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Zsa Zsa's leg

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Everything posted by Zsa Zsa's leg

  1. Zsa Zsa's leg

    Donald J Trump

    The Rock is a registered Independent, so he can't run as a Democrat in 2020 under a new DNC rule which also applies to Bernie Sanders. This is of course assuming they don't change party affiliation before the 2020 primary season.
  2. Zsa Zsa's leg

    Donald J Trump

    Cruz is a naturalized U.S. citizen, which means he is eligible to run for President. I also assume Duckworth is naturlized as she fought for us in Iraq. I agree with most of y'all: corporate, center left Democrats like Booker, Harris, Gillibrand, Kaine, e.t.c. will flop miserably, and Trump will have a larger victory than in 2016, ala Dubya in 2004. I think that my state's Governor, John Bel Edwards is an excellent pick for President: he's a governor, he's a moderate Democrat, he has proven leadership by helping Louisiana during the 2016 floods, he seems to have a clean record, and he won in a red state in an off year under a Democratic President. He fits the mold of relatively unknown Southern Governor that Carter and Clinton were elected under, and he has worked with Trump before. A Bel Edwards/Duckworth ticket is my dream, but unfortunately he has a re-election campaign in 2019 (ugh, off year elections) which is when most of the major Presidential Candidates declare and bow down to Soros and the unions. JBE will have to either decline seeking re-election to win in what will likely be a VERY crowded primary, or pass and run for re-election in Louisiana. Anyways, I think Bernie could win. If he runs in 2020, he will fit a historical mold of a left wing Ronald Reagan, having lost a primary to the favorite of the party 4 years earlier, winning against a deeply flawed, unpopular, and untraditional candidate (Carter, Trump), and then goes on to be the nation's most revolutionary Democratic President as well as the oldest. It's uncanny.
  3. Zsa Zsa's leg

    DL Status Updates: Statements, Obsevations & Verbal Tennis

    I would actually like to join the military... if we weren't in such vulnerable times. Grandfather gives me Vietnam bullets every year for my birthday and attempts to coerce me into service. He's 74 this year and I've always wanted to enlist just to make him happy. Since my Great Grandfather, My Grandfather, and Uncle served I would be the 4th generation of military service in my family.
  4. Zsa Zsa's leg


    Rapper Rich the Kid hospitalized after being robbed at gunpoint.
  5. Zsa Zsa's leg

    Donald J Trump

    Of course. He clearly cares about himself more than anything.
  6. Zsa Zsa's leg

    Donald J Trump

    Logic would tell anybody else in this case to not pardon Manafort. But with Giuliani on his side, who literally went rogue and exposed the Stormy Daniels affair on live television, anything can happen.
  7. Zsa Zsa's leg

    The Weather

    Looks like my beach vacation will be stormed out...
  8. Zsa Zsa's leg

    Death In The Family

    Deepest condolences. Thoughts are with you.
  9. Zsa Zsa's leg

    Political Frailty

    Right wingers never die. We've been waiting for an eternity for Cheney, Bush Sr., Kissinger, and Dole. And we already waited eternities for the Reagans, Thatcher, Nixon, and Ford. You can count on them to be bedblockers if anybody.
  10. Zsa Zsa's leg

    Donald J Trump

    World War III would never have and never will come from North Korea, they have no solid allies, and they know that. Keep in mind that the summit only benefits Kim because North Korea has nothing to lose, if Trump gives Kim anything for denuclearization, Kim automatically wins. As for where World War III will start, I suppose Russia and Iran vs Saudi Arabia and The U.S..
  11. Zsa Zsa's leg

    Donald J Trump

    Obama didn't deserve his peace prize either. The role of a President for the most part in meetings like the Singapore summit are far exaggerated by the respective administrations ; It's the work of their advisors and diplomats. Carter is the only recent President that deserved a nobel prize for his work in Africa and so forth.
  12. Zsa Zsa's leg

    Donald J Trump

    Pfttt. He won't even be nominated. That whole "summit" was a publicity stunt. I wouldn't be tol condifent that anything comes out of it that we haven't seen before other than a photo-op.
  13. Zsa Zsa's leg

    Donald J Trump

    Must be nice her job, still having the time to go to a kindergarden party past 8pm on a Wednesday on June 13th. Or maybe that's a code expression for a briefing with the President.
  14. Zsa Zsa's leg

    Donald J Trump

    Well not so fast. Maybe she lied about HER OWN departure from the White House, or the administration was trying to catch a leaker.
  15. Zsa Zsa's leg

    Donald J Trump

    Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders and Deputy Press Secretary Raj Shah are leaving the White House. Never been one to bash Sanders too much even though her father and the President she stold by for almost a year are horrible people. She's very smart and good at her job: which is basically lying to the American people on a daily basis. She would make one hell of an Attorney or politician herself.
  16. Zsa Zsa's leg

    Donald J Trump

    Which they? Democrats or Republicans, because the answer is no for both, with a few exceptions under Obama. I wouldn't say Democrats developed their general belief system around the 60's though if you were referring to them. I say their current beliefs became apparent after 2000 and after 9/11, and the GOP's current beliefs stem from a mix of Goldwater, Nixon, and Reagan. The reason why Democrats only recently began to conform to one set of beliefs is because even after the Civil Right Act of '64, which prompted conservatives to realign themselves with the GOP, local Representatives and Governors remained Democratic yet conservative at the same time because changing parties looked like a "flip flop." Over time though, as younger voters of the anti-war movement strongly moved to the Democratic collum, liberals slowly but surely took a majority of the party and a substantial portion of conservative Dixiecrats began to retire or die. Bill Clinton's election in '92 paused the rapid liberalization of the Democratic Party, but it resumed after Clinton left office and the anti-war movement commenced and energized the remaining anti-war Democrats during Vietnam and the 21st century anti-war Democrats. I would say America didn't get their first liberal President until Obama, who legitimized the liberal and minority wings of the party, officially abandoning Dixiecrats. Now today, Obama is gone and after 8 years of the collapse of the Democratic party in both chambers of Congress, Governor's Mansions, State Legislatures, and in the White House, few Dixiecrats remain. Of course there are exceptions like Joe Manchin, Collin Peterson, John Bel Edwards (my governor), Joe Donnelly, and the House Blue Dog Caucus. Nevertheless, the Blue Dog Caucus has shrunk significantly from 54 members after Obama's election to 18 members today. And to be fair, Obama would have done more to act in favor of people over corporations, but he had no room to move with a Republican congress lead by Boehner, McConnell, and Ryan at his throat for 3/4 of his term. Obamacare was only narrowly passed in the 2 years he had a Democratic majority in both chambers.
  17. Zsa Zsa's leg

    George Bush Senior

    Sigh. The only famous person I share a birthday with other than Anne Frank. Gonna miss having somebody alive to share the big day with and know that they're aging too!
  18. Zsa Zsa's leg

    Conspiracy Theories

    Saw some recent theories about the Spade and Bourdain deaths. Nothing much, just mentioning Spade's loosely connected work with the Clintons in Haiti and witches casting a spell to protect Bourdain's girlfriend. Seems like many are just REACHING to find a conspiracy.
  19. Zsa Zsa's leg

    Kim Jong-Un

  20. Zsa Zsa's leg

    Donald J Trump

    Stripping away healthcare from 24 million Americans to benefit corporations that for the most part don't work in the U.S.
  21. Zsa Zsa's leg

    Donald J Trump

    I'm excited Kudlow, Azar, Trump, McConnell, Sessions, and Ryan are walking down the healthcare road again. It's what caused so many Democrats and even some Republicans/R Leaning Indy's to get out and get involved in their government and build the blue wave. You would imagine the Republicans would know better than to propose bills that strip 24 million Americans of their health insurance, but nevertheless they persist. Their proposals will never pass (knock on wood), because of moderate warrior icons like John McCain (I assume Cindy will vote the same if she gets appointed), Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski. It's like they don't want to win this year? It would take a televized broadcast of Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer killing somebody to spin this in favor of the Republicans. Democrats learned not to touch healthcare the hard way when O'Care passed by just a few House votes with a supermajority in both chambers. But Republicans have a narrower majority and a brain dead pig in the White House. Regardless, Sessions' move to join the states against the ACA is VERY odd on paper, but it's probably smart for himself, because if Sessions succeeds in shooting down O'Care in the courts, it could redeem Sessions in Trump's mind as reports have recently indicated that Trump is so mad at Sessions over RussiaGate and his recusal that his name isn't allowed to be said in the White House. A personal political move could very possibly remove health insurance from 24 million Americans. This, net neutrality repeal, and the elimination of the Child Health Insurance Program should be enough for every voter to vote these evil SOB's out of office. Shame on Democrats if they don't let every American hear about this treason and campaign about it 24/7.
  22. Zsa Zsa's leg

    Donald J Trump

    Double posting because this thread seems more appropriate.
  23. Zsa Zsa's leg

    Political Frailty

    Larry Kudlow, National Economic Council director has suffered a heart attack according to President Trump.
  24. Zsa Zsa's leg

    Donald J Trump

    More about that, Trump is "tired" of Theresa May's "school mistress tone" and won't hold talks with her at the G7.

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