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Joey Russ

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Posts posted by Joey Russ

  1. 18 minutes ago, Shaun of the Dead said:

    They should just use a rope.Much easier and cheaper.

    Personally, I think the death penalty is a waste of time and money, and should not be made legal by the law. 

  2. On 4/14/2017 at 17:18, RadGuy said:

    So, at a zoo somewhere in America (don't even know which city), there is a giraffe named April. She has been "close to giving birth" for TWO MONTHS NOW.


    Every fucking day I go on Facebook, and all the news channels like ABC are doing livestreams of her in her fucking pen, walking around, shitting, sleeping. And the worst part is: I'm the only one who seems to be annoyed by this!


    There's a bunch of fucking old ass soccer moms with nothing better to do, commenting on the livestream "You can do it April!" and "Give her some time, she's in a high-stress situation!" and "I'm watching from Shitsville, Wisconsin" and "I've been watching since February and I won't give up on her!" and "Gotta make dinner, hopefully I don't miss anything important" (as if anything important ever happens). 


    I swear, why do people actually give care about a random fucking giraffe? Tons of animals give birth every fuckin day!

    Well, she finally gave birth. They should stop complaining now.

  3. I still think Suisala has a chance to obit, and that's because they can pick up stories again that are more than half a year old that haven't been reported since. Take a look at Jade Pateman. First reported in July, not a single mention since until she dies, then the story got picked up again. That was nearly a 7 month gap. So, anything is possible really. 

  4. 7 minutes ago, Shaun of the Dead said:

    Also wasnt there originally 8 on schedule to die in Arkansas?

    Yes. One was successfully pushed to a later date, but the others are still expected to be killed by the end of the month. 

  5. Considering his mother died in her mid 90s, then it'll likely mean he'll reach a great age as well. Just a thought. 


    (Disclaimer: It doesn't eliminate the possibility of a terminal cancer diagnosis or something like that, so that can end his life earlier.) 

  6. I've been in a really bad mood lately, which is why I think the quality of my posts has plummeted recently (though they never have been the greatest). I won't explain details of it though. This is also why I haven't posted an update for The Joker's Dead Pool in a while (there's at least 6 deaths I need to work on). Hoping for an update by the end of the month, and hopefully I can get out of this bad mood rather soon, cause it's affecting my life pretty badly. 


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