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Joey Russ

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Everything posted by Joey Russ

  1. Since there’s a what you’re reading thread and a what have you been watching lately, I’ve decided to start a thread focusing on music you’re currently listening to. Of course, if there’s a thread that exists on this that I don’t know about, a mod can merge them together. Anyways, I am listening to Berlin by Lou Reed for the very first time, and so far, I’m enjoying the album.
  2. Joey Russ

    Thoughts On The 2024 List

    Who’s ready for the new list? I sure am. I have no ideas on what names are on but Death Impends has given hints to the newly created threads that Grim made, and based on her hints, I think there’s a very strong chance Derek Draper actually debuted. But we won’t know for sure until the actual list is revealed
  3. Joey Russ

    Rishi Sunak

    Looks like he’s set to succeed Liz Truss, might as well make this now
  4. Joey Russ

    The 2024 Crowdsourced Deathlist

    As I say this of course this starts picking up steam
  5. Joey Russ

    Political Frailty

    Us representative Sheila Jackson Lee has pancreatic cancer
  6. Joey Russ

    The 2024 Crowdsourced Deathlist

    Honestly the fact that Burrow is only the 6th hit here proves how slow of a year it has been
  7. Joey Russ

    Falling Fauna

    Seriously? You’re quoting a post that already stated that she died by re-iterating the fact that she died?
  8. Joey Russ

    Derby Dead Pool 2024

    You just signed Dabney Coleman’s death warrant mate!
  9. Joey Russ

    Brian Wilson

    I'm actually surprised that Brian Wilson is still alive, considering his history of mental illnesses
  10. Joey Russ

    Passed-Punks & No-Wavers

  11. Joey Russ

    Low-hanging Fruit

    Steve Albini has died at 61
  12. One of the topics that I am the most interested in is the counterculture of the 1960's and early 1970's. There is just something about that era that always seem so fascinating to me, and makes me wonder what influential figures are still around from that era. So behold, I have made a list of people who have put in major influence from the counterculture in one way or another. I also do wonder which of these will be the last survivor of this group of very influential individuals. Anyways, here are the names: Richard Alpert; professor, spiritual teacher; (1931 - 2019) Bill Ayers; activist, professor; (1944 - ) Joan Baez; musician, activist; (1941 - ) Sonny Barger; Hells Angels; (1938 - 2022) Stewart Brand; environmentalist, author; (1938 - ) Tommy Chong; comedian, social critic; (1938 - ) Peter Coyote; Digger, actor; (1941 - ) David Crosby; musician; (1941 - 2023) Robert Crumb; underground comix artist; (1943 - ) Angela Davis; communist, activist; (1944 - ) Rennie Davis; activist, community organizer; (1941 - 2021 ) Bernadine Dorhn; activist (1942 - ) Bob Dylan; musician; (1941 - ) Daniel Ellsberg; whistleblower; (1931- 2023) Bob Fass; radio host; (1933 - 2021) Jane Fonda; actress, activist; (1937 - ) Peter Fonda; actor, activist; (1940 - 2019) Todd Gitlin; activist; (1943 - 2022) Wavy Gravy; hippie, activist; (1936 - ) Alan Harber; activist, (DOB unknown - ) Hugh Hefner; publisher; (1926 - 2017) Paul Krassner; author; (1932 - 2019) Charles Manson; conspirator turned to mass murderer; (1934 - 2017) Richard "Cheech" Marin; comedian, social critic; (1946 - ) Michael McClure; poet; (1932 - 2020) Barry Miles; author, impresario; (1943 - ) Ralph Nader; consumer advocate, author; (1934 - ) Graham Nash; musician, activist; (1942 - ) Jack Nicholson; screenwriter, actor; (1937 - ) Yoko Ono; musician, artist, activist; (1933 - ) Mark Rudd; activist; (1947 - ) Ed Sanders; musician, activist; (1939 - ) John Searle; professor, free speech advocate; (1932 - ) John Sinclair; poet, activist; (1941 - 2024 ) Dick Smother; musician, TV performer, activist; (1939 - ) Tom Smother; musician, TV performer, activist; (1937 - 2023) Gary Snyder; poet, writer, environmentalist; (1930 - ) Gloria Steinem; feminist, publisher; (1934 - ) Neil Young; musician, activist; (1945 - ) It wouldn't surprise me if they're all dead within 20 years tbh, but I suspect there will be a few hanging on in 2038...
  13. Joey Russ

    Political Frailty

    Progressive US congressman Raul Grijalva announces that he’s been diagnosed with cancer
  14. Joey Russ

    Deathlist Cup 2024

    Too late. Rounds end promptly at midnight UK time
  15. Joey Russ

    33. Willie Nelson

    Decided to give this country legend a well overdue thread, especially cause I think he could potentially make a great deathlist pick next year. With so many health issues he had to deal this past year, surely he can't live much longer, can he?
  16. Joey Russ

    Inverse Dead Pool 2024

    Don’t think those vote of confidences for Toby Keith and Dave Meyers helped them out too well huh…
  17. Joey Russ

    Deathlist Cup 2024

    13. Qualifying obits? Every single English-language newspaper, magazine or significant website, provided that they are not automatically generated by AI. Also Le Monde, Le Figaro, Der Spiegel, Die Zeit, El Pais, El Mundo and Corriere Della Sera. Idiot
  18. Joey Russ

    16. Stanley Baxter

    Pretty sure that’s one of those Cash Luna accounts
  19. Joey Russ

    James Bond 007 (Connery/Moore/Villains etc)

    Would’ve preferred Sean Wallace to this tbh
  20. Joey Russ

    Derby Dead Pool 2024

    I believe press reader was allowed for a previous hit so given precedent it probably counts
  21. Joey Russ

    1. Jimmy Carter

    I remember him being the first to break Kirk Douglas so yeah definitely
  22. Joey Russ

    Deathlist Cup 2024

    Ftr I would’ve disqualified that obit if I was hosting so probably gonna have to dig deeper
  23. Joey Russ

    Dead Pop Stars

    Twitter reporting that Karl Wallinger of Waterboys and World Party fame is reportedly dead
  24. Joey Russ


    I'm surprised that a game around the 1940s hasn't come into fruition, especially since there's a game around the 50's! I figured since baby boomers are starting to decline, this pool should be started. The rules are simple, pick 40 people from the 1940's on your team. If they die and receive a DDP eligible obit, then you get a hit. If they don't obit within three months, you replace them with another person. The first person with all 40 people dead and have a QO wins. After the first 15 names, coming up with the rest was actually quite difficult for me, so here goes nothing: Kathleen Blanco Pat Bowlen Eric Clapton David Crosby Tim Curry Gerard Depardieu Oliver Dragojevic Donald Fagen Aretha Franklin Superstar Billy Graham Jimmy Greaves Luke Halpin Stephen Hawking Cynthia Heimel NQO Bill Heine Mazie Hirono Tony Iommi Mick Jagger Terry Jones Jose Jose Tessa Jowell Peter Lorimer Stan Mikita Joni Mitchell Olivia Newton-John Jalal Mansur Nuriddin Ozzy Osbourne Al Pacino Jimmy Page Anna Pavord Martin Peters Iggy Pop Keith Richards Freddie Starr Nobby Stiles Bernard Tapie Christopher Walken Mike Willesee Ronnie Wood Celeste Yarnall Bobby Zarin
  25. Joey Russ

    David Irving

    No loss

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