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Joey Russ

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Posts posted by Joey Russ

  1. 4 hours ago, ebless said:

    We're already two months ahead of last year when it wasn't until mid August that Havelange gave us our 7th victory. 

    More importantly perhaps, we're ahead of 2015 as well. 

  2. Well, let's look at the top four after Christie's death, shall we? 

    Golden Slumbers is still in the lead with a total of 120 points. 

    David Quantick Showbiz Pals is in 2nd with 113 points in total. 

    Then a new person hits the podium for the first time this year (or at least for a long while, as he might've been a podium placer when Barrett unique died until John Wetton died or all the Sims jokers were played), as the Perez Christie joker one-two puts Thomas Jefferson Survives at 107 points. 

    Finally in fourth place, we have To Kill A Gabor Sister with a total of 105 points at the moment. All four of them are ahead of Shameless, who is still at 101 points due to the nature of their team (they obviously couldn't make an exception for Christie). 

    Well, let's look at two potential deaths that seem to be coming sometime soon, Paul Van Zandvliet and Rayya Elias. If Zandvliet dies first, then it will be Golden Slumbers at 129 points with Death Impends at second with 116 points. If Rayya Elias dies first, it'll be David Quantick Showbiz Pals first at 122 points, Golden Slumbers second at 120 points, and Thomas Jefferson Survives third at 116 points. They all would be in touching range of each other.

    If however, both Elias and Zandvliet dies, then the scoreboard will look like this: 

    Golden Slumbers: 129

    Thomas Jefferson Survives: 125 

    David Quantick Showbiz Pals: 122

    RadGuy's best hope to catch up to them (and win) is for Loughlin to die, and Byrne to have a worse cancer than expected, as well as Spiridinov to die and obit and Salmon to be legit and Nevin to be fraud (as she doesn't affect the position of the top 3 at all). Loughlin and two others basically for RadGuy to have a fighting chance.

    I think the biggest game changer, however, will lie in 2 particular picks: Simon Ricketts and Stefan Karl Stefansson (Greg Gilbert is also an important candidate as well, but not necessarily as crucial imo). Any of the four of them can win if the combination falls into the following ways:

    Bert can win if either none of those picks die or Simon Ricketts dies, but not Stefan Karl Stefansson or Greg Gilbert. He also has Bruce Forsyth, which looks like a 50/50 gamble, and Patrick Cryne, but while he is terminal, we don't know how long he's been ill for. Oh, Meads needs to survive as well.

    Spade can win if either Gilbert or Stefansson dies, and Forsyth, Cryne, and Booth doesn't die, or if none of them die, but the Jagraj Singh gamble works (and he doesn't have the advantage of social media presence unlike Julia Perez, so that's something to note). 

    RadGuy: Can win if neither of Nevin or Meads dies as well as getting all of Stefansson, Gilbert, and Ricketts, or having Nevin and Meads die, but get Loughlin and someone else of the other three I've mentioned. 

    Death Impends needs all of Meads, Ricketts, and Stefansson to die to beat Bert, but Booth also needs to die to beat RadGuy if scenario #2 happens, minus potentially Greg Gilbert. 

    I know these are the top 4 right now, but I must also note of gcreptile's team. It certainly looks a dark horse in this competition, and could be the Spade 2013 type sneak up I mentioned in the Rolling Probability thread (though he put's his team up there, his team is pretty low at the moment in comparison to the other contenders). 

    I'm going to make a bold prediction and say the current top 4 plus The Love Boat will be the top 5 in the end. Sorry if this review sounded kind of complex, but there are so many possibilities for a win with so few who could actually win it at this point imo.

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  3. 1 hour ago, YoungWillz said:

    Several teams have gone almost half the distance with Errol Christie.


    Joey Russ in a surprising development threw in the towel on this one, thus allowing the chasing teams to beat the count and recover some ground.

    Tbf, I thought he was going to die earlier in the year...

  4. 2 hours ago, Zsa Zsa's leg said:

    First time getting one right. I chose Liz Dawn since it seems Peter Sallis was an exception to the 40-50 curse

    David Rockefeller is crying in his grave now, not that anyone really gives a fuck.

  5. Well done Rover for your first victory on a game. I wonder if should do one on the 2018 midterm US election, if anyone else would like to participate (not that it's coming any time soon, but its an idea that came to my head). I didn't participate in this cause I had no idea what the U.K. Parliament was like, but I might try next time. 

    Anyways, once again, well done Rover. 

  6. 1 minute ago, Youth in Asia said:

    Well Perez has got an obit from the Daily Mirror - I'm pretty surprised by that but anyway, well done to those that chose her

    It was her social media presence that got her an obit in the end. Ah, at least she was an actual celebrity, unlike the shameless fodder that receives a mirror obit...

  7. I know this thread is very U.K. politics based, and I don't want to start a thread just focused on US Politics, so I want to try to bring a very thing that happened the same day as the U.K. snap election, the testimony of James Comey. It's really hinted to a lot of people that Trump is really a liar, and really a much different person than other presidents in the past (both democratic and republican). It also notes that Trump tried to lightly pressure director Comey to hold off the investigation. Now, is that enough for the impeachment of Trump, as many far left people are saying? Absolutely not. In fact, I think I can safely say that he won't get impeached for at least six months, and that's likely to be much longer than that. I think Trump will eventually resign or get impeached, when there are enough clear signs and conclusions that Trump did in fact commit obstruction of justice, but that won't happen for a long while yet. Anyways, what are your thoughts on this? (PS, if an admin decides that there should be a thread that is just focused on American politics, then by all means, they can make the thread).

  8. 12 minutes ago, TheBigBB said:



    Alright, it's been over two months, and I never reconsidered what I had said. I still don't think he'll be the next death, but maybe I'm pushing my luck now.

    Your right. It's going to be Christie (he's in hospice care with over 100 tumors). 

  9. 47 minutes ago, JTrost1234 said:

    Batman was not racist. What about Eartha Kitt? I met her through Batman. Watch this video if you think it's racist. I bet you can never get this tune out of your head, like me,  once you hear it. Her singing always cheers me up.


    Wow. I never thought 2 trolls would ever come in contact. That's absolutely amazing. 

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