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Everything posted by theoldlady

  1. theoldlady

    The 4th Death of 2017

    Went with Leah Bracknell this time. I believe she is very sick. (Even though in my heart I wish Ian Brady will soon meet his maker.)
  2. theoldlady

    The Weather

    You are correct, heavy rain yesterday and bright sunshine this morning. Have a great day.
  3. theoldlady

    Gregg Allman

    Might be my second hit in 2017? Wish it would be some else though.
  4. theoldlady

    The Weather

    Raining off and on here in Western Norway. Waiting to get the NORTH American blizzards, Perhaps.....
  5. theoldlady

    The 3Rd Death Of 2017

    I like Polls. Just thought I´d bring this up so the new ones can vote.
  6. theoldlady

    Queen Elizabeth II

    Would it be possible to add her old monitor: Encrusted with barnacles, but still unsinkable. She is one strong woman. (I do not think it is rude at all.)
  7. theoldlady

    Elizabethan Deadpool

    Round 5: Sticking with Michael J. Fox.
  8. theoldlady

    Kate And Gerry

    Is there an old poll here somewhere where we can vote if we think they actually killed the little girl and tried to cover it up, or know the kidnapper(s) and let her be taken (sexual purposes, money or some other unknown reason), or they were just stupid drunks who left their children alone in a hotel room in a foreign country so they could party?
  9. theoldlady

    Elizabethan Deadpool

    I will stay with Michael J. Fox for round 4. Thank you.
  10. Hollywood has waited 8 years to be able to make fun of the government. They dared not critize a black president. They were hopping at the bit last night. Hope they GOT it out of their systems.
  11. theoldlady

    The Dead Of 2017

    Very sad indeed. Wonderful actor. He will be missed. R.I.P.
  12. theoldlady

    Donald J Trump

    Morning news programs here in Norway discussing the Sweden Problem today. Seems there are over 50 NO-GO areas in Sweden, all in the cities or larger suburbs. The police and fire-fighters do not enter for fear of their lives. In Sweden there are now 7 million Swedes plus the 2 million non-European immigrants who have arrived since the 1970s. Authorities here in Norway are worried this will spill over here. These are criminal elements, youth gangs trying to control drug sales, etc. Most confounding is the controlled Swedish press will only cover the daily episodes on a superficial level, never discussing the causes. Remember there is cradle to the grave socialism there and no real poverty - Excellent health and educational systems also. Liberal immigration: The gift that keeps on giving. Sad, since this was once one of the top 5 countries to live in.
  13. I like the new format. Good job. (Hope folks will give it a chance. Seems like someone is working really hard on correcting any problems that always come with change.)
  14. theoldlady

    Donald J Trump

    Actually this area has incidents all the time. Along with Malmø and parts of Stockholm. The place is on Edge.
  15. theoldlady

    Donald J Trump

    Google: Rinkeby This is the city in Sweden where there have been the riots that Trump refererred to in his speech (the riots are still going on as I write this). This news is finally being covered here in Norway where I live. Gangs of emigrant youths control the drug trade in most Swedish cities. In Malmø there are areas where the fire fighters cannot go for fear of their own lives and safety. Yet again Trump is correct.
  16. theoldlady

    Who on the 2017 list would you like to meet?

    Olivia de Havilland is my choice. Would be interesting to hear about the old Hollywood, both the good and bad parts. She has seen a lot in her many years on this planet.
  17. theoldlady

    Elizabethan Deadpool

    I will go with Michael J. Fox again.
  18. theoldlady

    Nobel Prize In Death

    This is very sad news indeed. Hard working lady.
  19. theoldlady

    New Moderator(S)?

    Congratulations! Enjoy!
  20. theoldlady

    Predict Your Own Death.....

    Hope you are still alive! If not, R.I.P.
  21. theoldlady

    Kirk Douglas

    That's brave of her. True. Those Hollywood folks are an evil group of beings.
  22. theoldlady

    The Walking Dead

    Forgot to write: When I take those online quizes I turn out to be Maggie. Nice to be 30-35 years younger than I actually am.
  23. theoldlady

    The Walking Dead

    Yep, I am a fan. It is showing tonight, Monday at 21:55 here in Norway on Fox International. We get it the day after it runs in the USA, which in some ways strange since many of the actors, like the actors who play Maggie and Rick are British. You would think the Brits should get to SEE it Sunday also. We also get the Talking Dead afterwards.
  24. theoldlady

    Kirk Douglas

    ??? Rapist pig? Could you elaborate? They mean Natalie Wood. Unproven, of course. Could you send us a link? Here[/size] Thanks Cat for following up this conversation. Natalie´s sister is planning to come out with this information when the pig finally dies. He and his studio at the time are also suspects in a disappearance/death of another actress. Sick, evil man.

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