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Joey Russ

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Everything posted by Joey Russ

  1. Joey Russ

    Deathrace 2017

    Save me a trawl and name the second stiff! Jimmy Snuka presumably Aye, on it 350 pts FTFY
  2. Joey Russ

    Inverse Dead Pool 2017

    Total bastard. Alright, I'll award points for Snuka but what shall I do about subsequent entries? It seems harsh to give them a load of points but it would be unfair to let them start with nothing. How about making them choose 26 instead of 25? If that's the case, I'll add Jerry Lewis to my squad No, I mean those who enters from now on. Everyone who has already entered is fine and will receive points for Snuka very soon.Think that's fair.
  3. Joey Russ

    Inverse Dead Pool 2017

    Total bastard. Alright, I'll award points for Snuka but what shall I do about subsequent entries? It seems harsh to give them a load of points but it would be unfair to let them start with nothing. How about making them choose 26 instead of 25? If that's the case, I'll add Jerry Lewis to my squad
  4. Joey Russ

    2017 Ddp Salvage Lot

    I didn't trust Snuka, but I think the vast majority of contenders think he was frauding, which was a mistake.
  5. Joey Russ

    The Joker's Dead Pool

    Also means Sean needs a sub.
  6. Joey Russ

    Inverse Dead Pool 2017

    Fuck me sideways. He wasn't a fraud afterall
  7. Joey Russ

    The Joker's Dead Pool

    Also, Jimmy Snuka is no longer eligible just so you know.
  8. Joey Russ

    The Joker's Dead Pool

    That'll ruin part of the fun though. Seriously though, if a non participant want to see the full list of bonuses, then I can send it to them by pm. I think DDT would be the one I'd send it to unless he plans on participating in this.
  9. Joey Russ

    The Joker's Dead Pool

    I'll try simplify it to maybe make it easier. You can either choose 25 or 50 people in a team. The 260 people is due to how many DDP jokers there are. If you go to the 50 route, then select 5 people to nominate as jokers, and you can nominate 6 people as jokers if you go the 25 route. Then you can either pm them or announce them publicly by the 28th at midnight GMT. Is that simpler for you (you might be confused by the bonuses, which I'll distribute).
  10. Joey Russ

    The Joker's Dead Pool

    Good to know. Just remember you must choose from that list of 260 (cause Amber Snailham is old enough after all). Anyone planning to play but is planning on sending teams closer to the deadline can say right here or pm me.
  11. Joey Russ

    The Joker's Dead Pool

    A quick random stat. At the moment, they're are 13 people who is appearing on all three registered teams so far. There are currently four people who have been jokered more than once. The first has been jokered by all three teams. The second and third, while appearing on all three teams, has only been jokered twice. The fourth only appears on two teams thus far, but they have been jokered by both teams. I'm not revealing any of those teams or teams that have PM'd me afterwards until the deadline has passed, so those names are safe with me.
  12. Joey Russ

    Life In Prison

    There's that stammer again. I think you should take a few days off the forum so you can cure that stammer. I hear that's the only way to cure it.
  13. Joey Russ

    Death In The Family

    If it was Hein coming back, we all would be very happy to see him again.
  14. Joey Russ

    The Dead Of 2017

    Very interesting to see if he gets a QOSC http://www.dailymail.co.uk/wires/ap/article-4122278/Eddie-Long-megachurch-pastor-embroiled-scandal-dies.html
  15. Joey Russ

    Shauns Death By Numbers 2017

    Qualifying obit for Eddie Long in this competition (not others though): http://www.cnn.com/2017/01/15/us/bishop-eddie-long-dead/index.html
  16. Joey Russ

    The Joker's Dead Pool

    You can't please everyone now, can you?
  17. Joey Russ


    If that's true, then some competing teams will already have an advantage over us.
  18. Joey Russ

    Derby Dead Pool 2017

    I have received an email this morning which says that according to a Facebook post, Amber celebrated her 18th birthday on December 18th, so she makes the cut! Had I known that, she probably would've been seriously considered.
  19. Joey Russ

    The Joker's Dead Pool

    I think there are both advantages and disadvantages to do both. If you choose the 25 option, then you are more likely to find those bonus points, plus you get the advantage of choosing six jokers. Your disadvantages to that is you can't have as diverse as a team and you start with negative two points. That really isn't a lot. In the 50 team member case, you can select a very diverse team and still do pretty. However, your less likely to find those bonus numbers. It's also very unlikely someone will predict all 50, and if they do, congrats to them. Now I might've considered cutting it down to 25, but I won't because I already have 3 teams of 50 submitted, so it will stay an either or. You don't have to compete, but you might miss some bonuses, as I'm sure you'll enjoy some bonuses.
  20. Joey Russ

    The Joker's Dead Pool

    I'm thinking now that some people may not participate due to choosing that many people. I have an offer to make to people who think 50 is too much: you can select 25 people with a sixth joker and a few more numbers that can generate 2 points, but you have to start out with -2 points instead of 0. Does that sound like a fair deal? You don't have to accept, but I think it's a good offer. (I just made this up if you can't tell, it wasn't one of my unwritten rules)
  21. Joey Russ

    The Joker's Dead Pool

    Oh. Right. It ends the 31st of December. Should've put an ending to the game.
  22. Joey Russ

    The Joker's Dead Pool

    Nope. Although I did forget to put obit requirements. It's the same as the DDP obit requirements.
  23. Joey Russ


    I'm ready to post that, but I'll patiently wait till 5 to start the topic.
  24. Joey Russ


    Like I said in the DDP, I've decided to make a list of everyone's jokers, cause I was interested in how diverse it is overall (I dropped Amber Snailham though, cause she probably isn't old enough). Here's the complete list of jokers: 50 Cent Abdel-Rahman, Omar Abdeslam, Salah Abdullah II of Jordan, King Adams, Colette Adie, Kate Al-Assad, Bashar Al-Baghdadi, Abu Bakr Aldrin, Buzz Allam, Assem Allen, Woody Alliss, Peter Anderson, Philip Warren Andress, Ursula Anthony, Ray Apostol, Eugenia Ashley, April Averbakh, Yuri Aznavour, Charles Bain, John Baker, Colin Baker, Ginger Baker, Tom Banks, Gordon Baptiste, Thomas Barber, Bob Barker, Bob Barrie, Anna Baxendale, Leo Benedict XVI, Pope Emeritus Bennett, Alan Bennett, Tony Berkowitz, Daisy Berry, Chuck Betts, Dickey Bewes, Rodney Billington, Tom Blackman, Honor Blake, Robert Blakiston, Caroline Blessed, Brian Bogaturov, Alexei Boles, Nicky Booth, Tony Bracknell, Leah Brady, Ian Briggs, Paul Brittain, Clive Brooks, Mel Brown, Chris Brown, Lisa Busey, Gary Bush, Barbara Bush Sr, George H. W. Byrne, Gay Cameron, Earl Campbell, Glen Carter, Jimmy Cassidy, David Cher (singer) Chirac, Bernadette Chirac, Jacques Christie, Errol Clark, Jay Clinton, Bill Cole, Richard Connery, Sean Connolly, Billy Coppola, Anton Corey, Professor Irwin Coward, Sara Cruise, Tom Culkin, Macaulay Davies, Rick Dawn, Liz Day, Amanda Day, Doris De Havilland, Olivia Decarlo, Gary Derbyshire, Eileen Dexter, Colin Dillard, Harrison Dodd, Ken Doherty, Shannen Dole, Bob Domino, Fats Donleavy, J.P. Doolan, Ed Douglas, Kirk Downie, Gord Drever, Ronald Duvall, Robert Dylan, Bob Echeverria Alvarez, Luis Elias, Rayya Elizabeth II, Queen Emin, Tracy Essesbi, Beji Caid Fabray, Nanette Fakir, Abdul Duke Farmanfarmaian, Monir Shahroudy Farnham, Keith Fawkes, Helen Fearn, Ronald Finney, Albert Fitzroy, Fortune Fleetwood, Mick Fogle, Jared Foray, June Ford, Doug Forsyth, Bruce Frates, Pete Gaylon, Donnie Gascoigne, Paul Gascoine, Jill Gavin, John Gibbs, Lance Gilbert, Greg Graham, Rev Billy Greaves, Jimmy Green, Seth Hackman, Gene Harper, Valerie Harris, Anita Harris, Rolf Hawke, Bob Hawking, Stephen Hefner, Hugh Hewlett, Steve Higgs, Peter Hockney, David Hollingsworth, Mike Hollingworth, Clare Houston, Thelma Ingham, Bernard Jackson, Paris Jagger, Mick James, Clive Johns, Glynis Jones, Tanya Jones, Terry Kamprad, Ingvar Kara, Ritchii Kelly, Elizabeth Kelly, Jim Keneally, Thomas Kennedy, Ethel Killen, Edgar Ray Kilmer, Val Kissinger, Henry Klasnic, Ivan Kobayashi, Mao Kohl, Helmut Kony, Joseph Kripke, Saul Labeouf, Shia Lakovic, Sasha Lamotta, Jake Lansbury, Angela Lazarenko, Cliff Loaf, Meat Loren, Sophia Lynn, Vera MacFarlene, Norman Magill, Lisa Magnuson, Princess Christina Maren, Jerry Marie, Rose Mathis, Johnny Matthew, Brian Matzka, Scott Mayhew-Archer, Peter McGiffin, Tracy McGregor, Ewan McNee, David Meads, Colin Michael of Romania, King Mitchell, Joni Morano, Emma Mugabe, Robert Napolitano, Giorgio Neary, Tony Nelson, Willie Nichols, Nichelle Norden, Denis Noriega, Manuel Osbourne, Ozzy Parker, Nathaniel Parseghian, Ara Parton, Dolly Philip, Prince Phillips, Leslie Poitier, Sidney Polanski, Roman Pomsel, Brunhilde Quaid, Randy Randi, James Randolph, Joyce Rapoport, Ingeborg Redgrave, Vanessa Reese, Della Reiner, Carl Rev, Livia Reynolds, Burt Ricketts, Simon Rickles, Don Ricksen, Fernando Robinson, Derek Rockefeller, David Romero, Randy Sallis, Peter Sawyer, Connie Scales, Prunella Simpson, Billy Sims, Mark Skellern, Peter Skou, Jens C. Snuka, Jimmy Soames, Nicholas Soares, Mario Spiridonov, Valery St John, Ian Starr, Bart Starr, Ringo Stefansson, Stefan Karl Stiles, Nobby Stolpe, Manfred Stottlemeyer Sr, Mel Suisala, Ben Sumner, Steve Szeles, John Tambling, Bobby Tezuka, Katsumi Thiebaud, Wayne Thomas, Ray Toksvig, Sandi Travis, Randy Trump, Donald Tsvangirai, Morgan Tunstall, K T Tyler Moore, Mary Underwood, John Van der Westhuizen, Joost Veil, Simone Vervoort, Marieke Walker, Clint Watson, Dr James Watson-Challis, Mike West, Kanye Westbrook, Daniella Wetton, John Whelan, Eileen White, Marco Pierre Whitehorn, Katharine Willett, Aimee Wilson, Mary Worcester, Robert Wyman, Bill Wyngarde, Peter Young, Malcolm Zorreguieta, Jorge ​Yep. 261 jokers in all (262 if you count Snailham). I might've missed a few, so please inform me who I missed, plus the four teams jokers when they get added if they are different, but that is really a lot of jokers. Actually, in my head right now, I am coming up with a dead pool based around the joker, and I personally think, if it gets developed enough, that it could be a lot of fun. I might post a thread for it later tonight.
  25. That'll look good on your CV. Alas, potential employers will see it and point to Fallen Sparrow 2005... Yeah. I agree with that. I would still be higher in overall points though. Let's see how I do overall though...

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