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Everything posted by drol

  1. drol

    Political Frailty

    Picture from our immortal Chavalit's 91st birthday.
  2. drol

    5. Pope Francis

    Stable, alert and breathing on his own.
  3. drol

    Hollywood Possibilities

    Hartley born in 1924 or 1934? From this interview he says he joined the military at 14 more or less and according to Wiki that was 1949...
  4. drol

    Hollywood Possibilities

    Three Hollywood actors born in 1924 remain: Eve Marie Saint, Ted Hartley and Maria Riva. Hope the last one standing is not Riva who is the most insignificant of them.
  5. Hungarian mathematician Béla Andrásfai (wiki) reportedly dead at 92.
  6. drol

    The Lone Ranger

    Noreen Nash being reported dead on social media, aged 99.
  7. drol

    5. Pope Francis

    They are not saying it explicitely, but I think he has colon cancer.
  8. drol

    Businesspeople, Investors, CEO's

    Reuters confirmation.
  9. drol

    The 100 Club

    Lu Yuanjiu finally dead at 103.
  10. drol

    Why no Indians ever in DeathList?

    Manohar Joshi out of ICU.
  11. drol

    George Lazenby

    Quite surely bullshit, but he was reported dead on Wikipedia.
  12. drol

    Why no Indians ever in DeathList?

    Gufi Paintal dead at 78.
  13. drol

    Hollywood Possibilities

    92 instead of 84 too.
  14. drol

    15. Glynis Johns

  15. drol

    Bollywood Stars

    Sulochana Latkar finally dead at 94.
  16. drol

    Phillip Schofield

    Can we move this thread to extra-curricular?
  17. drol

    MMMDP 2023

    Congrats AFB. I feel there will be some time before a second hit.
  18. drol

    Why no Indians ever in DeathList?

    Actor Gufi Paintal stable and recovering in hospital.
  19. drol

    Summer Olympic Deaths/Dead Medallists

    Mike McFarlane is alive according to his official Instagram account.
  20. drol

    The Rabbi Thread

    Improving . An immortal is an immortal.
  21. drol


    Brazilian presenter and coffin teaser Raul Gil hospitalised for prostate surgery.
  22. drol

    MMMDP 2023

    Uninspired Manohar Joshi.
  23. drol

    The Rabbi Thread

    Photos from Gershon's funeral: Baruch Mordechai Ezrachi Dov Lando
  24. drol

    The Rabbi Thread

    500.000 people at the funeral. As expected, Baruch Dov Povarsky named as successor. 92, in ICU in 2021 and 2022. They must really have a thing for funerals.
  25. drol

    Who are the immortals?

    Gershon Edelstein (1923-2023) "Pah....amateur" (Mordechai Ezrachi) "Oh, no, now that cunt Shmuel Kamenetsky will take my place" (Gerhson's last words) Age at death: 100 Known health issues: Heart surgery in 2011, ICU in 2019, hospitalised in May 2021 and January 2022. Heart attack and COVID in July 2022. Hospitalised in 2023. Cause of death: Who knows? It was such a shocking sudden death. Alignment: The classic ultra-Orthodox cunt.

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