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Everything posted by drol

  1. drol

    Political Frailty

    Aman Tuleyev dead at 79.
  2. drol

    1. Jimmy Carter

    Nice try but it didn't work.
  3. drol

    Rosalynn Carter

    "Oh, for fuck's sake, Jimmy, I'll show you how you do hospice care!"
  4. drol

    From Cleric To Relic

    Here's Sayadaw in July: He is mentioned quite often on Facebook pages and has been wheelchair bound for a while.
  5. drol

    Academic Footnotes

    Next CAE member dead: Wang Mingxiu, aged 91.
  6. drol

    Why no Indians ever in DeathList?

    Vijayakanth hospitalised for a classic routine chek-up.
  7. drol

    Time Added

    Italian perennial caretaker manager Renzo Ulivieri hospitalised after heart attack , but not in a serious condition.
  8. drol

    Shane MacGowan

    Much better and to be discharged before Christmas.
  9. drol

    From Cleric To Relic

    Daisaku Ikeda dead at 95. Also Chanmyay Sayadaw looked half dead in July, wheelchair bound and enormously bloated legs. Wonder how he is still alive.
  10. drol

    29. Linda Nolan

    Thank you for another update only you think it's an actual update.
  11. drol


    Alexander Mitta out of ICU and seemingly out of danger. Immortal. Also Solomin is improving and Darlong is stable.
  12. drol

    The Chequered Flag

    Ken Squier dead at 88. See mr Carter? That's how you do hospice care.
  13. drol

    The 100 Club

    Thanga Darlong hospitalised and improving. 103-year old wants to die at home, they forcibly hospitalise him possibly only to make him die far from home. Indian mindset.
  14. drol

    The 100 Club

    N. Sankaraiah dead at 102.
  15. drol


    Carlos Alberto de Nóbrega hospitalised after fall, but does not look serious.
  16. drol

    The 100 Club

    Sankaraiah improving and to be discharged in two days.
  17. Well, one of them is an internationally recognized sex symbol, the other is just Paul Newman's widow. All these people/animals have survived an incredible amount of ailments, which makes them immortal. What I like from deadpooling is the vastity of knowledge it brings. Last week I met some people from Kerala and they were completely astonished that I knew their language was Malayalam and who VS Achuthanandan was. "How do you know???" ...by chance.
  18. drol

    Jonnie Irwin

  19. drol


    A brief recap on hospitalised/seriously ill folks: 1) Alexander Mitta (1933): pro-Putin film director, severe stroke, pneumonia, heart and kidney failure, dementia. Survived a stroke, COVID, pneumonia earlier this year. 2)N. Sankaraiah (1921): legendary Indian communist, hospitalised with low oxygen levels. 3)Thanga Darlong (1920): Tripura musician, bedridden for a long time, unable to eat or speak. Anyway the minister of health visited him and said his condition is good. 4)Viktor Igumenov (1943): Russian athlete, abdominal aortic aneurysm, stable. 5)Yury Solomin (1935): fall and severe stroke, diabetes, extensive heart disease, serious COVID in 2021. 6)Kostas Nestoridis (1930): fall 7)Tep Vong (1932): Supreme patriarch of Cambodia, 100th hospitalizations, does not look serious even this time. Feel free to add names.
  20. drol

    Jonnie Irwin

    Hospitalised .
  21. drol

    Academic Footnotes

    Next CAE member dead: Qin Yukun, aged 90.
  22. drol

    Tennis players

    Italian A-lister and current women's national team manager Tathiana Garbin diagnosed with rare cancer, has already undergone surgery and will undergo another in a short time.
  23. drol

    Political Frailty

    Rahim Huseynov dead at 87.
  24. drol

    Who are the immortals?

    Saalumarada Thimmakka finally... planning to plant 100 new banyans tree. Yet another fucking miracle. It's been almost two months without a single death from this bunch of zombies.
  25. drol


    Pravrajika Anandapranaji d.....ischarged.

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