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Joey Russ

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Posts posted by Joey Russ

  1. 19 minutes ago, charon said:

    Joey, the vast majority of any politicians statements are false, fuck, outright lies would be a better, more accurate phrase. And he'll be fine policy wise as the imperialists idea of a liberal is what the Rest of the World consider a nazi.gif

    I try to keep a very open mind for any politician. I can tell you the things that Obama did right, but I can also tell what areas he fucked up on. The same goes for both Bushes, Clinton, Reagan, Carter, Ford. Hell, even Nixon did a few things right even though he was one of the most crooked presidents ever. You can also look at critically acclaimed presidents, such as Kennedy and both Roosevelts, and despite the things they did right, there were also things that they screwed up on (especially Kennedy in his first 100 days). Here's what I'm saying: I know all politicians lie about certain aspects of their plan, but they do always have a bit of the truth in their campaign as well. They do things that they promise, but then there are certain parts of their promise that they don't uphold, for various reasons (whether its the fact they don't really care about their promise or pressure from other parts of the government). The thing about Trump, though, is that every single thing that he's done has been harmful to his country. He is definitely one of the worst in American history.

  2. I honestly don't understand why people think he will be reelected in 2020. The vast majority of his statements he's saying are false, and nearly all the liberals hate him. They will come out and vote against him, in stronger force than last time. Plus, most of the post 2000 births that are finally able to vote (including myself) will be voting against him, so he will be having 4 years max. 

  3. 5 minutes ago, Windsor said:

    Have I won the Jimmy Carter sweepstake yet?


    Told you all he'd be fine...

    I wish I could give you more than one like, cause that should be your prize. Lots of likes.

    • Like 1

  4. 1 minute ago, Wormfarmer said:


    That is what the protected "4" is for.  If you do your own research and come up with a few names that you don't want everyone else to John Dillinger on you, you get your list in early and hit them with a protected moniker.   Nobody else can use em.  Sounds made to order, gents! 

    No, I'm talking about potential DDP fodder for the following year. I want to keep those hidden, so I won't play.

  5. Just now, gcreptile said:

    The subs wouldn't always suit the letters though... tough.


    I quite like the idea, though. However, I have a couple of recent additions to my short list that I hesitate revealing right now.

    Same here. I'm probably not going to take part to keep the names that haven't been revealed secret. 

  6. On 6/2/2017 at 05:41, Deathtreat23 said:

    And if this does happen in the next few days that will be another death from the bottom of the list.

    Looks like you jinxed it. Hope your happy. 


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