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Joey Russ

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Posts posted by Joey Russ

  1. All I'm going to say is that Putin is a dangerous man, and while the elections may not of been hacked, there was certainly some influence from the Russians that hurt Clinton's chances...

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  2. Just now, the_engineer said:


    Just because someone is born after 2000 doesn't mean they're anti trump in fact there is evidence mounting up to the opposite. The new generation is rebelling against the previous liberal one. That's why you rarely get 3 terms in a row for one party in USA. The whole sjw liberalism is going to be pushed right back both demographically and ideologically.


    Liberals for the most part just aren't interested in having kids or a large family.Me and my wife are conservative we want 4 or 5 kids and already on our way but 4 liberal couples we know or work with some want none others want 1 or 2 max and only one couple has one child.  Liberalism also just isn't cool nowadays I hear the young'uns talking about pepe and god emperor trump etc you dont hear them talking about mirco aggressions or checking their privilege.


    We saw the start of this with trumps election . Big rural conservative families coming out and voting for trump . It won him Pennsylvania ,Florida,Ohio etc and nearly won him Virginia and new Hampshire. Also let's not forget 30% of Latinos voted trump. Be interesting I love election nights there's one in the UK I'm staying up for tomorrow.








    BTW In the 90s it was right wingers and Christians that were very uncool saying how video games made you violent and Marilyn Mansons music was of the devil etc remember that? Now its the left wing saying video games are all about white male heroism or they make you sexist by abusing female avators etc or a certain singer says something out of turn and they have to come on twitter in that ' I didn't understand the sensitivities of dressing as a native American' :lol: or having my hair in dreads etc. A conservative would just tell them to fuck off . In 20 years we will be laughing at the liberals and the SJWs.




    Well, the thing about last election is that Clinton was unpopular (both candidates were actually), and it just so happened that Trump was lucky enough to win. Many of the liberals either didn't vote or voted for the independence candidate, which was one of the reasons why Clinton lost. You talk about lots of Latinos voted for Trump, but that honestly makes sense, as they have escaped communist, very liberal, countries (which isn't really doing that well, hence why certain conservative policies are beneficial). The liberals will be back, more of them will be voting next time, and it's very unlikely to be a conservative win (it's not impossible though, the liberals could once again nominate another unpopular candidate and cost them the election again). 


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