12. drol

    Time Added

    Former Portuguese footballer Carlos Secretário, 52, in ICU after stroke.
  13. drol

    African Leaders - Despots and Democratic

    Tumwine airlifted to Nairobi . Reportedly suffers from cancer.
  14. drol

    Hollywood Possibilities

    Anne Heche completely dead at 53. Confirmed by Associated Press and NYT.
  15. drol

    From Cleric To Relic

    Prominent Orthodox prelate Kallistos (Ware), 87, in a critical condition . Early reports of death were withdrawn.
  16. drol

    Summer Olympic Deaths/Dead Medallists

    Now Alberto adds dengue on top of that.
  17. Who would troll about Inez Voyce? AAGPBL is a bunch of morons.
  18. drol

    Political Frailty

    Yosiwo George so improving he's dead.
  19. drol

    Gina Lollobrigida

    Running for the Italian Senate.
  20. drol

    The Dead of 2022

    Nah, here is the obit.
  21. drol

    The Dead of 2022

    Hmmmm.... she entered hospice care today. Premature report?
  22. drol

    Summer Olympic Deaths/Dead Medallists

    Cuban legendary runner Alberto Juantorena (wiki) in critical condition with bronchial pneumonia and heart failure after a bout with COVID.
  23. drol

    Death, Italian Style

    The Italian David Attenborough, Piero Angela, has died at 93. National mourning in Italy.
  24. drol

    Political Frailty

    If you get offended by these lists as they don't contain enough actors from EastEnders or Corrie, you can freely use the ignore function. Beside this arghton has great ability to do non trivial research and is very accurate. Sometimes we all get bored these people don't die and that's when futile updates come out, but that's physiological.

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