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Everything posted by Wormfarmer

  1. Wormfarmer

    ABC Deadpool - a new one by Wormfarmer

    I guess I missed the last part on my first read through. Sorry to have offended with my idea for a different approach to a new pool. I am glad you won't be participating though, even if I don't get 12 people, I don't need that kind of input. Supposed to be fun, not stir up anger.
  2. Wormfarmer

    ABC Deadpool - a new one by Wormfarmer

    Yes, if they are protected while still a solo (or duo). Not if prior lists containing them keep them from being so.
  3. Wormfarmer

    ABC Deadpool - a new one by Wormfarmer

    Ah, at least there is someone out there who doesn't believe my humble little thread will destroy their chances for victory in next year's big daddy pools.
  4. Wormfarmer

    ABC Deadpool - a new one by Wormfarmer

    OOooo. An improvement already. Numbering the list with letters. I like it. Carry on.
  5. Wormfarmer

    ABC Deadpool - a new one by Wormfarmer

    If the names are that good, you may lose them before the end of the year. Might as well get something for them now! Or you could play without using those names. There are still hundreds of others that everyone else knows about . . . .
  6. Wormfarmer

    ABC Deadpool - a new one by Wormfarmer

    I appreciate the thoughts. But my list is already out there, so I suppose it is too late for me to change horses for this year. Besides, I was looking for this pool to be different than others, for good or for bad only time will tell.
  7. Wormfarmer

    ABC Deadpool - a new one by Wormfarmer

    That is what the protected "4" is for. If you do your own research and come up with a few names that you don't want everyone else to John Dillinger on you, you get your list in early and hit them with a protected moniker. Nobody else can use em. Sounds made to order, gents!
  8. Wormfarmer

    ABC Deadpool - a new one by Wormfarmer

    In thinking this through, I decided that starting it on a future date would be tough with the parameters of this pool. Since each list is structured around the alphabet and not just a list of random names, substitutes can't be provided in advance, since we don't know which letter will be needed. If the 'protected names' unfairly skew things, I will rework it for next time (if there is one).
  9. Wormfarmer

    ABC Deadpool - a new one by Wormfarmer

    I figured by postponing the start, then I have to deal with substitutes and replacing names that die in the interim. With the protected names idea, that could get messy. Out of hundreds of good names for pools, there are only 4 right now that are not available to you, so I would say you still have a pretty good chance.
  10. Wormfarmer

    ABC Deadpool - a new one by Wormfarmer

    I wanted some reason for people to get their lists in early, otherwise, the last entries get to pick over all the earlier lists without penalty. I struggled with how many names to protect without overly depleting the pool of names available. Maybe 4 was too many, and I might adjust next year (if there is one). The last entry will have 44 names unavailable to them, but will also have seen a lot of good names come up to choose from, plus hopefully some from their own research. I guess the idea is - don't be last!
  11. Wormfarmer

    Under Half Century Deadpool

    Here is my list (Wormfarmer) Lizzie Velasquez Eman Ahmed Daisy Berkowitz Gino Odjick Lindsay Lohan Nabeel Qureshi Shannon Doherty Ethan Zohn Scott Stapp Artie Lange Michael Schumaker Nick Stahl Nick Cannon Pete Doherty Paul Gascoigne Jack Hoffman Helen Fawkes Kim Jong Un Justin Bieber Miley Cyrus
  12. Wormfarmer

    Under Half Century Deadpool

    I like this idea, except that I think it is going to take 20+ years to get a winner. If I understand it right, you win when you are the first to get 20 hits and all hits are under 50? Yikes, I might be dead before I win, but I will put together a list. Why not? First to 10 hits might be more realistic, then everyone could reload.
  13. Wormfarmer

    Windy City Deadpool 2016-17

    Heck, more than half the names left are obscure names to me. If I were running it, I would say that the standings are final 24 hours after close of business this April, and it is up to each person to check the names left on their list for any missed obits. I am being a stickler cause I can really use the third place prize money right now. On a serious note, I have always wanted to run my own pool, running from July thru June, and the only way I know to do it is like this one, via a thread on this site. So anyone interested in a new take on death please check back in a couple of weeks. I want it to be free to start, then maybe eventually have a small entry fee and some first and second place prizes. Nothing out of control, maybe limit it to 15 or 20 players. Look for "ABC Deathpool". - Your friendly neighborhood Wormfarmer. RadGuy, thanks for your work in running this one. It is fun.
  14. Wormfarmer

    Windy City Deadpool 2017-18

    Looks like I might hold on for third place in the inaugural. I have to face the fact that there are always a few people better at this than me. Maybe I am just a couple of key sources away from having the full scoop on who's ill and dying. Here is my list for the second go round. I also have an idea for a DP that I have not seen before. I might start it as a July-June pool to avoid the new year rush. Look for a new thread on this site from you friendly neighborhood Wormfarmer soon. 1 gord downey 2 violet brown 3 Michael I of Romania 4 catherine nevin 5 rod carew 6 john rigas 7 leslie Phillips 8 mel stottlemyre, sr. 9 errol christie 10 paul van-zandvliet 11 nabeel qureshi 12 bobby "the brain" heenan 13 bryan murray 14 charles manson 15 peter sallis 16 George Bush, Sr. 17 zoltan sarosy 18 barys kit 19 ruthie tompson 20 eman ahmed alternates: kirk douglas glen campbell Queen E II
  15. Wormfarmer

    Windy City Deadpool 2016-17

    I like point spread option #2. And a small bonus for solos, or using solos as a tiebreaker criteria.
  16. Wormfarmer

    Windy City Deadpool 2016-17

    If you are going to do an update, might as well include my solo hit for Lynne Stewart. My bucket list includes finishing Top 3 here. The price is right, I will play again. I am also ok with a solo bonus, but what about using it as a tiebreake? That is, no outright points, but if two players tie, most solo hits gives them the win.
  17. Wormfarmer

    Windy City Deadpool 2016-17

    http://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/indianapolis-mayor-william-hudnut-dies-84-44273507 Whew! Obit for WH3 on abc. Although finding this will probably drop me back in the standings, fair is fair.
  18. Wormfarmer

    Stiffs Dot Com

    <deleted> Forgive my first post as being misplaced and banal. Was looking for an assist in all the wrong places. Bullet to the brain has been willingly taken. Although the word should be spread that Stiffs.com, in my experience, never pays the prizes it advertises when you win.
  19. Wormfarmer

    Windy City Deadpool 2016-17

    OK. Your opening post had this pool ending January 1st, so I thought we were close to the end. If it goes the full 12 months, my comments came a little early.
  20. Wormfarmer

    Windy City Deadpool 2016-17

    OK, nobody has ever collected a prize from stiffs.com, then? Should I stop paying to play? Am I a rube? (OK, maybe that last one is too leading of a question). Next topic: May I make a couple of constructive comments for our newly created Windy City DP, in hopes to help it grow into a long lasting staple of the games. 1. Condense the point values. Right now, instead of depending on the quality of a 20 name list, really what you need are a quality top 3 or 4 names. If you don't hit those, you are out of the running. I went from a bottom feeder to third place when I hit my top pick, Sharon Jones. (not sure why no one else had her on a list?) The rest of the list is fairly inconsequential. I agree that the top of the list should be weighted more heavily, but in order to make the whole list count may I suggest a point value structure something like this: 25,30,35,40,45,50,60,70,80,90,100,120,140,160,180,200,225.250.275,300 This way, your top picks sure help, but you could miss one or two and still have a shot if the rest of your list is really good. 2. I like the lack of bonus points. I always felt (even when I have benefitted from) things like "13th of the month" or "birthday" bonuses took away the skill factor and brought the luck factor too much into play. Bravo, here. 3. Can we cap it at 20 or 25 players or so? Say the inaugural group we have now and then next 10 or so entries who want in? You could always open it up to new players as veterans drop out. I guess maybe I am suggesting an elite DP "club" instead of a runaway site where you get hundreds of entrants and then it gets very hard to manage. I would be willing to help with updates and whatnot if it didn't get too out of hand. Hope it was helpful. Don't kick me out if you don't like.
  21. Wormfarmer

    Windy City Deadpool 2016-17

    Anybody here play the stiffs.com games? Anybody ever win a game? Anybody ever collect on a prize? How do you go about it? Thanks in advance.
  22. Wormfarmer

    Windy City Deadpool 2016-17

    Where will updates be posted? To the lists you posted on this forum, or will there be an official site for this contest? I figure there have been at least 3 hits, and Ali was a huge one, although surprisingly only for me. Just wondering where to look.
  23. Wormfarmer

    Windy City Deadpool 2016-17

    Wormfarmer is in: 1. Sharon Jones - DapKings 2. Bernie Worrell - PFunk 3. Lynne Stewart 4. Clive James 5. Kate Granger 6. William H Hudnut III 7. Peter Sallis 8. Bruce Forsythe 9. Daisy Berkowitz - M Manson 10. Zsa Zsa Gabor 11. Susannah Mushatt Jones 12. Barbara Barrie - Barney Miller 13. Barys Kit - rockets 14. Bobby 'the Brain" Heenan - WWF 15. King Bhumibol 16. Valerie Harper 17. Stan Mikita 18. Alex Spanos - SD Chargers 19. Muhammad Ali 20. Roberta McCain alt. Jake LaMotta alt. Lizzie Velasquez alt. John Bain - Totalbiscuit

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