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Everything posted by drol

  1. drol

    Hollywood Possibilities

    Paul Bateson (wiki) had a small part. Convicted murderer and supected serial killer, said to have died in 2012, but nothing conclusive.
  2. drol

    Death, Italian Style

    One of the most prominent marxist of the 60s, and an ideologist of terrorist groups Nuclei Armati Proletari and Red Brigades. Interestingly his (more prominent) pal Toni Negri (wiki) turned 90 some days ago. One of the most divisive figures in Italian history.
  3. drol

    Bollywood Stars

    Malayalam director Siddique (wiki) critical on ECMO after heart attack. He suffered the heart attack while being treated for pneumonia and advanced liver disease. How long before stable and improving?
  4. drol

    Ian Watkins

    Fucking stupid inmates, can't even do a simple job right.
  5. drol

    Who are the immortals?

    Fuck's sake. Next: Bob Barker stable and recovering after being blown up by Russian rocket. All these people were not simply ill, thery were the illest people on the planet. So you would think the next hospitalization, another one of an infinite chain, would be their last one. Ezrachi was a medical miracle by having been resuscitated at 92 with close to 0% chances of survival. He gets on life support and "very critical, unstable" condition two years later. Yet, this is not enough... he is able to withstand two surgeries and gets discharged in good shape. Krasko has suffered three strokes recently and was completely dying in January. He suffers another, serious stroke and how the hell he is discharged in two weeks and is in good health. Thimmakka was dying ten years ago, had COPD for decades and a chain of hospitalizations suring the COVID (she never got COVID). Gets in hospital again and guess what? Stable and improving. Buddhadeb is a medical miracle, having survived a 2020 hospitalization in extremely critical condition and 2021 with COVID on life support (already that unexplainable). He gets hospitalised two years later, bedridden, on oxygen for years, life support, multiple organ failure. To be discharged next week. How the hell is this possible? Buthelezi has been hospitalised around seven times in the last two years, he gets surgery for the fakes "back pain" possible, gets readmitted in ICU, "not improving", silence for two days. Gueeess what? Stable and improving. All the Russian names arghton mentioned in recent months being critical.... all alive and out of hospital! Even two cadavers like McMichael and MacGowan are stable and improving. Not talk about Dr. M. who got discharged in a day. One of the most disappointing periods for a Reaper who does not seem able even to carry out obvious tasks.
  6. drol

    Dying Off The Radar

    Being too sassy will damage your health, Ulitzer.
  7. drol

    Who are the immortals?

    Buthelezi improving . Is this a fucking global joke?
  8. drol

    Steve McMichael

    Mongo improving and sepsis is gone.
  9. drol


    Igor Yasulovich..... I won't even joke anymore. Improving and soon to be discharged.
  10. drol

    Political Frailty

    Former president of Haiti Boniface Alexandre dead at 87.
  11. drol


    A quick recap on hospitalised/ill folks. @arghton , feel free to integrate. 1)Steve McMichael (1957): in ICU with sepsis, stable and improving. DISCHARGED. 2)Jeffrey R. Holland (1940): hospitalised with kidney failure. 3)Mahathir Mohamed (1925): hospitalised with infection. DISCHARGED. 4)Ivan Krasko (1930): hospitalised after stroke, soon to be discharged. DISCHARGED. 5)Baruch Mordechai Ezrachi (1929): on life support, received two surgeries. About to be discharged. 6)Mangosuthu Buthelezi (1928): in ICU with surgery complications. 7)Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee (1944): in ICU with respiratory failure and infection. Soon to be discharged. DISCHARGED. 8)Shane McGowan (1957): recently in ICU, still on oxygen. Stable and improving. 9)Jayapataka Swami (1948): kidney failure, but stable and improving. DISCHARGED.
  12. drol

    Ideas and possibilities for 2024

    A 95 year old Mexican actor who, of course, is stable and recovering.
  13. drol

    Mahathir Mohamad

  14. drol

    Mahathir Mohamad

    Hospitalised. Of course not in any danger.
  15. drol


    Buthelezi's condition has not improved and prayer sessions are being held.
  16. drol

    Time Added

    Wanda Nara confirms she is ill, but won't confirm it's leukemia.
  17. Pnina Gary dead at 95.
  18. drol

    Who are the immortals?

    Buddhadeb asking to be discharged. Apparently he is off or will soon be off BiPAP too. This quite outclasses Ezrachi, Krasko, Buthelezi, Chamorro, Le Pen and Manohar Joshi.
  19. drol


    Buthelezi dead at 94. Ahahaha I got you again. Buthelezi discharged .
  20. drol


    Baruch Mordechai Ezrachi finally dead. Ahahaha, got you. No, he underwent spinal surgery and will be soon discharged to rehab. He is conscious and apparently a bit talkative.
  21. drol

    Who are the immortals?

    Buddhadeb will be discharged shortly.
  22. Inga Landgre dead at 95.
  23. drol

    The 100 Club

    Argentine dancer María Fux dead at 101.
  24. drol

    Political Frailty

    Former PM of Azerbaijan Surat Huseynov dead at 64.
  25. drol

    Who are the immortals?

    Buddhadeb off life support.

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