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About MikeyG

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    Hatchet man

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  1. MikeyG

    Best Star wars movie

    Loved Empire but voted Rogue One as it's still the only film Disney have made that I've actually watched a few times after it left the cinema. As someone above said, the scene at the end of Rogue One of Vaders murderous mayhem is 25 seconds of pure joy. In my "Wretched Hive of Scum and Villainy DDP team I've added Rian Johnson this year... more in hope than actually thinking he'll be a hit, after what he did with The Last Jedi. RoS was surprisingly not as shit as I thought it would be. Good nods to nostalgia and the original trilogy which probably bought the support of many my age lol!
  2. MikeyG

    Leah Bracknell

  3. MikeyG

    Robert Mugabe

    But not the worst for all us!
  4. MikeyG

    Hugh Hefner

    Well nobody can say he's gone to a better place
  5. MikeyG

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2018

    Deluded fool thinks he's going to win a belt too. Think he might have got boxing confused with Karate.
  6. MikeyG

    David Prowse

    Not sure he's ready to go just yet. He's getting frail in his old age but still quite active on the fan circuit. He's in Episode VIII and I sort of understand the reasoning behind not being in the Solo movie as it's set in younger days which implies there will be a more physical aspect to filming. He aint gonna be doing much running on that dodgy knee of his!
  7. MikeyG

    Jake Lamotta

    May 4th 2018
  8. MikeyG

    Ian Brady

    Star Wars 40th birthday!!!
  9. MikeyG

    David Prowse

    That's not Prowse. It's Bob Anderson who wore the suits for stunt work. This is Prowse unmasked
  10. MikeyG

    David Prowse

    Carrie Fisher had always stated her amusement at calling Prowse - Darth Farmer during filming. Prowse always moaned Lucas was covering up a monumental mistake of not casting anyone black in the main roles with his inclusion of James Earl Jones... fact of the matter is Prowse's voice was just not up to the job of lord of the sith and action needed to be taken.
  11. I love the idea of a MotD "goal of the month" style vote on deaths! Just a shame the Lightening Seeds background music wasn't playing while voting!
  12. MikeyG

    Things To Do While Waiting For Death

    But why trial a load of nonsense in the first place?
  13. MikeyG

    Things To Do While Waiting For Death

    http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/742357/teachers-students-guidebook-boys-girls-staff-pupils http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4020872/Stop-calling-boys-girls-Advisers-paid-200k-help-train-teachers-claim-using-sex-specific-classrooms-unfair-transgenders.html Wish it was bullshit! Leave kids alone. If they're gay, lesbian, trans... let them sort it out when they've matured.
  14. Come on Atlanta!! As a Broncos fan it was obviously a case of "anyone but the Patriots" given most of my NFL supporting friends picked New England because:- a - They have "England" in the name b - They do well every season! (bit like when I was a kid in the 80's and ALL my mates were Liverpool fans when we lived in South Yorkshire!) Starts about 2:30 in the morning out here so Monday morning booked off work! (considering i'm up at 05:30 for a 06:30 start, it was a no brainer!) Surprisingly enjoyed it this year without having the stresses of the Broncos progress and wondering it were were going to have another embarrassing superbowl capitulation in SB50! Either way, should be a good game
  15. MikeyG

    New Here And Just Saying Hello

    How do! I'm Mike, long time lurker on here. Exiled Yorkshireman, left the UK in 2007 to work in Germany with an aim to buy a Porsche. Unfortunately, once I'd got enough money to buy said German sports car, I met a girl, got married, had kids and now i've no money or a Porsche... but at least by being born in Germany my kids qualify to play for Deustchland when they grow up! Left Germany in 2015, now working and residing in Cyprus living the dream... and the dream is bloody cold this time of year and less rewarding thanks to that bloody referendum thing last year decimating the exchange rate! I'm a Star Wars fan hence my theme team in DDP, I try to like English football but given I'm a Sheffield Wednesday fan it doesn't work out that way often so I tend to look forward to NFL time and follow the Broncos (used to go to at least one game a year to watch them... but marriage and kids put pay to that!) Anyway, that's me. I'll try not to bother or offend anyone while here...

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