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Posts posted by bladan

  1. 15 minutes ago, Life Is Beautiful said:

    That's a popular myth. There has never been any tangible proof that Reagan had Alzheimer's while being in office except for some vague and unverified claims from his son. Besides, The Gipper had probably the best medical care in the world at the time and I'm sure SOMEONE out of the dozen of highly qualified doctors of his would have figured that out during his second term.

    According to Prof Dick Swaab, an international doctor of neuroscience, Reagan's Alzheimer's while being in office is not a myth. Read Swaab's bestselling book, it's very good


    "the dozen of highly qualified doctors of his " You mean the dozen of highly paid doctors of his?


    Those hobbling old men with their nuke launch codes...

  2. On 12/8/2017 at 21:26, Life Is Beautiful said:

    I've said before that Trump reminds me of LBJ, in the sense that he will barely get through two terms then croak right after. Reagan looked way healthier at that same age.

    There are medical indications that Reagan got Alzheimer's aged 73 in 1984. His speech became slower and more erratic.

    Now Trump is reported to use two hands to drink a glass of water (or a can of diet coke)

  3. 58 minutes ago, BeretBleu said:


    yes France is shutdown today. TV, Internet, people speak only about him. All channel will be about Johnny this evening and Macron want make a National Tribute for his funeral. 

    Pure turbo-boosted French frog-eating demented idiocy.

  4. 2 hours ago, charon said:






    LFN is bladan.....

    Gerhard Schrader (25 February 1903 – 10 April 1990) was a German chemist specializing in the discovery of new insecticides, hoping to make progress in the fight against hunger in the world. Schrader is best known for his accidental discovery of nerve agents such as sarin and tabun, and for this he is sometimes called the "father of the nerve agents".

    Schrader was born in Bortfeld, near Wendeburg, Germany. He attended gymnasium in Braunschweig and later studied chemistry at Braunschweig University of Technology.[2] He was later employed at the Bayer AG division of IG Farben.

    Schrader discovered several very effective insecticides, including bladan (the first fully synthetic contact insecticide), and parathion (E 605). In 1936, while employed by the large German conglomerate IG Farben, he was experimenting with a class of compounds called organophosphates, which killed insects by interrupting their nervous systems. Instead of a new insecticide, he accidentally discovered tabun, an enormously toxic organophosphate compound and nerve agent. During World War II, under the Nazi regime, teams led by Schrader discovered two more organophosphate nerve agents, and a fourth after the war:

    Tabun (1936)

    Sarin (1938)

    Soman (1944)

    Cyclosarin (1949)

  5. 38 minutes ago, msc said:

    There, nirvana found.




    No no, nirvana is love buzz. It's what happens when buzz aldrin walks on keith moon. That's no more aldrin, it's pure adrenalin!



    Buzz=bee=male . Armstrong=a man who has strong arms. Collins=coitus. 1969 = sexual position "69".

    Love buzz=yoga=alchemical union of Yin and Yang.

    Apollo 11= Pollination, the process by which pollen (1) is transferred to the female reproductive organs (1) of a plant

    "The Eagle has landed" – this refers to the female scorpion and the male eagle. It is an esoteric secret.




  6. 19 hours ago, Lord Fellatio Nelson said:

    I think there would be more chance of you being a Truck driving serial killer than of being anybody else but you on here.

    If bladan is really Banshees then poor old Banshees has really gone down hill.

    I take that as a compliment. Let's go together down hill to nirvana

  7. On 11/9/2017 at 20:26, Lord Fellatio Nelson said:

    To be fair Toastie, I had no idea he was trying to be funny.

    There's no bladan. We're all one. Let's get rid of our fallen ego-consciousness and join together. Then paradise will be ours. It is already ours because time is an illusion. So everything's just fine.


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