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Everything posted by bladan

  1. bladan

    Bill Cosby

    Did he drop the soap
  2. bladan

    Bill Cosby

    Is that rumour about black men true
  3. bladan

    Read Any Good Books Lately?

    As you found out, Flow my Tears isn't among his best. Don't worry, according to not only Pablo Picasso but - more importantly - me, here's a masterpiece: Guillaume Apollinaire's THE ELEVEN THOUSAND RODS (Les Onze Mille Verges), debauched aristocrat Mony Vibescu and a circle of fellow sybarites blaze a trail of uncontrollable lust, bloody cruelty and depravity across the streets of Europe. I really liked it.
  4. Farting world championship 2018 - the one at 2:35 is a doozy
  5. bladan

    Dead Pop Stars

    Hey hey, my my Fish and chips can never die There's more to the picture Than meets the eye.
  6. The Gnostics said that all souls are female and even have a womb. So both men and women have a womb and a pussy. When we die, we meet the ultimate lover - the Grim Reaper. I can prove this! Read "the ascent of the soul" for starters.
  7. ... and artistic and interesting, like Dali or Picasso. Death to the talented people! OK I get away
  8. Read the The Parable about the Ten Bridesmaids (Matt. 25:1-13). Do you get it? We are the bridesmaids and the Grim Reaper is the groom. Don't be a foolish bridemaid.
  9. I'm not drunk. Cheers! Prove that the Grim Reaper isn't real. I tell you a secret: his number is 55. Death is nothing but a marriage to the Grim Reaper. This is the old Gnostic view and it is true, as I have heard from Hell. The Grim Reaper is the Being of Light, often seen during NDEs
  10. To tell the truth I right clicked the image and viewed the info which says "Image result for ambulocetus natans". That was the hidden clue. I have a theory. This may sound crazy but I think the Grim Reaper may be real. He may be the missing half of all living beings, the bridegroom. In that case death is a wedding, as C.G:Jung put it. What do you think? A question. What kind of dress does Christine Schäfer wear above?
  11. What are the skeletons around Christine Schäfer and what is the last picture http://www.onyxclassics.com/pressroom/ONYX4021.pdf
  12. bladan

    Next shocking death?

    Lewis Hamilton
  13. No, I'm a latent composer. That's from the collection of http://www.saunalahti.fi/g333/siitoin
  14. bladan

    Elvis Costello

  15. bladan

    Death Anniversary Thread

    Mohamed Atta, victim of aviation disaster 17 years ago
  16. bladan

    Next shocking death?

  17. bladan

    Crashing Companies

    Musk is a must https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-45449417

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