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Joey Russ

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Posts posted by Joey Russ

  1. 38 minutes ago, YoungWillz said:

    Richard Arvine Overton is in hospital with pneumonia: http://keyetv.com/news/local/oldest-living-veteran-austinite-hospitalized


    With Nabeel Qureshi and Rayya Elias both ailing, looks like Sir Creep might be gaining hundreds of points on the Hare's Pool. I'm sure Joey Russ is praying for them all in his jammies tonight....

    Actually I'm hoping they die right now. What I'm praying for is the rest of my team to make it to, say, October, and then they can drop like flies. :D 

    • Like 1

  2. The thing about the Daily Mail is while banning it would get rid of the cancer mums, unless they start accepting US obits, many US folk wouldn't qualify anymore. And only BBC national obits would make this game very boring, there needs to be a bit of obit diversity. I think banning cancer mums would just be easier, unless they're like Kate Granger or such.

  3. 5 minutes ago, The Mad Hatter said:

    You know its possible that he had a heart attack or something don't immediately jump to suicide. 

    He was very active to the last day, with no known health issues. He died all of a sudden. Of course there's going to be a possibility of suicide, but that doesn't mean he did actually do it.

  4. 50 minutes ago, ObakeFilter said:

    Was there anything special in 1991 that made people think Beenhakker would die?

    Back in the early days of deathlist, their research wasn't as strong as today's list. Hence why low scores, and still having 8 (though it should be 7 soon due to Noriega's expected demise) on the 1990 list. 

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  5. 8 minutes ago, The Mad Hatter said:

    I hope trump doesn't get impeached things would get ugly if he gets impeached. Too many may see it as an attack and fight back.

    Even the democrats are cautious for the most part. They're going to wait for more evidence, and once more evidence shows up, then they'll try to impeach him. It's no longer just a dream, it's now a possibility, but calling it too early could be a wrong call. 

  6. 27 minutes ago, jackschlotter said:

    If President Trump is impeached, the line of succession goes as follows...

    1. Vice President Mike Pence

    2. House Speaker Paul Ryan

    3. Senate Pro-Tempore Orrin Hatch

    4-18 are all cabinet members and it won't likely go that far.

    1-18 are ALL republicans so it's not like it'll be anybody different, just someone with a healthy temper and ability to be liked.

    I'm talking about if the ENTIRE administration, not just Trump, gets impeached, and that could be possible, though unlikely to say the least. It probably will be a republican replacement though, if the administration does disappear. Just hope whoever becomes president, that they do a much better job than Trump. 

  7. 4 minutes ago, Death Impends said:

    Still don't think Trump is a goner, due to the overall spinelessness of Congress.

    I think that will be the biggest issue. I doubt if Trump does last all 4 years that he'll get reelected cause I suspect more liberals will vote and those who are unsure of Hillary and voted Trump will vote against him. Of course, he's still going to have a large amount of supporters, but I don't think it's enough for next election. 

    As for impeachment, well, I think it is possible, cause while not all republicans will impeach him, I suspect the more moderate republicans will vote against him, and it'll either be close or a yay for impeachment. But there's still going to be a group who are in support for Trump cause he is making America "great" again.

    Of course, that is just my thought.



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