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Everything posted by bladan

  1. bladan

    Dead Pop Stars

    Zombification didn't work out
  2. bladan

    Donald J Trump

    Some countries are indeed shitholes. US should return stolen land to Indian tribes, says United Nations https://www.theguardian.com/world/2012/may/04/us-stolen-land-indian-tribes-un US Country Overshoot Day is 14 March. If all of humanity consumed like the people of US, 4.8 Earths would be needed https://www.footprintnetwork.org/ US is the only country where climate change denial is still broadly accepted https://matadornetwork.com/change/united-states-country-climate-change-denial-still-broadly-accepted-heres/ US is the only country where 80 % of the people live in poverty or near poverty https://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/07/28/poverty-unemployment-rates_n_3666594.html US is the only developed country in the world without national health insurance, aside from Bulgaria, White Russia, and a couple small countries created by the break up of Yugoslavia http://slippedisc.com/2017/09/an-american-musician-grapples-with-lack-of-health-insurance/ US has started 81% of the wars since WWII http://investmentwatchblog.com/america-has-started-81-of-the-wars-since-wwii/ US is the only country to have used nuclear weapons against another country https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_weapons_of_the_United_States US is the only country that has Ku Klux Klan https://www.cbsnews.com/pictures/the-kkk-today/
  3. bladan

    Summer Olympic Deaths/Dead Medallists

    Subarus and Volvos and horrific crashes. Why are we driving all the time? Why not just stay home on benefits and drink. Anthropocentrism is is the belief that human beings are the most significant entity of the universe.
  4. bladan

    Eric Clapton

    EC, cool, "slowhand" perhaps my favorite musician. But only in Cream, and live. After 1968 he has been extremely boring
  5. bladan

    Curse Of The Eurovision

    You mean Michel Berger is still not buried? That's awful
  6. bladan

    Ideas and Possibilities for 2019

    " silver medal winner at the 1976 Olympic games " Silver medal loser – Viren won. I saw it
  7. bladan

    Interesting Ways To Die...

    The captain of a 20-seater business jet has been killed today in Finland at the Kittilä airport by the front door of the plane. There were no passengers at the time of the event.
  8. bladan

    Donald J Trump

    The missiles are flying, hallelujah... hallelujah. – Greg Stillson, President
  9. bladan

    The Beatles Death Curse

    Jesus Christ, a Jewish music fan, has died aged 33. He was hired by his 12 disciples to promote his spiritual message, after which he also worked heavily with Satan.
  10. bladan

    A Joke

    What did Trump say to Kim Jong-un? – My nuke button is bigger than yours.
  11. bladan

    The Dead of 2018

    Dead again in 2018?
  12. bladan

    Interesting Ways To Die...

    Exactly. I'm glad when all this sadness is over. As Skip James (then Cream) put it: I'm so glad, I'm so glad, I'm glad etc.
  13. bladan

    Val Kilmer

    "Val kept his chin down" I'd get a scarf
  14. bladan

    Interesting Ways To Die...

    "Killer clothing donation bins from outer space" would make a great film
  15. bladan

    Interesting Ways To Die...

    A man died in Germany on Christmas Day after being trapped in a charity clothing drop-off bin. He was found stuck head-first http://www.news.com.au/world/breaking-news/man-dies-after-trapped-in-clothes-bin/news-story/ae11ca697022472e9d30f44881769fae
  16. bladan

    Kim Jong-Un

    My hero Kim Jong-Un could be in danger! 20% chance Kim is assassinated James (Jim) Rickards is an American lawyer, economist, investment banker, and best-selling author. On Tuesday Rickards wrote: The most important financial or geopolitical issue in the world today is a coming war between the U.S. and North Korea, probably in the next twelve weeks. How can I be so sure about the timing? The Director of the Central Intelligence Agency told me. https://www.dailyreckoning.com.au/us-attack-north-korea-march/2017/12/19/
  17. bladan

    Curse Of The Eurovision

    Interesting! When I read that, Poupee de Cire, Poupee de Son began to play in my head and I had to visit youtube and check out if it was playing in correct pitch in my head. Success! Does that mean that I have absolute pitch? Or is everyone capable of doing that?
  18. bladan

    Scientists, Inventors And Techno Wizards

    He died on Saturday – day of Saturn, the planet of darkness which is the enemy of Sun and solar power two days after Northern Hemisphere Winter Solstice
  19. bladan

    Seen Any Good Films Lately?

    I like this a lot. No subtitles but easy to understand
  20. bladan

    The Chequered Flag

    JJ Lehto in a bad karting accident! (in May 2017) shoulder and knee needed then a rebuild and six months
  21. bladan

    Curse Of The Eurovision

    I can see the doctor's nose grow long
  22. bladan

    Summer Olympic Deaths/Dead Medallists

    Polish high jumper Elżbieta Krawczuk-Trylińska, two-time European indoor medalist died on December 13in Saint-Remy, France, in the town where she lived since 1989. She was 57 years old. In 1980 she competed in the Olympic Games in Moscow; half a year after the competition in Łużniki, she won the silver medal in the European Indoor Championships (1.94). Six years later in another French city - Lievin - she won in this event bronze (1.91).
  23. bladan

    A Joke

    Donald Trump made a state visit to Uganda and got a monkey as a part of the gift exchange. Back in the White House, he had no idea what to do with the monkey. He decided to eat humble pie and called Hillary. She told Trump to take the monkey to the zoo. Next week Trump again called Hillary. "Thank you for a great tip. We had a lot of fun in the zoo! Today we're going to the Museum of Modern Art!""

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