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Joey Russ

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Posts posted by Joey Russ


    Update on DDP and Deathrace pick Alan Aspin, who is surprising his doctors by still being alive:




    The announcement that he had "days to live" was not because of the cancer but because of septicaemia after the tumour burst.



    It seems Alan Aspin has died off the radar, possibly?

    Pretty sure he died last Friday due to Facebook comments. Don't think he'll obit...


    But yeah, it's an arms race because if one person makes that pick, everyone else has to. One possible solution that probably needs working on is, not the Wikipedia route (which would penalise people in certain fields and benefit those in others, do we really want every fucking webcomic artist ever to be a valid obit?), but maybe the celeb pick in question has to have been MENTIONED in a qualifying obit source for reasons other than illness prior to them being picked. So for this, say, Rowena Kincaid would count, Kris Travis would count, probably even Kate Granger as well, but your Lauren Hills and the like would get bupkiss.



    Just a possibility for the FFBI picks in the future. I remember reading this sometime last year...

  3. Loughlin, Suisala, Aspin, Magill, Sims, McGiffin, Elias, Zandvliet are NOT famous. All vault material. And we all know that.

    Weren't you the one that said Christie and Downie were more famous for being ill than their actual occupations?

  4. So someone like Rowena Kincaid would definitely still qualify in your books. People like Ben Suisala would probably still qualify as well. But someone like Mark Sims or Lisa Magill would definitely not qualify.

  5. At what point does an old person become a terminally ill person?

    It could be said that the likes of Kirk Douglas, Vera Lynn or Hugh Hefner could be classed as terminally ill simply due to their age.

    An old person can't be classed as a terminally ill person until they have a terminal illness like King Michael. Those are simply just old people you are talking about.




    She was always on the tellybox in the 90s doing some daft thing or other, and then for some reason hasn't been seen for years now. Had forgotten about her to be honest. Any drug or alcohol related death is a tragedy in my view. Nature can be cruel with things like cancer but addiction is people being cruel to themselves.



    ??? According to science, everything that happens obeys the laws of nature. In fact, the medieval Cartesian view that there is a ghost with causal powers in the brain-machine is currently regarded as ridiculous by scientists. No death is a tragedy since everything that happens obeys the laws of nature.

    Cartesius uses the ghost theory to found his scientifical method. It was only supposed per absurdum to demonstrate man can be sure of something he is doing, thinking, even if the ghost keeps us in a fictional reality. I'm sure he did not really believe there was a ghost in our brain (well, in some brains there may be a ghost...) and he did not know about TPT.


    Yes but had Cartius a choice? Did he have causal powers? Nature has causal powers. The common-sense theory of free will says that last week, while you still had a choice whether tobuy a ticket or not, the future was still objectively open, and

    you really could have chosen any of two or more options. But that is

    incompatible with spacetime. So according to spacetime physics, the

    openness of the future is an illusion, and therefore causation and free

    will can be no more than illusions as well. We need, and cling to, the

    belief that the future can be affected by present events, and especially

    by our choices; but perhaps that is just our way of coping with the fact

    that we do not know the future. In reality, we make no choices. Even as

    we think we are considering a choice, its outcome is already there, on

    the appropriate slice of spacetime, unchangeable like everything else in

    spacetime, and impervious to our deliberations.


    Think you meant to put it here: https://forums.deathlist.net/topic/7633-crap-poetry-corner/#entry151586

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    I can see it now, front page of the DM tomorrow: 'BEING FAMOUS CAUSES CANCER'



    Sign the petition to arrest joeyruss.


    Surely they are more likely to sign a petition to arrest an admin...

  8. Wait what? This thread is about the Titanic. Ain't no one bloody alive from the Titanic. Thread should be close. What's McCowan got to do much it? I just thumbed over his obit for any reference at all. Nothing.

    Clearly there's a connection I don't understand.


    It's a thread of people involved in the Titanic films, NOT the Titanic itself.
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